I’ve had people ask me if moldavite is indeed the MOST powerful crystal in the world — as it’s often touted to be.
Well, I do think it’s quite powerful… but THE most powerful?
Watch my below video for my take on that.
Moldavite is a type of rare green colored tektite; naturally formed small glass rocks formed by the impact of meteorites on Earth.
Being glass, these are not technically crystals nor minerals at all, but rocks.
Moldavite is a specific tektite found in Vltava River basin in the Czech Republic, where most Moldavite can be found. Many scientists believe this area was impacted by a meteorite about 15 million years ago.
The green color is most likely due to the iron content and possibly some olivine (peridot) from the original meteorite).
All tektites, including moldavite, are said to have a very high vibrational frequency due to their cosmic connection.
Moldavite helps with meditation and peak experiences during meditation as well as making contact with other worlds. It’s also known for:
- rapid spiritual evolution
- chakra cleansing
- activation
- transformation
The green in moldavite also brings a frequency that resonates with the heart chakra, helping to open and deepen heart-centered meditations.
High ascension stones like moldavite, are known for having powerful metaphysical properties and an energy that is very easy for most to connect with… even for those of us who are usually not sensitive to the energies. However, lately, I and many others have found it to be lacking in this quality. Which I’m sure you would agree is quite strange for moldavite.
But are you READY FOR IT?
If you are not experienced with working with crystals & meditating then I recommend waiting until you are more experienced & then take it verrrrry slow and in small doses. And even if you are experienced, ALWAYS balance with a good grounding stone, like black tourmaline. I learned this the HARD WAY!
Several years ago, the Czech government changed the rules restricting miners’ abilities to dig no deeper than one meter deep (unless they’ve paid for a very expensive permit). In addition, it’s becoming increasingly harder to find the green rock since there’s a very limited supply of it and it’s becoming more and more scarce. It’s an expensive stone for this reason. So, you can see the motivation for wanting to fake it. If you want to steer clear of fakes, I have a blog post here about that.
Resources mentioned in Video
- Previous Moldavite Blog Post
- Are Crystal Meanings Reliable? Cosmic Shifts
- Info on Fake Moldavite
- What Crystal(s) I DO think are the Most Powerful
Have you ever worked specifically with moldavite? What did you get from it? Please share your moldavite experiences below! I’d love to hear.
I have a very high sensitivity to the tektite family. When in the presence of large displays of these stones I get very dizzy. Ears start ringing and I cannot speak. I’ve had to leave the store twice now due to these occurances
I love Moldavite, it’s my favorite stone. I always wear hematite and Black Tourmaline with it for grounding. I have felt like I was floating away when I put it on in the past without grounding stones. I keep a piece in my wallet at all times and in my pocket at work too. I have better days when I have it with me. It took time to get used to the energy when I first started with it though. I went slow after having a bad experience the first week. This was many years ago.
I can’t say it was a mistake but boy oh boy, had I known beforehand the chain reaction that it would kick-off and the intensitiy of the emotional fall-out I probably would have started out much, much slower! 2 winters ago I went to my crystal dealer who has been in the biz for 40 years and is very reputable. I was set on getting a genuine moldavite and working with it because I’d heard how powerful they are. “Be prepared to stare into the gaping maw of your deepest insecurities and fears.’ I believe that was the jist of what the Book of Stones has to say about Moldavite but heck, I’ve been doing personal development for years and have dug up the worst of the worst already. What more could there be?! Heh Heh. Little had I known. So- I get my sweet little green baby home and decide to meditate with it ON MY 3RD EYE! Yes. I actually did this. Once. That was MORE than enough. And the gaping maw was opened not long after that and I went through the most tumultuous, painful and growth-inducing year ever. So I can’t regret it but holy cannoli- Moldavite is not for the faint of heart. I’d recommend NOT meditating with it placed on your 3rd eye. Take Hibiscus Moon’s advice and take it slowwwwwly!
