Raise Your Vibes _ FI

Ever walk into a space & have it just




Have it feel yuck & stuck?

I know I have. That feeling is a very real thing!

It’s the vibrational frequencies of the space interacting with your electromagnetic field.

We naturally crave an environment that feels energetically welcoming.

A home or work space that’s vibing with feel-good energy is one that you feel at home in, that you feel positive in, that inspires creativity & good conversation.

It’s a place you enjoy doing your favorite things in or allows you to relax, meditate, read…and on and on.

salt lamp candles raise vibes home

Since a good-feeling space is not a vibrational match to negative feeling frequencies, you’ll be less likely to have arguments, sadness or even uneasy feelings in a space that’s been energetically-tended-to.

The good news is there are some vibrational things you can do (some involving crystals) to help make your space more inviting and even create a sacred space of your own. So let’s get into those:

9 Easy Ways to Raise the Vibration in your Home or Work Place

1. Clear the clutter & do some physical cleaning – I know this one doesn’t feel like much fun & not even very metaphysical, but it’s a must-do before you do anything else!

A space that’s filled with clutter or dust is energetically clogged & not allowing the energy to flow, not allowing the stagnant negative feeling vibes to clear out. So, get to de-cluttering first & then dust, vacuum & just make the space sparkle.

You’ll feel the change right away!

2.  Use essential oils – 100% pure essential oils (organic fair-trade & sustainably harvested preferred!) are high vib’ing. You can add them to your space in a couple of ways. You can actually use them to help clean in the above step.

Here’s a great video with more on how you can use them for cleaning your space:

Then once the cleaning is done, keep the vibes high in your space by using the oils in an oil burner or a diffuser.

NOTE: If you’re doing this in your work space be sure to get permission from those around you! B/c the oil scents may not agree with everyone & I’d like to keep you outta the trouble zone.

3.  Salt Lamps – these are great for inducing negative ions into your environment & for restructuring the energy of our environment. Plus they shine a soft beautiful & comforting light that does wonders for our energetic state. 

I have a full-on blog post all about salt lamps & their benefits here.

buddha salt lamp raise vibes home

And these days you don’t even have to go to a specialty metaphysical shop to get them! You can find them in any home-ey type store. I found these in Bed, Bath & Beyond…


4.  Crystal Placement – simply place crystals throughout your space intuitively; wherever you think they feel or look best.


Just having the crystals in your space will entrain the energy around you. Whenever you enter the space, you’ll feel the difference from a space that isn’t as vibrationally aligned.

5. Crystal Grids – creating a crystal grid is a way to organize or structure the energy from your crystals towards a specific intention. So it’s more advanced than just placing a crystal in the space.


I have a blog post here and a best-selling book here that I wrote all about how to do a crystal grid. It’s kinda my thang. 🙂

Something I really like to do to restructure the energy of the space is to grid the entire room.

You can grid a room by simply taking 4 clear quartz points and putting one in each corner facing inwards towards the center of the room. Then just let them communicate with each other.

6. Sage Smudge –  Pick up a smudge stick, or loose sage (usually white sage is used for the purposes of clearing out) and burn it slowly (after you light it blow out the flame & it will cont. to smolder & smoke) in a fireproof safe bowl, dish or shell like an abalone shell. 


Allow the smoke to waft around & smudge the space.

Some like to use a feather or a ceremonial fan to control where the smoke goes a bit, like into tight corners & to help spread the smoke around.  It also helps to keep the smoldering sage stay lit.


NOTE: You can use a gem elixir smudge spray if the smoke from burning sage will bother you or isn’t appropriate in your work place (cuz it’s not).

C’mon, do you want to be caught standin’ there with your burning sage & smudge fan with the smoke alarm blaring & the sprinklers going off in your work building?

Didn’t think so.

7.  Sound Clearing – We can easily use acoustic energy to restructure the energy of our space (it’s all about sound vibrations). Very easy to do!

You can use any sort of high amplitude (loud) acoustic instrument, but I prefer to use something that’s pleasing to my ears:

  • tingshas
  • crystal singing bowl
  • Native American drumming

There are many more options than this. Take your pick! You may also choose to put on a CD or a sacred space music station like this one.

8.  Let Mother Nature in – open up the windows & grow indoor plants.


Mother Nature induces negative ions & that’s a GOOD THING for our spaces. So as much as possible allow nature into your space!



9.  Feng shui your space

I am no feng shui expert but I do believe in the powers of inducing the correct energy into your space through the proper placement & alignment of objects. For this I’m going to refer you to a good source to get you started.

And lastly, I’ve got a FREE Crystals and our Sacred Spaces eKit to help you pull all these elements together. In it, you get tons of sparkly inspiration on creating a sacred space all your own.

If you haven’t picked yours up yetyou can do that here.


How Often?

I’m usually asked how often we should do these things to keep our spaces sacred & energetically tended to.

My feeling is you can never do too much of it…but if I had to give you a guideline, I’d say shoot for once/month. And if something has occurred in your space that has made you feel uncomfortable or bad in any way then do something right then to raise the vibes.

Are you gonna try out some or all of these tips & raise the vibration of your space?  Do you feel the difference?  I know you will! Share your experience in the comments below.

Crystal Blessings,

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