Today we are going to talk about how to manifest money, prosperity, and abundance with crystals.
What do you want to manifest an abundance of this year? Post in the comments to fill in the blank
I want to manifest an abundance of _______________.
I’m always talking about action around here. We don’t want just to collect info and then to do nothing with it right? Because how effective is that? Completely ineffective without action.
Money, Money, Money
Fair warning upfront, this topic may trigger some of you. How do I know that? Because it used to trigger me.
Someone would start talking about manifesting money, and this topic would trigger me big time. Back in the ’90s, they didn’t use the words manifestation or trigger, but trigger is the right word for what I’m talking about. So, fair warning if you think this is going to push your buttons and you’re all “why is she talking to us about money?” Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space.
Now I’m not necessarily talking about money. When we’re talking about manifesting prosperity and abundance, we can talk about prosperity and abundance of a lot of different things. But a lot of times it does mean money. Does that push your buttons? No judgments if it does because like I said, it used to push mine.
I have this quote right above my desk from Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor.
Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space because it affects our manifestation.
I know this from personal experience.
So if your panties are in a bunch about this, please be mindful of your energy (and your energy includes the comments), be careful. Just keep an open mind, if nothing else, and you might have some food for thought when we’re done here. We can agree to disagree, that’s cool, but just keep an open mind and listen and see what you think at the end, okay?
Attracting Abundance
To attract an abundance of anything, not just money, you need to have cleared your mind, your mindset, of any old thought patterns you might be holding onto that tell you-you don’t have enough.
And you might not even realize that these thought patterns are there. But they’re sneaky little suckers, and they hang out, and they cling. Perhaps you won’t suspect it, but there they are. They’re telling you that you don’t have enough or there isn’t enough to go around, or you’re never going to succeed or that you lack in some way.
And I say, YES, we can work with crystals as tools and supports to adjust that mindset. Work with them as allies. Our goal in working with crystals is to attract what we’re seeking; to manifest. Like attracts like, right.
Redefine Your Thinking
First thing’s first, we have to redefine our way of thinking.
When I say the words:
- success
- prosperity
- abundance
What’s the first thing that comes to mind for you? What’s the first thing that pops into your head? First feeling or emotions? Those are very telling.
For a lot of people, if you just hear the word success, prosperity, abundance, and like I said, it doesn’t always mean money but for a lot of people that equals money.
Now here’s another question and I want you to put the answer to this in the comments.
How does it make you feel when you think about money?
Sometimes people feel worried. Some people just automatically feel negative. Other people feel great; they feel positive.
Some go “Ooh, let me go check my bank account right now, see how I’m doing,” because they’re on, maybe for the New Year they’re on a mindset of, I’m going to save, I’m going to be good about that. I’m going to create little envelopes and such.
So, see how you feel about that. Feel into it. And we’re going to work on a little mindset change here.
What do you think of this one?
Money can’t buy happiness.
You can just think about that one and mull it around. What does that bring up? Is that something you’ve heard all your life or maybe your parents used to tell you that.
I’d like to give you another version. Here’s a different one to think about:
Happiness can buy money.
Think about that.
Happiness is energy. It’s a currency, an exchange of sorts that we’ve invented. Money is something we created as a means of exchange.
Happiness is an energy and a currency, an exchange as well.
Think about happiness as energy and currency and so is money. But it’s an exchange of energy. So let’s incorporate this thought into our new abundance mindset that we’re working on here.
And this abundance mindset is a really important step if you want to work with crystals to attract abundance. You can do all this work without the crystals but believe you me when you have a support of your crystal tools you’ll see it requires less effort.
In physics, the definition of a tool is something that allows you to do the work with less effort. And it does require less effort when you work with the crystals.
So when you’re able to cultivate and nurture happy, positive energy about money: you’re naturally going to make yourself more attractive to it. This includes (and I know this one well), not hating those who have more money than you do, or seemingly appear just to acquire it more easily than you do.
Again, how do I know this? Because I’ve seen both sides of that coin.
Lack Mindset
I’ve been super poor. Not able to scrounge up enough coins to do my laundry down the hall at the apartment complex I was living at and get my uniform cleaned so I could go to my work as a waitress. And sometimes I went to work with it dirty ’cause I didn’t have enough quarters to do the laundry. I was eating stale bread and drinking a Diet Coke for dinner. Stale bread, Diet Coke. That was one of my meals, often. Waitressing my ass off, working double shifts, working three jobs at a time, while curling my lip at what seemed like comfy people that I was waiting on.