Where did you get your stone
When I got my 2 Moldavite raw beads, I opened the box and had my other crystal beads near it. My whole body started to VIBRATE. I felt an overwhelming sense of fear at the same time so I quickly closed the box and put all my crystals away. The vibrations immediately stopped.. but the fear lingered. I’m not ready for that energy.
I have tons of it and I laid them all around me and I could feel an eerie eerie feeling I have some glass shards I have whole chunks that you break open and find metal objects in it’s so amazing
I tryed several times to wear a lovely moldavite wrapped pendant that a friend made Each time I started perspiring and became very angry for no reason! I felt better as soon as I took it off. I don’t think the stone is for someone very sensitive to strong energies. I can wear anything else on my body, but not moldavite.
I call it my kick up the backside stone. It helps me get through really busy days. I have a pendant for this. I also have a large amber bracelet with a couple of moldavite stones either side that I wear for ordinary work days. Both items are jewellery grade as the rough moldavite sets my nerves on edge. Not for the faint hearted.
My prize possession is a gorgeous large Besednice Moldavite necklace that is long and lies above my heart chakra. I am part Czech as my grandfather was born there and have always felt so very drawn to this tektite. Thanks to Hibiscus Moon, I used caution when I first got it and slowly became more used to the energy…but to be honest it was not nearly as difficult as I expected, but very glad that I took it slow at the beginning. The energy is VERY strong and I use it all the time now, but the first time I became very dizzy and lightheaded. I do not have any difficulties feeling the energy in most of my crystals, but this one was a slap you up side the back of your head kind of moment 🙂 I am planning a trip to the Czech Republic to connect with my family (another thing I am drawn to do) and hope to get to Besednice.
I am drawn to peridot and have been looking for a quality piece of moldivite but like you said it is costly. Now I realize the universe is taking care of me and my innocence by making wait for good reason, I’m truly not ready for that kinda slap on the backside. So I’m going to get a really good quality peridot instead. Btw ty to the six commentors before me, I really learn a lot from this beautiful crystal community. And of course thank you Hibiscus Moon for the wonderful knowledge you share with all of us and for giving us the great crystal loving community as well it’s my new safe zone. 🙂
My first experience with Modivite was quite interesting. I have two small pieces, so I didn’t feel they would be very powerful. However, I was in for a BIG surprise. As soon as I got home I was excited to review and exam them of course and immediately started to feel nausea as soon as I touched them. The feeling grew stronger as I held them and was less intense the further away got. At the time I was not aware I needed to have a grounding stone. I literally had to put the Modivite in another room to avoid feeling ill. I am a lot more use to it now, but cautious. So yes, I agree very powerful stone. Take it slow.
Moldavite is really a fine stone that includes many benefits with it. I like getting knowledge about it and your content helps me in that. Thanks.
I had the most amazing experience with my Moldivite! I purchased a pendant which had a very small piece of Moldivite as an accent stone at a metaphysical show. The jewelry maker explained to me both of the stones and said that I should put the piece under my pillow and sleep with it. So I did. During the night I experienced a wonderful out of body travel into outer space! I remember flying through the blackest sky that was lit by millions of stars and traveling very far and feeling so free and being amazed as well. Now Moldivite is one of my absolute favorite crystals! I have several and am always looking for another!
Can anyone share their thoughts on what to put Moldavite in for storage so I’m not affected by its energy? I love it, by when I’m not working with it, I can’t seem to find a container that allows me space from its energy. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I put mine in the closet of another room. As far from me as I can. So far it seems to be helping.
I have my Moldavite locked away for a reason ???? It’s invaluable, but it will turn your world upside down!
Hi Leanne
I normally don’t reply to comments but just had the urge to reply to you for some reason.
I would suggest you talk with your special Moldavite piece. Not to lock it away and try to forget about it. It is trying to tell you something that only you need to know. Be aware that some moldavite pieces work better with a male or more masculine energy while others work better with a feminine energy.
