If Toxic Crystals Are So Bad, Why Do Some Recommend Them?
Well, I really cannot say why some recommendations don’t give at least a fair warning, but I suppose that most who are recommending the crystals assume the danger is low. Sometimes it is…and sometimes it isn’t.
Here’s a really good question I was recently asked by a student:
If Cinnabar is a toxic crystal why do crystal healing books recommend it?
For that matter, why would anyone recommend working with ANY toxic crystals at all?
In this video, I answer that question
Cinnabar are the red crystals in the photo below. The proper mineral name for Cinnabar happens to be Mercury Sulfide.
Cinnabar has a Mohs hardness (that’s a term we use to determine how hard it is) of 2 to 2.5. That means it’s relatively soft, meaning it can easily be scratched & can flake off. So, mercury that can easily flake off…hmmm, something to keep in mind.
Now, you may know that mercury is a toxic element…and it’s been known to make people go crazy. That’s right, NUTBALLZ.
This is where the term “Madhatter” came from…because hat makers used to use mercury to help with making the hats; for the felting process. After working with it for some time they became loopy. And that’s one of the side effects…besides the fact that it can kill you! High levels of mercury exposure can be harmful to your brain, heart, kidneys, lungs & immune system. Yikes.
So, yes, after handling Cinnabar I would wash my hands!
Some say if you work with a tumbled piece it’s less friable (brittle) & therefore less harmful. I still WASH MY HANDS!

Cabochon of cinnabar in milky quartz matrix.
I certainly wouldn’t recommend putting any known-toxic mineral in your mouth…because it is toxic.
Some people get nervous about working with Malachite too because Malachite has copper in it. Copper is another element considered toxic in certain quantities if ingested.
These are elements you don’t want to swallow. However, we all hold pennies, right? *ahem, I even swallowed a few pennies as a kid*
So, don’t think you’re doomed b/c you handled something that contains copper. Although an excess of copper in our system can be toxic, a certain trace amount is necessary for normal healthy functioning. It’s all a magical balancing act. Just use your own good judgment.
GEO-GEEK FACTOID: Well, what about Tiger’s Eye? It’s often used in jewelry yet it contains asbestos. Is that safe? Actually, according to the editor of Rock and Gem magazine, Bob Jones, yes, it is safe to wear. Reason is that the asbestos fibers that were originally in Tiger’s Eye have actually been replaced by silica (quartz)… just the same as what happens with petrified wood! So the invading quartz ends up taking on the form of the fibrous asbestos; is what gives Tiger’s Eye that gorgeous silky luster we call “chatoyancy” (from French for “cat’s eye,”). But the asbestos is no longer actually there. In geology, we call this process pseudo-morphing.
Now, we all have small incremental amounts of these toxic elements in our bodies. Some chemists have proposed that we have everything within us that is on the periodic table. All of it, just in varying amounts. So, yes, you may have lead, you may have mercury, but not very large amounts like we have of iron. We have huge amounts of iron inside of us.
You know pennies are made of copper and you know it’s not something you want to stick in your mouth, not something you want to swallow. Some people cook with copper pots & I’m not going to get into a debate about that. Some people drink out of aluminum cans, that’s another metal I wouldn’t want to ingest, so I am not going to get into a debate about that.
But some minerals are more toxic than others & are more molecularly unstable than others meaning that they can throw off particles of atoms which could easily be ingested, inhaled or absorbed through our pores. So, you definitely want to take that into account. BTW, the most unstable elements are radioactive. Eeeek!
A good Toxic Stones List is your friend!
I just generally refer to my toxic stones list to stay safe when working with crystals & stones. Although some stones may be more toxic than others, I say:
If there is any toxic element in that stone at all, then I recommend washing your hands after handling it & some you don’t want to handle at all! Use your discretion. If there are some elements that are highly toxic & unstable in the mineral & can break down easily it can end up in your system. So you’ll want to make sure to steer clear of it or use proper precautions when working with that crystal in any way.
Now, if you’re working with a mineral that contains an element that is known as toxic, but is not highly unstable & therefore, doesn’t have particles becoming available to be absorbed through the skin (like copper) then washing your hands thoroughly after handling the minerals should be enough.