I did my job well. I did my job really well, and I knew how to get the tips, but to a certain extent, I wouldn’t do certain things. Let’s not get crazy here. But those people didn’t do anything to be hated on. But I just did because they were able to go out to dinner without a care in the world, that’s what it seemed like to me.
That was the story I was telling myself in my head, and they were enjoying themselves, and they were dressed well, and they were driving a nice car, and they seemed to be doing well, and here I was, working like a dog, putting myself through school, working tons of jobs. What a mindset I had. And I was attracting more and more of the same because that’s the mindset I was in.
As long as I stayed in that cycle, I was going to continue to attract more and more of that, and I did.
Funny Story
Let me tell you a funny story… I was driving my mom’s Toyota Tercel because I couldn’t afford the payments on the car that I loved at the time, which was a royal blue Firebird, with T tops. So we had to trade cars. Could you imagine, my mother was driving around this Firebird. She was like, uh. But they were helping me out, and so I had her Toyota Tercel. I think it was an 84′ and this was in 92′, maybe.
And so embarrassing,
I went to go meet a friend at the mall for lunch, and we hadn’t seen each other for years and kinda check in on how each other was doing, and I didn’t have a lot of time, and I had to get to work, and it was in between classes and work. So I go to the mall, and I was always asking everyone about this because I was worried about the noises.
The car had all kinds of weird mechanical things and sounds, and it always sounded like the tires were going to fall off of the car, and I would always ask “Is it possible that tires can just fall off the car while you’re driving?” No, gosh that’s so ridiculous. Well, I was in the mall parking lot, and I made a turn, and the tire fell right off the axle. I’m not even gonna get into the big long story, but it can happen, it did happen!
I never had money to fix my car. It was just a mess. So if your attitude about money, success, prosperity, and abundance, in general, is that you’re lacking or you have this jealousy thing going around your head about it, that’s exactly what you’re going to have coming. It’s negative energy. And if your attitude is that you lack in those things, then you’re going to keep coming up short. A lack mindset will bring you more of that.
Turn it Around
So one of the best things you can do on your manifestation journey is take a good step back, widen your view, and look at all the wonderful things that are happening in your life that you can be grateful for. That is something I never did back then. It’s something I do on a daily basis now.
It can be something small. You have to start small when you’re in that place of lack mindset. You might not even realize you’re grateful for something until you examine it a little more closely. It’s one of the best feelings to realize that oh my gosh, I have all these wonderful things and I’m just sitting here wasting energy on complaining and all of this stuff. You might be more prosperous and thriving in ways that you don’t even realize. And wealthy in all sorts of things.
But you’re focusing on what you don’t have. An attitude adjustment is the first step to turning your whole situation around.
I love to use crystal grids to support me in whatever my next vision is. And they just do such a wonderful job. They’re so efficient at it.
Crystal Allies
We know that crystals have these amazing healing properties. They can be our allies in attracting money, success, prosperity, and abundance as well. Because they can be a vibrational match to that type of energy, that type of frequency.
Here are the crystals that I’ve found to be most effective for that.
1. Congo Citrine
This type of citrine is not your run of the mill baked citrine (and I’ve gone over that quite a bit recently.)
Congo citrine is this champagne color. It can be dark like iced tea, or it can be more on the smokey side, but it’s not a very dark orange. And it doesn’t come as little geodes. It comes as a point with some smaller points around the base. This is very typical of a Congo citrine.
It’s been known as the merchant’s stone for hundreds of years now. Merchants have been using it near their cash registers, or in their cash drawer. Some people even put a little tiny tumbled stone or a little chip in their wallet.
Congo Citrine brings into alignment the vibrations that allow us to manifest, attract and collect money.
And I’m saying specifically Congo citrine because to be short and succinct about it, that baked citrine variety I feel is not delivering the goods. Let’s just leave it at that.
Congo citrine also allows you to be also better at saving money or spending money more wisely, being a good steward of your finances, so not losing money and doing silly things.
It’s about the solar plexus energy. So your personal power, your personal will and healthy self-confidence.
Plus it puts you in this really happy mood. So if you’re ever feeling depressed or down, Congo citrine is going to be very, very important. When you feel happy, and in a good mood, it greatly influences positive results for you, all around.
2. Green Jade
Since the stone age, people have been using green jade to bring about vitality, good luck, good fortune. And the ancients have pointed us in the right direction with this one.