If you really can’t cope with it, sell it or give it to someone else who will use it. You should get another moldavite piece that you will love and love having close to you. Just like crystals, moldavite is a special tektite that deserves to be highly respected just as you would like to be. We are in urgent times where we all need to become more aware and evolve quickly to help ourselves, others and our beautiful Mother Earth evolve into better times.
I have many pieces and various shapes specially cut and raw at home and work. They all have various intensities and will work with my individual vibration in their own individual way. Connect with your Moldavite and tell it you need space. Remember, It only wants to help you on your journey and be your friend. I have found mine help keep my life more cruisy with less big emotional highs and big lows. Thank goodness. They will also help others around you (friends and family and those connected in your family tree of those before you, your present family and those to yet to be born) whether they are aware of it or not. Just be aware and watch what happens over time. You make the quantum leap and the others follow.
I have found that placing a stone over a picture of the person who I have wanted to help have positive changes too.
I have various pieces in my bedroom but sometimes they may prevent you from sleeping.
Once your vibration intensifies you will find you can wear moldavite for many hours of the day without feeling any effect whether that be physically, emotionally or spiritually but believe me it’s doing something whether we are aware or not. You may like to look into Reconnective Energy, The Reconnection and Eric Pearl. Moldavite enhances this energy once you are connected to it and maybe that is why I can where moldavite for long lengths of time and always have it around me.
There are many books out there to read to help you understand just how powerful moldavite is. There are records from millenniums ago in various cultures of its special power. I would highly recommend you start off reading the book: Moldavite Starborn Stone of Transformation by Robert Simmons and Kathy Warner. The information is timeless despite accounts going back over 30 years. You’ll probably develop an appreciation of the stone more and can’t wait to have a piece or more around you then.
I would also like to mention as I am typing this I noticed a green glow coming out of my hands.
Moldavite is the most powerful stone on this earth. Remember, It is here to help with our positive evolution.
All the best on your life’s journey.
Remember Leanne, You are blessed with the Light of God.
Use your intuition and allow God to help guide you and keep you safe.
Hi Jane. I hope all is well. I appreciate your post and would like to know where you would advise getting the stone from. Thank you in advanc
The first time I wore moldavite my knees went weak! Very unexpected. Decided to take it in small doses and now I can wear with no issues. Must admit I haven’t used it for meditation yet, but I will and pay attention to what happens.
I agree my Moldivite seems sluggish, I have water cleansed, and sun moon even earth cleansing. But I have noticed it with my Celestite as well not as much but there are definite changes
I bought a piece of Moldavite @a “new age fair over 25 years ago in San Francisco, after learning it would help
With spiritual development. What an amazing spiritual journey this stone has connected me with. I feel so blessed to be connected with divine spiritual energy through this stone . I never want to be without this stone which has revealed the bliss of a life once connected to God.
I bought mine in 1988 on Divisidero St. in SF! It’s absolutely gorgeous, a clear, bright, green. I don’t often see other pieces like it!
Today I meditated with 1 small piece of moldavite, 10 small pieces of Phenacite or Phenakite and a witch’s finger, I placed them on the palm of my left hand in a grid like format… Phenacite stones in a circle placed like the numbers on a clock , then I placed the witch’s fingers’ terminated point inward to point to self but not too deep to be in center..because I placed Moldavite in the center..The vibration was very powerful… I would like to tell you this… they moved, the phenacite jumped? I was a bit stiff but carefully picked my cell and captured delicately the aftermath of the 1st movement..I set my phone down using my right hand only then proceeded to continue .a few mins into this.. Again they jumped…I was in awe of the high frequency output of energy..I of course pick my phone up staying so still and got a pic of last movement..I am fascinated by this at the same time I ended my session with that stone crystal combo as I only intended to meditate for 5-10 mins..but didn’t make it that long just yet! I care for my crystals and adore each and everyone of them..I am so so so grateful for that experience, I can not wait to see what else may be in store for me on this new journey of mine..