I would def. not make gem elixirs or drink anything that has any of those toxic minerals in them. Again, please check out my toxic minerals list here.
If you’re doing lapidary work or making jewelry with these minerals, you do want to take all the proper precautions to make sure you’re not inhaling any of those elements into your lungs.
ALWAYS: Be informed, do your own research & use discretion.
Have I totally Scared You now? What Crystals are Safe to work with?
That’s a BIG question to answer b/c there are over 4,500 minerals in the world + many element combos so if you’re just not sure then stick with quartz & calcite crystals. They’re relatively 100% safe.
Here’s a list of various forms of quartz:
- clear quartz
- amethyst
- rose quartz
- citrine
- aventurine
- agates
- jaspers
Do you work with Toxic Crystals? What’s your protocol to protect yourself? I’d love to hear how you are keeping it safe. Please SHARE & tell us in the comments below & let’s talk safety. 🙂
Crystal Blessings!
WHAT~? Toxic crystals? I certainly hope they’re OK for use in jewelry..turquoise / aquamarine / tourmaline / sodalite / celestite / prehenite / moonstone / iolite / labradorite /moldavite / lapis / sugilite / garnet / ~ and a huge covellite pendant ~~~ you’ve listed my ENTIRE jewelry accumulation~!!!!
Joan, I have a turquoise piece that lives in my pocket and I’ve got prehnite and aquamarine in my bra as I type. I have a Labradorite pendant and aquamarine and moldavite rings and am hopefully soon to buy a beautiful copper bangle. I also have most of the others you’ve listed. We can be doomed together 😉
I do have a piece of sulphur and wash my hands after handling that, as my friend/mentor person advises. I think that’s the only piece I am cautious with x
Yes, Joan, but as I stated here in this post, we still pennies, don’t we? I’m just saying don’t go into it totally blind.
You are confusing the copper in pennies with the bioavialblity of copper on consumption, ingestion or inhalation. The absorption rates of copper through the skin are so low that handling pennies is not an issue. The danger from malachite and similar minerals is that the dust produced by handling, cutting, shaping, polishing etc liberates malachite into the airways. Malachite readily dissociates into copper ions in the body, and these can cause you severe issues. Put a bit of malachite through a band saw, and breathe deep – likely enough to do you serious damage. Also cinnabar, skin contact will not cause you issues from mercury toxicity. But, a hot day, or even the heat from handling cinnabar is enough to release mercury, and its associated vapour phases. These are lethal. So yeah, cinnabar is a danger to handle, as are most other arsenic bearing minerals: realgar, orpiment, adamite…. careful now.
Regarding your reply about malachite – can I assume that it’s safe to wear as a necklace next to your skin since you’re not breathing it?
Also, tourmaline contains aluminum. Does that mean it’s not safe to wear a raw tourmaline pendant next to your skin?
And one more, how about Rhodochrosite next to your skin?
I realize a lot of these crystals are toxic as exlixers, but I’m wondering about wearing them next to your skin as pendants or bracelets.
I’ve read somewhere that what everyone calls Cinnabar is actually Cinnabarite and the pink/red is actually Thulite & not toxic. Anyone know if this is true? Actual Cinnabar is highly toxic but I’m wondering about the white & pink/reddish spots cabachon you have pictured labeled Cinnabar.
Thanks Hibiscus. I use some toxic crystals, like malachite, but I feel crystals are like any other healing tool. For example, some plants and herbs are toxic, but still powerful healers, e.g. aconite. They need to be used with knowledge and safety precautions, as you point out. And there are safe ways to make elixirs if needed too. Indirect method is what to look for. Crystal blessings xx
Exactly, Karen. I like your approach to it. 🙂
I actually like that you have a toxic crystal list.Im thinking about composing my own crystal journal discoveries.For me I was taught naturally to synergise my energies and attune to certain things such as crystals.I came across some alchemical pure stones and impure stones.The pure stone I found helps aid parasitic energy and can be used to cleanse the EMF field and smog.Naturally intuitive it can aid illnesses and black magic but there are only two pure stones that I can recall.The impure or toxic stones that I have I either choose to distribute amongst my plants or gift back to mother nature I don’t sell these weak toxic stones as the frequency is quite dense and it does attract some toxic people of different outer world beings.The most toxic stone is the quartz and any other boron silicates.If not handled or attune properly by element cleansing it can have some nasty effects over the beholder.