3. Pyrite
Another one very commonly used for prosperity, abundance mindset is pyrite. In an ideal situation, pyrite will naturally grow into a cube. People always ask, “Does it grow like that?” Yeah, it does. That cube is the crystals expressing their sacred geometry, their inherent sacred geometry on a macro level.
Pyrite has masculine energy and please don’t get upset. When I use these genderized terms, masculine, feminine, people get all panties in a bunch. And we’re not talking about gender here. We’re just talking about energy.
There’s a polarity to energy and there’s masculine energy and there’s feminine energy. And we all harbor both, you know, whether you consider yourself male, female, or in between. Pyrite has masculine energy. Want to manifest? Work with pyrite.
The word pyrite has Greek origins or the root of the word, and it means fire because when you take two pieces of pyrite and you strike them together, you’ll see a spark (especially if you turn out the lights). It’s fitting, that spark energy because that’s the kind of vibe we get from pyrite. An igniting kind of energy.
It’s a real push, explosive kind of energy and that’s what masculine energy is. So it’s a take action kind of stone.
A manifestation stone which is all about solar energy. So, it aligns and influences our mindset with an earning mentality, and that’s what we’re looking for here.
Additionally, it resonates with our solar plexus chakra, so it’s another one that helps with our will and self-discipline. We see a theme here, right? Pyrite also helps to build confidence.
4. Peridot
That’s a large piece of peridot in a matrix, top left in the above pic.
Peridot influences the growth of anything; the ideal “manifest” stone. This includes your bank account.
It’s all about the prosperity vibration, about vitality. General overall well being. It resonates with two chakras, our solar plexus again, as well as our heart chakra. Peridot is a really good one for that.
It’s not a stone that you often see, and you’re probably going to more easily find small pieces of peridot, and that’s okay if you have a little small piece of peridot. That’s fine.
5. Clear Quartz
Why clear quartz? Because clear quartz is all about amplification. It amplifies the energy of all the other crystals that you have. So if you’ve got say peridot and green jade in a crystal grid you can amplify that with clear quartz.
Clear quartz is always an all-around great crystal to have because of that amplification ability.
It’s also a good clarifier, so it can help clarify energies. It can make the other crystal work that you’re doing way more effective by intensifying and clarifying the energy. And little laser points are convenient when you’re doing a crystal grid.
6. Green Aventurine
Make sure it’s green aventurine for manifesting and not yellow or the other colors. Look for green aventurine because the other colors are rarer. Yellow aventurine, red aventurine are rarer while green aventurine is very abundant.
This one is also all about vitality, vibrancy, growth, development. So that kind of energy. Health, finances, growing confidence, growing your number of friends. Anything you want to expand into abundance.
Money Increase Ritual
Let’s do a quick money increase ritual to manifest it up.
And I know we like quick because sometimes rituals can be very involved and it takes a little bit too much time. And we’re like, oh yeah that sounds nice and you put it away, and you never do it. So this one you can do right now. You could do it tomorrow.
This is to charge your money so your money can grow plentiful. It’s like money fertilizer! How does that sound?
- You’re going to take a raw Congo citrine. If that’s hard to find, then you can also go with pyrite. I like either of those two stones for this ritual. Pyrite might be easier to find than Congo citrine. If you have a Congo citrine, use it.
- Take a $5 bill or a $10 bill (because you want to think of this as an exponential build and if you start with a one-dollar bill, you can do that, but it might not be as big of an exponential build as if you used a five or a ten).
- Put the bill out in the sun. Let it bask in the intense peak pranic energy of the sun during the peak hours. So that depends on where you live. So maybe it’s between the hours of 10 and two, for a few hours. There’s no exact, just peak pranic energy of the sun. Outdoors. Not in a window, not indoors. So if it’s raining and cloudy then wait until you can get to a sunny day. Put it out in the sun, put it somewhere where it’s not gonna get stolen.
- Put that stone over the bill. And then when it’s done, put that stone in your wallet. You can put the money in your wallet too but keep the stone.
- You can go ahead and spend the money. Go ahead and do that but that stone stays in your wallet.
And that’s going to bring about the energy of money and fertilizing, charging your money so you can grow plentiful.
Yeah, I like the simple, I like the easy I like the quick, I like the practical. That’s what I’m all about with this money fertilizer ritual.