P.s Hibiscusmoon if you are interested in seeing pics I have them. Love & Light ✨
The melodic stone must be at least a few grams to work for me and we can see and feel the effects and results, I have a 23-gram melodity, do I still need another one? thank you
I just received a moldavite and clear quartz bracelet. By the third day, I felt like I had been hot by a bus. I felt weak and exhausted. I had no appetite and ended up in bed by 6 pm. It wasn’t until I was taking off the bracelet that it hit me! I slept 12 hours and today have decided to take a break from moldavite. Maybe I’ll start wearing the bracelet for short periods of time until my vibrations catch up or blockages clear or whatever!
I didn’t get much of a buzz out of mine initially and I had the thought to put it in my mouth. Boom- tingle city. Buzz city. Full on. I was so excited. I love it, I wear it in my bra on my heart chakra or in my Mouth. Now when I hold it I can feel the buzz through my hand. What a marvel. ????????????
My first experience was in jail the restitution center allowing to basivally work while in jail the ONLY TIME IVE WENT BTW THAT WAS 2011….i was told by the medical lady i was currently the healthiest person incarcerated in the Washington County oregon. I was even running 3 miles a day on the treadmill they had. i asked a dude what he had in his hands he handed it to me and the second he handed it to me I felt this huge surge in my heart I litterally asked ” why does this make me feel like ive taken ecstasy? ” fealt very positive and as I researched years later I realized my health was a major factor in the feeling of subtle vibrations emitted from stones having metaphysical properties and that this one was basically the strongest of all the subtle vibrational stones, even being an alien to earth melting through our atmosphere twice once just before initially impacting and the 2nd was such an impact it was blown that high back into the beginnings of our planetary atmospheric layer. Needless to say. The experience was profound and so far. In 2020 in only now seeking to pair it with a combination of other healers to specifically highten that of those healers such as fuschite, blue and green kyanite, hematite, obsidean, im sure the combo of a few specific stones on top of those listed would be not only a self cleansing group but also grounded via orgone or orgonite.
I was advised to wear Moldavite next to my heart for protection and healing from trauma. I paired it with herkimer diamond, malachite, aquamarine, and snowflake obsidian. I was not prepared for the experience. I feel like my heart was stretched wide open and my grief came pouring out. The intensity of emotion is almost too much.
Definitely a stone not to be taken lightly. I think I will take it off for awhile, maybe start in increments.
Thank you HM for letting us know about this stone!!!
Moldavite is believed to be a very powerful and energetic stone. Some people have shared very powerful experiences when holding a Moldavite, sleeping with it or taking it for a walk. Most people have experienced strong feelings of transformation. That is why it is called “the stone of transformation“.
Even though it is very powerful, there is no reason to be worried about it. Some people claim that Moldavite can be dangerous, but It will not cause any harm. You will only feel the transformation inside yourself, depends on the Moldavite you have purchased and the power it holds.
I have one. When I first got it. I felt a presence in my heart when I wore it as a pendant.not extreme as many described. Amazingly, the feeling went off after half a day? I do get the same feeling when I wear my moldavite again after a period of not having it near me. I now pair it with nummite as seen in my meditation. I love the dusty deep green.
Meanwhile, from the time I got it till now, from rediscovering tarot to realising I am into spiritual discovery than being “religious” opened my world to know a few friends I hold dear. And to learn other stuff from meditation, reiki etc.
I got my first Moldavite yesterday. its on a necklace that hangs right in the region of my heart chakra. when I first touched it I got a tingling and jolt of energy through my hand. I’ve been doing meditations that have you reach this part where you’re consciously in your subconscious. because I’ve done those mediations I’ve already put newer more positive beliefs in my head for the better of myself. also for anyone reading this you should watch the code templates!! do the protection first and then start with code one. they’re long but change your dna back to how it should be. opening you up to more psychic abilities/telepathy. they also help you activate your third eye effortlessly. since I did all these before coming across my Moldavite I believe it will help use the energies from Moldavite at its highest potential. I’ve only had it for one day though so I will update after a month.