Is fluorite safe to handle..? I have pretty large crystal collection and I’m kinda a germaphobe so.. (me freaking out) do I need to be careful when handling things like fluorite?? Do I need to be cautious?
I have a piece of jewelry made from Actinolite that I fell in love with and purchased, but later found out it is known to contain asbestos. It is a polished stone – is it safe to wear??
Yes. only liberated dust particles are a danger with asbestos. And even then only long term exposure is harmful (unless you have crocidolite – thats a single exposure mesothelioma sentence).
Great advice
For me it depends on the stone. I have no issue using most toxic stones. I wash my hands after I use stibnite and galena. I also have realgar which is much more dangerous. I have not worked with this stone yet but it stays in a plastic bag so I do not touch it directly because of the arsenic content.
I wear labradorite pendant and a cluster of atones in a spiral swirl of silver wire as a pendant.
It has rose quartz, hematite, rutilated quartz, malacite, and black tourmaline in it. I will keep the malacite to the top side now and I will quit putting it to my mouth! Hahaha.
I wear them every day!
Thank you so much for all your teachings Hibiscus Moon ❤
Hi! I spend almost every day in old abandoned mines searching for minerals and crystals. I find uraninite, arsenopyrite, and many of the minerals on the toxic list. I steer clear of those for the most part, but many of the ones on that list I handle daily. While they do contain elements that can be harmful, so do many other things we handle on a daily basis. The wiring in my house contains more copper than my mineral collection for sure. Point being, I wouldn’t over think it. Just don’t eat your minerals.
Man that sounds like an awesome and dangerous hobby. I’d love to hardhat and headlamp up and tag along on such an adventure!
Woah! I never knew celestite was Toxic! I can sit for hours holding, rubbing/stroking/feeling this stone and it’s individual crystals and not always wash my hands. I wonder how toxic Celestite ????
I have a beautiful specimen of orpiment that I handle VERY carefully! I keep it on an upper shelf in a pretty cigar box and inside it is resting on a slab of selenite. When I hold it I wear latex gloves and still wash my hands after. When I use it on my solar plexus it makes a powerful punch of male energy!
If Toxic Crystals Are So Bad, Why Do Some Recommend Them?
Because the metaphysical crowd doesn’t seem to understand sciences properly.
Hm… while I suppose posts like these are necessary – everything with a grain of salt. Working with minerals\crystals is no different than working with plants. Common sense and research are key. Bottom line, don’t eat your crystals\stones and don’t plop stones in a water bottle to drink (use indirect method)!
So does this mean the Tigers eye I bought is fine to wear? Its polished and has a few tiny scrapes on it. But is it fine? A load of people were shouting asbestos and I got worried.
I am a life long gemstone cutter and have a MS in Environmental Geology. I would not in the least worry about cinnabar as long as you do not heat it. It is almost totally insoluble and even when eaten has virtually no biological availability. Malachite, turquoises and other basic copper sulfates are quite bioavailable and are readily absorbed. I make it a point to not cut more than a couple of those in any given day as the ground powder will absorb through the skin and cause illness. Copper toxicity is not really a long term problem as your body is quite adept at ridding itself of copper.
Tigers eye and most other asbestos bearing minerals are completely safe so long as you are not grinding them and breathing the dust. Wearing them or even eating them (as if you would want to) is perfectly safe. The strontium in celestite/celestine is not really bioavailable under any normal circumstances (i.e. if you are in an area hot or caustic enough to break down the strontium sulfate bond, the least of your worries is going to be heavy metal poisoning.)
The only minerals I would be cautious in handling would be some of the arsenides like mohawkite or orpiment, the Various radioactive minerals or heavy metal ores like lorándite.