So I hope you’ve enjoyed this manifestation blog and I hope you can do the money ritual or get to work with your crystals and create your manifestation crystal grid. And don’t forget to post your fill-in-the-blank answer in the comments: I want to manifest an abundance of _______________.
Crystal Blessings,
Prosperity, financial wealth, success in business , personal and spiritual growth and an abundance of crystals candles and herbs as well as knowledge faith wisdom and loving supportive relationships
Prosperity, money, good health, abundance of crystals, success, financial growth, inner peace, healing of my past, abundance of wisdom and knowledge, healing of those around me, opening my eyes to Aura’s
Prosperity, money, good health, abundance of crystals, success, financial growth, inner peace, healing of my past, abundance of wisdom and knowledge, healing of those around me, opening my eyes to Aura’s, healing of my current relationship issues…
Money, Health, Success & Happiness
Prosperity, health and happiness
Wealth and happiness
Thank you for this video. “Happiness can buy money” Love that!
Prosperity, money, love, self-love, clarity, guidance, wisdom, support, rest ❤️
Thank you for this video, this is so helpful!!!
My absolute pleasure, Meridith.
Great presentation!
Thanks, Stacy! 🙂
Hey, Hibiscus Moon! Thanks for another great actionable idea. Quick question: obviously if you have a slim wallet you can’t keep a big Congo Citrine in there. I’m assuming it’ll still charge your dollar bills (and hopefully your credit cards and debit cards) just by being in my purse, am I right? Just by being near my wallet, it’ll charge everything money-related in my wallet?
Yep, Nicole it will still work great… but keep it well protected in there. 😉 You don’t want it getting knicked and banged up.
Thanks for asking the question, as well as answering it! I was wondering the same thing!
Also, what about those that live in cold climates. Will the stones tolerate it?
Yep. But be careful not to allow them to go through temperature extremes; very hot to very cold or vice versa… that’s what can cause them to crack.
Wealth but with a healthy balanced energy not greed.
I want to manifest an abundance of money!
Great Machelle! Are you choosing to do a crystal grid for that?
I printed out the grid. Which stones from the list go where on the grid?
Frances, use your intuition or if you like, you can get more details about that in my book; Crystal Grids:
Great video! Thanks for that! I have done the money fertilizer ritual with a medium size citrine point and a couple more pocket size raw pieces.
The citrine point -which is heavy and I cannot carry around in my purse all the time- is in the prosperity corner of our home, pointing towards the inside of the house and together with a clear quartz stalagmite slice. One of the raw small pieces is in my wallet and the third one is in the place where we keep cash at home.
So far it has worked neatly… since that citrin point got the job (right before we left for a 5-day New Year’s break) it has brought in 43K DKK (about 6300 USD) of unexpected income in the shape of gifts and investement results… my husband and I are working with the law of attraction on that, and our goal is quite big for the end of 2020 (we’ve gotten so far less than 1% of our goal… and I’m not complaining a bit! It all happened in the first three weeks of the year!). So, since the goal is quite big, I have some questions:
1. Will it help to “hire” a few more citrine points? If so, how many? Placed also in the prosperity corner?
2. I have just gotten a new piece of pyrite, jade and have 4 green aventurines, all in pocket size, 6 pieces in total. How can I use them to give the hard-working citrine a hand? She’s been fantastic, so I want to keep her in good company and happy at her job 🙂
I know the questions are a bit detailed and I really hope you can answer them, Hibiscus.
Looking forward to more news on the opening of the course. I’m currently tidying up my home and processes so I can get the spare time I need to be able to take the crystal healer course.
Blessings from Denmark!
want to manifest an abundance of prosperity, wealth, health and freedom.
Sending you Crystal Blessings, Christina
Wealth health and prosperity
When I think about money I feel great!! I want to have money because I’m a single mother of three young boys. Money brings me peace of mind because I can pay the bills, keep my house, take care of my children AND give to charities.
Rock on, Natalie! Abundant blessings.
Wealth, Good health, Prosperity, Happiness and Lots of Fun
Prosperity Thank you, Thank you
Prosperity, please!
I’m inspired to finally get my crystal healing business off the ground (only 4 years after becoming an HM CCH!!), so I can work for pleasure and in my own time, enabling me to stay home with my baby boy, rather than go back to a City job in London (total soul drain).
I want to direct this grid towards achieving that – creating a strong marketing proposition and attracting clients. But I’m struggling to distil my manifestation aim into a single word!
