
A little while ago I shared a bit about my daily morning ritual practice on my Facebook Page & Instagram & many asked for more details. My morning ritual isn’t at all complicated & is actually pretty quick but I keep it the same each morning so now its become an ingrained habit that I don’t even need to think about very much. Comes in quite handy when I have those mornings where I’m barely conscious!

It’s really pretty simple & reminds me to savor life’s little pleasures, to be grateful while also allowing me to live in the present moment.♥

You know… your mood in the morning affects your entire day…so doing this allows me to program & set the tone for the kind of day I’m going to have, fit in some of my spiritual/manifesting/law of attraction practices.

Puts me in the right mindset for a great day ahead.

And this all happens from my bed before I even put my feet on the ground.

I do this ritual every single day & try to stick to this routine as much as I possibly can no matter where I’ve slept; hotel, visiting family, etc. 

If I’m missing some of my tools, no problemo! I just skip that step and do what I’m able to do with what I’ve got.

My 10 Step Morning Ritual

  1. NIGHT PREP: The night before I usually select a stone, depending on what kind of energy vibration I want to work with from a little wooden bowl that I keep in my kitchen to make my easy gem elixir water. Since I tend to be pretty lazy, I keep a selection of crystals & essential oils within easy reach on my kitchen counter for everyday practical purposes like this. Capture
  2. I wake up and first thing I do is drink water b/c I’m parched. I keep rose quartz (usually) gem elixir water by my bedside from the night before b/c I just like to drink a lot of water. I keep it very simple: just plop a rose quartz tumblie into my water-glass…


Totally unrealted but…first thing I usually see when I open my eyes besides my hubbie is Ms. Topaz usually in this very position…I can barely stand such cuteness! ♥


3. Next I’ll do some quick neck stretches b/c I’ve learned that if I don’t do these everyday I’ll end up with more “pulled neck muscle” pains than I’d like to deal with from sleeping wrong or something like that. I do the first 4 on this page. Now that I do these 30 second neck stretches every morning, the “neck-pulls” only seems to happen about 1/year. Still not great but better than every 3 months or so! 


Next, I’ll pick up one of 2 crystals I typically have by my bedside: a clear quartz point or my rose quartz chunk-buddy and sit up cross-legged on the bed with a straight spine, eyes closed.  (***Topaz usually climbs into my lap at this point and purrrrrrrrrs***) I hold the crystal in 1 or both palms comfortably. With crystal in hand I’ll launch into several Energetic Hygiene Exercises:

4. Organizing my energy: I’ve heard several metaphysical teachers teach this technique with some slight differences. Here’s how I do it. As I take a DEEEEEP inhale I’ll say to myself: “I call back all my energy to me.” (while visualizing any lost bits of scattered energy floating back to me & thunking into place where they belong…like a magnet attracting iron filings). Then with a full exhale, expelling all the air out of my lungs I say to myself, “And I release any energy that is not my own.” And I visualize anything that I’ve picked up in my energy field being released. And finally I say “I am now whole.” And I visualize my body’s aura cleansed & glowing. 🙂

5. Now it’s time for my Energetic Shower. I visualize & sense the crystal in my hand beaming energy up to me (this energy is like sparkling glowing rays of light with rainbow twinkles in it…you can visualize it any way you like but this is what I see) + flowing through my body, releasing out the top of my head at my crown chakra & then gently flowing back down around me like a fountain…then flowing back up under and through my root chakra in a continuous loop. I actually visualize it around me like a twinkling flowing egg-shape of light flowing out & around & around. I do that for about 30 seconds. Longer if I really feel I need it. Because sometimes you just do.

6. While still seated & holding my crystal now I send energy to whatever crystal grids I have set up at the time. I usually have a couple going in another room of the house so I simply visualize it and beam energy to it. (I usually visualize this beam as neon red energy….like a softly glowing laser beam. I’ve tried changing the color in my mind’s eye but it’s always red & I cannot change it. I’m curious what you see if you try this). It’s very quick. Takes about 5 seconds. It’s just a little crystal grid TLC.

7. Next, in my mind, I’ll go through my list of things to be grateful for. There are many but I’ll usually think of 3. If it’s a day where I can’t think of much…you know those days, I’ll think of how I’m grateful for the bed I’m sleeping in, the air I’m breathing & the things or beings that surround me. You can always think of something, Jelly Bean. 😉

8. Next I’ll think about what I’m currently working on manifesting in my life. I usually have a larger goal or two that I’m working on bringing into my reality, something that I’m deeply committed to; big life-changing goals & ambitions. I’m a Capricorn, don’t you know? 😉 So I’ll spend 30 seconds visualizing in detail my manifestation in full bloom, as if it’s already materialized. BOOOOM!

9. Then I do my five-minute journal entries.


Now I’m not one for free-form journaling…at all. I LOVE this journal b/c it’s very to the point, tells you exactly what to write and let’s you get it done quickly. It also gives you some inspiration for the day in the form of a motivational quote or a little challenge.

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You complete it each morning (gets me off on the right foot for the day, sets my goals in sight and even gives me another assist with my manifesting) as well as each night (so I can do a quick re-cap & reminds me again to be grateful)….so nourishing to the spirit.

How do I remember to do it every morning & night?

I keep it right near my bed with a pen on top of it…always ready to go. That’s the key to remembering to use it & do it…seeing it right there when you wake up.

10. Lastly, I’ll do 1 oracle card pull for the day. I usually switch out between 2 different decks that I keep by my bed side:  Doreen Virtue’s Magical Mermaids and Dolphin Oracle Cards and her Angel Therapy Oracle Cards. I usually have a crystal sitting on top of the deck to lend its energy & then I’ll just choose one card sight unseen to receive a positive message, theme or direction for the day.


And that’s it.

Seems like a lot of steps when I write it out like this, but really I have this all memorized now and it all takes me between 5-7 min. Tops.

I’ve been following this routine for over five years now & I will NEVER go without this morning ritual.

I’ve accomplished way too much and have seen too many positive results (is that even possible?!) by sticking to it. These morning practices seem to be my secret weapon to getting through challenging days. They’re what give me the self-assuredness, grace & strength to cope in the face of challenges & they’re what I give credit to when I have those amazing days.

Quick, practical, sparkly and totally doable. Believe me!

Do you use any of these tools to get your day started in the right direction? To connect with your energy for the day & get it flowing in a positive way?   What’s your morning crystal ritual?   Or if you give my ritual a try, please tell me how it went or how you like it in the comments below! ♥

Crystal Blessings,

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