When I started seeing articles like this, I stopped touching most of my crystals more than once or twice a day unless I was sure they were safe, but I find what you’re saying to be reassuring and you seem knowledgeable on the subject. Do you think I’m all right to have polished crystals and stones on my skin for longer periods of time if I’m not grinding them up, eating them, or soaking them in water? I don’t have any of the unusual ones, but I do have things like moonstone, fluorite, lapis, sodalite, amazonite, etc. and now I’m scared to touch them ): All the ones I carry with me are polished, if that makes a difference.
I would suggest you do some homework. Look up the chemistry of minerals, and seek out literature that examines the bioavailability and toxicity (LD50s/MD50s) of the elements present. find out if they are absorbable in bonded form or what it takes to liberate the dangerous elements. For the most part heavy metals bonded to sulphur groups are likely carcinogens, anything with Cadmium or Thalium are hellish, arsenic should always be respected as some arsenic species are bioavaialble through the skin, anything that has uranium is going to potentially be giving off radon gas = instant cancer. And fibrous minerals or particulate zeolites/silicates are probably best not breathed in.
I’ve been trying to find info and I’m having a hard time. I accidentally washed my Black tourmaline necklace in the washer with better life laundry detergent. It was in a pocket I missed checking and sat in the washer for a few hours wet. Is it still safe? Do I need to rewash all my clothes? The only thing I’ve found is it containing aluminum.
The stones you name are not dangerous to handle. Polishing makes no difference as there is generally no coating over the stone. As Dr. Madden noted it is good to stay away from the arsenides and radioactive materials and don’t breath ANY rock dusts, toxic or not it does lung damage.
I was just reading your reply bout toxicity in minerals and I wonder what your opinion is about Chrysocolla … I have quite a lot is these stones in there natural form around my house… but I don’t handle them or move them.. they are there for the energy and the gorgeous color. Do you think this is dangerous in terms of the copper content? Thank you
OK I have to talk about my bad experience. I make jewelry for others and a deal with a lot of crystals. In the pass I made jewelry for myself but never really wear my pieces. Recently I decide to stack my bracelet on my arm..all crystals. I would make crystal bracelet and stack on never taking my jewelry off. I had a total 8 bracelet on my arm by the 3week after fixing old bracelet and making new ones. I notice last week end that my arm kept feeling numb with a slight pain.it was around my wrist where the bracelet lay. So then after a couple more days I said OK maybe bracelets are to tight let me add a extended chain to all of them for more room. Then the pain became so bad around wrist I just took jewelry off. As soon when I did that the pain went up my arm..my whole body was fatigue. My body hurt all over. I also felt like my glands was swelled. I thought I had the flu. I said this feel like I am allergic to something. At first I look up the gold allergies. Because I was using goldfilled with crystals. When research.. it was a forum about crystal health..I still don’t understand how I got there in my research but I did. In the pass I have been very sensitive to chemicals. So I started researching about crystals. I still trying to figure out if this the problem.
It could be because of the properties of the crystals you were using. Example: hematite affects the blood, which is great at first, bringing balance. But long term use causes numbness because it becomes a disruption rather than cure. I recommend to research the individual stones you were using. Some are only for short term use.
Greetings! 🙂
I have started to wonder about pleasure toys made of stones… Rose quartz and green aventurine seem to be very commonly used, but I recently found out that rose quartz has iron and titanium in it, and green and blue stones are said to have copper in them…
As I’ve been considering getting one of the two for such purposes, now I’m rather mildly disheartened…
What do you think about that, would they still be considered safe for internal use like that?
Hey Dreamwolf, you do not need to be concerned about the trace amounts of titanium, iron, copper, etc. present in minerals such as rose quartz, aventurine, etc. (my understanding is that chrome mica is generally the colouring agent in aventurine). In these stones, the metallic elements are locked up within quartz, which is an extremely stable mineral in atmospheric conditions and would effectively screen you from any contact. On top of that, the minerals inside the quartz containing the metallic elements (rutile, fuchsite, etc.) are extremely stable as well and would not be bioavailable; even were you to eat the pure minerals, you would not be poisoned. Almost any stone which is a form of quartz (you can check with a quick google/wikipedia search) should be completely safe.