Starting my research and trying to do my shadow work before I even attempt to search for it, but I’m getting sooo attracted to getting it.
Anyone mind giving me tips on how to prepare myself?
Even after years of being awakened I still feel as if I’m still beginning and just learning new things.
I wear a moldivite necklace every night while I sleep. I have super intense ultra vivid dreams, and I love them. I’m also in the process of making a moldivite bed. I’m looking for gems besides crystals quartz that will help intensify the effects of moldivite. I haven’t run into any other gems that give me such intense dreams, if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
Try cavansite and phenacite
I’ve had this crystal for 2 weeks. so far, i’ve made TWO life changing decisions (positive ones). they both are affiliated with doctors. ive had non stop ringing in my ear though and its very very loud to where it’s overwhelming and it’s affecting my sleep. ive also felt like i’m flying away and vibrating very very high so i need to get some grounded crystals. if anyone has recommendations, i would love to look into it. it’s making me face my deepest insecurities but i am very aware that it was going to do that and i am taking it as well as i can with a positive outlook.
Hi Damaris,
I wear black tourmaline (a nice smooth oval stone, that is comfortable and I wear it daily) along w/my Moldavite pendant. It’s a wonderful grounding stone to wear w/Moldavite. I hope this helps. Good luck to you on your journey.
I got a moldavite and black tourmaline pendant. I felt this was a good combination because of the grounding properties of black tourmaline. When I first put the pendant on, I started to feel almost short of breath. I could breathe just fine, but I had the sensation of being short of breath, and I felt a tingle move through me starting at my chest. It made me very glad I had the black tourmaline with it. It’s just a tiny piece of moldavite but that tiny piece is more than enough. I look forward to seeing where this stone takes me. I’ve been experiencing quite a bit of negative energy from an outside force.
Today I received my first piece of moldavite, I am truly in love with the stone and I get so lost in all of its ridges and curves! I’m really not sure if I felt anything with it at all in the beginning, perhaps a little tingle at first but now I’m unsure if it’s because I told myself that it’s what I was supposed to feel. So I left it aside in my cute little box that it came in. In the evening I picked it up again and started analyzing it, for some reason in the back of my mind I have a fear that it is fake, although I’ve searched the whole internet for clues AND I bought it from a certified crystal shop which has been selling moldavite pieces (among other crystals and fossils) for over 20 years. I suppose there’s always a ‘what if’, considering I didn’t feel much holding it.
I guess why I’m writing here is because I don’t know whether what I’m about to say should be taken as a clue for its authenticity. When I took it out in the evening, I spent a lot of time with it, again felt nothing… I meditated with it, placed it on my third eye and then my chest. What I DID notice though, is every time I place it on my third eye it leaves me with a slight dull headache instantly. The more time I spend with it, my body begins to feel weak and exhausted for a while, even after I put it away. My speech becomes slightly slurred and slow. It’s like all of my energy becomes drained, I started feeling nauseous too! Should I take it as a sign? I put it away at least 20 minutes ago but my headache and nausea haven’t gone away. Maybe it’s a coincidence? Has anyone else had this experience? I’m being very sceptical although I DO really believe in this stone.
I just want to add that when my partner came back from work, he said that the energy in the house feels really heavy and off!
I’m so happy that you mentioned this. I bought my first big piece of moldavite a few weeks ago and I was ecstatic. I know it’s real because it came with a certificate of authenticity. Anywho, the first night, I slept with it in my hand and I took it to work with me the next day. That entire day I felt like every ounce of energy had been drained from my body. I hadn’t stayed up late or anything, but I felt weak and completely exhausted. I didn’t even think I would make it through the day. I got home and went straight to sleep. It didn’t occur to me until the next morning that maybe the moldavite was doing this to me. So I put it in its box and decided not to touch it at all. The next day, I was back to normal. No exhaustion, no weakness, nothing. So I decided to get more in tune with my stone. I don’t hold it for extended periods of time, although I always have it with me, whether it’s in my bag or sitting in its box next to me while I work. Beautiful transformations have been occurring in my life and I truly feel it’s in part because of this stone. I also recently bought a phenacite to go along with it and that could be helping as well. Yesterday I finally pulled the trigger and bought a spikey hedgehog besednice moldavite and I’m so excited for it to arrive. This will be my 3rd moldavite. I don’t know about the experiences of others, but I know that between my moldavite, phenacite, and my rose quartz, there is some serious power in the energy these stones emit.