So is it safe to wear chakra bead bracelets that have a natural drill stone on it? Say someone had a Azurite 12mm bead bracelet made but they had a natural drilled Azurite stone added to the bracelet. Would wearing that bracelet cause any harm having the stone against your skin everyday?
Can Cinnabar be taken as a gem elixir if you use the test tube method? I mean, can mercury poison you through glass?
There is absolutely no chance of mercury from a cinnabar crystal passing through the glass of a test tube, so the test tube gem elixir would be safe.
Hello everyone,
I’m a tad bit late but I been researching on pyrite, just made a necklace with beads of it and I plan to wear it. I’ve been wearing some of my crystal pendants when working out but with pyrite the research has been both polar opposites between it’s okay to you will die if you touch it. Now the pyrite beads I have do give off a smell, metallic and copper like. Should I just stay from it or is it okay for me to wear my pendant even when I work out? (So far i know if it’s oxidized and heated is dangerous but I’m still unclear) also if it’s dangerous can someone recommend me a safe solar plexus crystal other than citrine, thank you!
Such an interesting Topic!
I want to make crystal Infused oils (for external use only!) with turquoise and Amazonite for example. Does anyone know how crystals react with oils and if it would be safe to use it?
I recently washed a piece of Malachite half polished and other raw. Then I smelled it it smelled earthy and I breathed it in deep. It was wet then I read after that, not to do what I did … Now what’s going to happen? What signs do I need to look out for?
Are you still alive?
I have many toxic stones in my general vicinity. The ones that are more questionable stay in cases like sulphur, brucite, etc. Like many before me said, just use caution and don’t eat/drink your crystals. Never be your own lapidary until you’re fully aware of the hazards and use proper safety measures!
It is 2024. But problem with toxicity of stone is not solved:). Is shungite toxic? Can any one tell? Thank you!
I really want to get my birthstone which is aquamarine and do a bath with this stone since it’s pretty much a stone for mermaids. I’ve always loved aquamarine, but after reading that list and seeing beryl stones containing aluminum, I’m hesitant. I don’t even use tin foil. And I don’t drink from cans (although they have plastic linings, by the way, not aluminum insides.) I’m just wondering if the aluminum amount in aquamarine would seep out into the bath water, even though it’s a hard stone, and go into my pores. Would it depend on temperature or bioavailability? Do any of the experts here know? I also really wanted to use raw stones rather than polished; I like the look. I also read they can help with skin conditions psoriasis and eczema so how else could I use them for this?
Time to do some damage control here and keep people from getting alarmed over safe stones. Beryl(such as aquamarine), and many other stones like tourmaline, corundum, that contain aluminum are perfectly safe to handle and touch, and are stable. It will not “seep into your bath water”, at least not in any meaningful, measurable quantity that would be readily absorbed into your skin and affect your health.
Would tumbled Rose quartz spheres (used for wine stones) be safe?
I have a question about crystals in soap. I’ve seen soap with crystals as embeds. I have concerns. Can you speak to this ? Thanks
Could you coat a tumbled cinnabar with clear nail polish to make it safe to handle for long periods or would that change the energy of the crystal somehow. Searching the internet just keeps bringing up actual nail polishes lol
Is Vanadinite safe to have in mineral collection because of the lead?
Can i keep my cinnabar separately in my pocket in a small cotton pouch with the rest of my crystals – a pouch in a pouch so to speak? Or will body heat release the mercury? I was thinking if it is in two pieces of cloth away (not inc the lining of my pocket) from my skin is it still safe?
Hey HM, I love your teachings but I’m a bit confused cause I just saw your post on Cutting Cords and you recommend using sulfur stone and sulphur powder on skin, but then on your toxic stone list, sulfur is shown as poisonous….could you please clarify?
Cutting cords article: https://hibiscusmoon.com/cutting-cords-using-crystals/
Toxic crystals article: https://hibiscusmoon.com/resources/toxic-crystals-stones/
I have a black tourmaline bracelet. Does that mean since it contains aluminum that it would absorb into the skin?
No, not in any meaningful quantity, if at all. Tourmaline is safe to handle, as is beryl, corundum, and most other aluminum silicates I’m aware of.