hibiscus moon is that piece of moldivite for sale, the circle piece in picture above? what mine is it from? if its not for sale can you help me find a legit piece like that one? rest easy,M
Is moldavite the most powerful stone…in my experience, no, as I’ve actually outgrown it. It does nothing for me now.
I just bought a moldavite for the first time, it’s about 2 grams, and had such an awesome experience. Even before I opened the box, I could feel pressure in my chest where your heart chakra is, and when I opened the box, the pressure developed more into an overwhelming feeling of love and warmth. When I touched it, the feeling amplified and spread more through that arm. I made it into a necklace and it feels warm with subtle vibrations so close to my heart. It is such a lovely stone! ????
I LOVE Moldavite—interestingly, I’ve been pretty sensitive to natural energies my whole life (nature, EMF, feeling pressure changes from weather others don’t notice, etc.), but didn’t feel much from Moldavite at first. When I first got into crystals in 2017 I heard about how potent Moldavite can be and bought a couple of small rough pieces—felt nothing, which surprised me (the pieces were definitely real and certified, so not due to being fake). Literally nothing. Thought it was weird, figured maybe it just wasn’t time for me to resonate with it yet. About a year ago I bought a Moldavite ring with a much larger piece polished into a double terminated point—and BAM Moldavite decided “Ok! Time to turn on!” I couldn’t wear the ring longer than about 5-minutes before my heart would start racing and palpitating and I felt pressure on my chest, a little like a panic attack. I eased myself into wearing the ring little by little, and now I can wear it daily without the physical side effects. I think Moldavite knew I wasn’t ready for its energy—I swear my Third Eye has opened up more than I ever expected since, and Moldavite was waiting for when I would be ready for it.
My first experience with moldavite was actually quite positive. I bought my daughter a bracelet with 6 raw pieces set in silver (back when it was still mostly unknown, not as popular, and much less expensive). I was curious about it, so I tried on the bracelet. I felt a rapid rush of fear and terror that washed through my body that lasted for about 5 to 10 seconds. It was quickly replaced by a sense of whole-body joy, child-like happiness, and complete protection….I caught myself smirking and giggling. I didn’t want to take it off, but as a man, I’d look kind of silly wearing a woman’s bracelet. Plus, it was a gift. But the sensation stayed with me for another day or two. So, I got a ring for myself and I wear it frequently (when I’m not at work – because I don’t want to accidentally destroy it).
I worked with it from Day 1 in about 15 min increments with about 1/2 hour to hour breaks. I even slept with it near me that first night. My energy adjusted quickly and I was able to continually handle the next say. Super powerful stone, but I had no issue after the initial introduction. I LOVE it!!!!
Talk about a Healing Crisis! I am very sensitive but after the first couple of days wearing it my outlook and journey became way more clearer. I use with blue tourmaline.
I bought a lovely piece of Moldavite which I’ve now for almost a year.I practice Qigong,Tai chi,Kung Fu and Embryonic deep meditative exercises,I’ve practiced these for most of my life celebrating 50 years.I have cultivated and activated my full Chi cycle and even opened up all my Chakras.Ever since I got my piece of Moldavite my Chi energy has been amplified beyond the scope of my own abilities.I am recognised internationally for my abilities and have been inducted into the UKMARTIALARTS Hall of Fame and inducted into the World’s Greatest Masters MartialArts Hall of Fame Almanac, it’s a dream come true