Correction: Not all those ones with aluminum in their makeup are silicates, but the point remains. They are safe to handle, but I would advise against ingesting them in any type of elixir.
Is it true that Jade is bad luck if bought for yourself?? Also Is Citrine, aventurine & peridot safe if made a bracelet and it touches my skin??
Hello, I am brand new to crystals. Are rose, clear quarts and turquoise safe as rubbing stones. I am confused on handling after reading about toxins and asbestos in quartz. Thanks
Raw Quartz is one of the most dangerous stones, it contains silica, and it can cause silicosis, which is a very dangerous lung disease. Thank you for the info, I just wanted to also add this to the comments, because if you do a simple google search on it, you will see Quartz is most definitely toxic!
If you eat/inhale the stuff sure, but not from handling, just like the ones with aluminum like beryl. I think ambiguously labeling every stone as toxic and not specifying in what context it is toxic is misleading…but yeah, if you are using the same lack of distinction used on the main list here, you might as well add quartz too -_-.
Correct, if it is raw, it needs to be washed, so you do not breathe dust in etc. I personally did not label every stone as toxic either.
I bought a tigers eye bracelet and I’m afraid because they say it has asebsetous to it please help
Do I need to wash my hands after each time I handle malachite?? Totally freaked out about my kids using their crystals….
Hello! I’m new to crystals, and my daughter grabbed a raw Sodalite that I have, and as soon as I was gonna get it from her, she puts it in her mouth. I quickly grab it, and clean her mouth. Should I be worried about that because I’ve heard it contains aluminum and whatnot and can be quite toxic. I will definitely keep them out of reach but, I can’t stop overthinking now. Can anyone help? Thank you.
What about black jasper ? Is it safe to wear on jewelry???
Red agate on jewelry safe ?
Could someone please reply to Shelly October 21, 2019 at 10:09 pm as I have the same question. Thanks!
I just came across this, left my own comment, and replied to a few people including the post you are referring to. This list of toxic stones is somewhat ambiguous and misleading. Many of the stones that contain aluminum such as beryl(like aquamarine), and others such as corundum(ruby/sapphire) and tourmaline are all very stable and 100% safe to handle. The only thing I would not do is ingest them such as drinking an elixir made with these minerals.
The long list you’ve got of toxic minerals(which is basically every popular crystal except a handful of quartz and agates and calcite) can possibly throw somebody off or seem alarmist at first, if they don’t know the context. They might be afraid to touch stones that contain aluminum, for instance, which are a lot of stones like beryl and corundum that are very stable and safe to handle, not to mention popular as jewelry, collectors samples, and metaphysical/spiritual objects. I would not recommend using them in any sort of elixir in which they actually come in contact with the water, but simply wearing or handling such stones poses no real risk.
What I’m saying is, maybe differentiate between which ones are highly toxic, pose a real health risk, and are advisable to either not handle at all or handle with extreme caution, like cinnabar and orpiment, and ones that simply shouldn’t be ingested but are perfectly safe to handle like beryl, corundum, tourmaline, etc. This article clears it up somewhat, but the original list can still throw somebody off guard if they just take it at face value and don’t do their own research or use their own discernment.
I’m sure it’s absolutely not your intention to be alarmist or spread misinformation, I just don’t think your ambiguous list of toxic minerals provides enough detail, context, or clarity and can potentially be unintentionally misleading and drive people away from exploring a wide variety of stones that could be of interest/benefit to them.
Thank you Garret. My 7 year old has recently developed a very keen interest in crystals and we’ve enjoyed collecting them together. I’ve made an advent calendar with a crystal a day for him to start opening next week. He also enjoys sleeping with a crystal at night in his hands. I must say I am alarmed at this long list of toxic crystals as it doesn’t explain in which way they’re toxic or to what degree. Example, is it ok to touch & hold the stones but not ingest them? I have since been researching this topic with interest as I now need to go through his collection and remove the ones that are toxic.
Is Black (not Elite) Shungite, which can contain amounts of mercury and lead, safe to wear against skin? What if you fall asleep wearing a bracelet containing Black Shungite (less Carbon) and wake up sweating? (No troll answers please I’m looking for a serious scientifically backed answer.) If you have links that support your answer please provide! And please kindly email me (Sara) at sillycritter7@gmail.com, bc I might not know you replied (thanks).
Hi Garret. Is it safe to meditate with raw lapis lazuli in my hand or to place on the body while doing crystal healing? It seems like it’s a soft stone and has bands of pyrite, so now I’m concerned. Also, does raw quartz produce dust when touched/handled or is that only when cutting? (Sorry for posting this twice. I meant to reply instead of making a new comment)
this is probably to late for several people that may have read the article considering its 2020, but id just like to point out that quartz is listed as one of the most toxic minerals on the planet because of the dust itself.
Oh an also probably important to keep in mind that alot of the stones listened under 100% safe are also other forms of quartz.
Wow, you learn something new every day! I never knew about toxicity in crystals until the other day. I have a large collection and I have to admit that I started getting paranoid. This article has eased my mind though, so thank you. I do have a small piece of peacock pyrite that my parents got decades ago, and I don’t know from where. I noticed it has some white spots on it now, and reading about pyrite got me worried. I don’t really ever touch it, but it sits on a stand with my other crystals on the opposite side of the bed I sleep. Should I throw it away? Should I throw all my pyrite pieces away? Thank you in advance!
I just got a labradorite necklace. Being new at this, cleaned it with water and alcohol when it first arrived. Wore it to meditate and forgot to take it off before falling asleep. Woke up with metal taste in mouth, strange feeling all over face (mild) and throat. Feel like a mild allergy. Noticed the paper towel I used to dry and keep the stone had stains/markings that looked like rust.
Has anyone else experienced this? Hoping if this toxicity that was absorbed can be eliminated easily, kind of concerned.
Wait so it is okay to keep raw clear quartz and other quartz in my room? How do I know that I’m not breathing in the dust? Should I keep them in a bag?
One stone I can’t find info on is Cherry Quartz. It’s man-made from reconstituted quartz and cinnibar. So many covet this one, and yet I cringe because I know how toxic cinnbar is. Your thoughts?
The cherry quartz I have sold is not made with Cinnabar, it is just dye and quartz – it could be that some have use that – but why would they, since it would be very dangerous and expensive. It is a very cheap mineral to buy actually (wholesale at least).
What I’ve been wondering is if you have a fake Crystal, like fake quartz made of smelt glass, if the fake crystals are made with lead and dangerous to touch?
Hi. Is it safe to meditate with raw lapis lazuli in my hand or to place on the body while doing crystal healing? It seems like it’s a soft stone and has bands of pyrite, so now I’m concerned. Also, does raw quartz produce dust when touched/handled or is that only when cutting?
I’ve been collecting mostly tumbled stones for a while now, and I knew that Cinnabar was toxic, but I didn’t realize it was mercury until a couple days ago. I have a cinnabite tumble stone that I am likely to get rid of now, because it’s causing me anxiety. I have plenty of crystals with copper and galena which has lead, I have a question about pietersite though, I found out it may have blue asbestos in it? I have 2 tumbled stones and I’m not sure if they’re considered dangerous to have. I’d love to hear your opinion
A number of stones have asbestos in them, Tigers Eye is another one. The fibers you see in it are asbestos.
Asbestos is fibrous, just on its own.
As long as the pietersite with asbestos is hard, polished, and not flaky or dusty, you should be fine! With asbestos-containing stones, it is when you breathe in the dust that asbestos becomes a problem.
Fun story – My father collected gemstones when he was a kid (that how I got into them, from him <3 ) When I bought a home, and already had a crystal shop myself, he gave me his collection. We went through them together, and he had a flexible piece of asbestos in this box that he hadn't touched in decades – he told me he used to chew on it when he was little!!! He was born in the 1940, so they didn't know about the dangers of asbestos back then. I promptly put it in a safe container and washed everything down that was in that box.
The Gem Society would disagree with your “safe” list.
I was about to get into making gemstone bracelets…about 2 weeks ago I had what seemed to be an allergic reaction. To a strand of beads not sure which and I’m not sure how….w/e I touched was at the bottom of my lip, I licked it thinking nothing of it, maybe irritated from my mask and my tongue, lips, throat, stomach all started burning and tingling with no irritation, not sure what I did or if it was even a chemical but the only thing that made sense was my beads… everything burned where ever I touched on my skin.. went to the ER they said they could not treat what they could not see, I think they even took blood and said nothing about my blood test…now recently iv made samples of bracelets I wanted to sell in hopes that they help ppl and make some money on the side….it ranges from citrine, pyrite,rosequarts,clearquarts,jade,lapis lazuli,hematite,tigers eye, black obsidian,carnelian,aventurine, black tourmaline,sodalite,blue peacock appetite,bronzite,pink opal,red jasper,amethyst,selenite,moonstone,amber,rhodonite,Smokey quarts, charoite, sugilite, flourite and many other stones, I even went as far as to make a slightly bigger hole in a few beads that had small holes leaving behind powder on my skin and not washing my hands after handling or washing my hands and Touching while wet…such as black tourmaline.. can’t remember the other ones..and this is most likely the reason why my arm hands, lips,mouth, throat and anywhere I touch on my skin burns,tingles after wearing some of the bracelets even getting some of them wet and possibly burning some on accident to close up a string bracelet…I already have bad anxiety and chose to do this because I enjoy making bracelets it’s soothing, to finds out I could be poisoning my children whom I made bracelets for as well who put the bracelets and necklace in They’re mouths also had a reaction to sodalite,fluorite,sugilite,blue peacock apitite,lapis lazuli and charoite for ASD and ADHD..here’s to hoping it didn’t do any damage to my little ones or me and a great way to get me to stop making bracelets…. Jesus…
if anyone has had any reactions to any gems like i have pls say so, I’m not sure if it was the gems or I have burning mouth syndrome that seems to be brought on by anxiety…. i cant go to a doctor cause they’ve already told me they cant treat what they cant see… NO irritation…my mouth still burns and seems to burn only when im drinking water…
Please update your list. Not all jaspers are safe. Bumblebee jasper is not safe to have in contact with skin. (I’m a Gemological Institute of America graduate.)
This list is an official list of gemstone toxicity. I would rely on it. https://www.gemsociety.org/article/gemstone-toxicity-table/
BTW, silicosis only happens from inhaling the dust from the gem in question. Not from orally ingesting it.
https://littlelemuria.com/blogs/the-lemurian-trigon/potion-or-poison-gem-elixirs A Wisconsin Based Gemshop in Oconomowoc toxic Mineral List
[…] obtaining the necessary permits and licenses, collectors can ensure that they are engaging in safe and legal crystal collecting activities. It is important to understand the specific laws and regulations that apply to your area and to […]
When it comes to jewelry (I make some for myself friends and family) – I have spoken to many experts about this and done a large amount of research. There are some on the list that are common for jewelry and others that are not (for multiple reasons – softness, specimens available, etc..).
As a jewelry wearer – rocks, gems, stones that contain aluminum and copper you will be fine and likely NOT ever hit high exposure limits. Even people working with these daily for their job rarely would exceed OSHA limits (some of my friends test them for a living).
If you are cutting them or turning them to powder or dust then you should absolutely where a N95 or P100 mask. Miners are at serious risk.
What you need to be careful of in jewelry is lead, arsenic, manganese, mercury, cobalt and chromium.
Be sure you are getting your copper from a good source and that it is pure copper and not cheap copper that contains lead. Risk with some jewelry makers (especially if it is cheap).
I LOVE crystal, rocks, gems, minerals and the connection they give us to the earth and life! I am blessed with my collection. Do your homework and take notes so you dont forget what you have and any special requirements your little piece of the planet (or outerspace) has – like washing your hands, keeping out of light or water, how hard it is, etc.. and most of all what energy properties it has 🙂
The lack of information on toxic stones brought me here. I’ve been searching for awhile with not enough answers. I’m trying to make these kits for kids.
However now I’m concerned. What stones should I be using that are safe for children?!
I was wanting to include pyrite but now I feel like that might not be such a good idea?! Help!
[…] Malachite: With its beautiful green bands, this crystal contains high levels of copper which can be harmful to your respiratory health if you’re exposed to it for a long time. […]