So happy to hear this, Louise! Sounds like bliss. I think you described it beautifully. No need for one word. 😉
I am manifesting an abundance of financial growth.
Blessed be and thank you.x
When do you put the stone on the bill? Right away, outside in the sun? Wouldn’t it make the citrine fade? I have heard that pyrite shouldn’t be left under the sun for a long time, either…
When you’re in the sun actually doing the ritual, Polina. Place the stone on the bill and leave it there for a few hours. Pyrite is fine in the sun. No problem at all. You just don’t want it getting rained on lest it rusts from the iron content. 😉
I want to manifest an abundance of success and freedom, in whatever form is best for me.
Prosperity ????
Hi! Can you advise if tiger eye is also suitable for manifesting success and wealth? I’ve heard about it from a friend but would like a professional view 🙂 thank you!
Wealth/prosperity/financial peace of mind – call it what you will, health, fitness, peace of mind, a happy life. It’s been quite a year or so… Thank you so much for this!!!!
Prosperity, peace of mind and happiness for myself and my loved ones!
So I did the money ritual… Chose my favorite pyrite (don’t have Congo Citrine, would any natural citrine work?). Anyway, I live on an apartment building, left my bill and the pyrite on top, and that pyrite did have some weight to it. They did stay out in the sun for about an hour or two, and then the bill was gone!
I did ask my son, who goes out into the balcony to smoke, if he saw it, he had no idea the crystal was there, he says maybe the bill flew with the wind, but the stone was where I left it. Hmmm…. I think maybe he took it and didn’t want to tell me? Anyway, I did put out another bill, the time inside the window. That doesn’t work, does it?
The pyrite did have about an hour or two in direct sunlight with the bill, and is now in my wallet. I did do some affirmations with it before putting it out there!
However, if that bill did indeed fly out, I did pray that whomever finds it was in need of some money!
I just put my bills out in the sun and the wind blew one of the dollar bills over and the stone off the bill. Is this o.k.or do I need to repeat
Thank you
January 29 at 4.36 p.m.
This is a great presentation…thank you! I desire to manifest an abundance of prosperity, wealth, health, and love!
Question: For the money increase ritual, I live in a high-rise (on the 35th floor), how can I do the ritual if I do not have a space to leave the money outside?
Thank you
I want to manifest an abundance of Joy, money, health, and stability.
Thank you so much for this info I will try the ritual as soon as we get a clear sunny day again.
Does any one have trouble posting on the scholarship blog?
Health and security…????????????
Hi not sure if I miss this information but, how long do you leave your crystal grid working for…?
Which stones go where for the crystal grid? I’ve never done one and I don’t understand how to use it. There’s three shapes but five types of stones suggested…?
hi..i am manifesting an abundance of money. im aligned with the high vibrational energy of money. the abundance of money energies allow me to live a life of security and freedom; to explore, grow, evolve and serve my purpose. i am continuously and gratefully receiving gifts of money from the universe; im privileged for the opportunities to give money generously at any time…
im new to crystal energy and the power mother earth is offering us. i found your site yesterday. i love the interactive nature. the abundance of content makes it a first stop/ one stop/ go to shop. great flow. thank you.
Love in myself and in the world!
Merci pour votre générosité je demande l abondance des energies dans tout les domaines argent sante amour plaisir joie paix gratitude
Prosperity ????
Ideals clients
Abundance of money ????
Prosperity ????
Balance between bills and money, and genuine love
PROSPERITY, Love & Happiness.
Prosperity ????
When I think about money I get worried. My husband has terminal cancer of the heart. Very rare and very incurable. We have made progress with Malachite. His last CT scan showed that the tumors on the heart and on the lungs have gotten smaller to the size they were when first found. Anyway. I digress. I’m worried that I won’t be able to afford a funeral or pay property taxes or repairs on cars and house. I’m going to go outside now and pit the $5 in the sun with green jade and a clear quartz crystal. I’ll let you know how well that works.
Hi there!:)
Wow, I finally found the right kind of crystals and stones to use. I want to manifest wealth, prosperity, and abundance of money. Thank you for the awesome article.:)
Great topic and well explained. Sometimes we don’t realise the beliefs we have about things until we really ponder on them and try to get to the root of the belief. When did you first believe that about success, where did the belief come from, what evidence is there that it’s true, did you learn it from someone else etc. Its very interesting to interrogate our own thoughts, beliefs and feelings about certain topics – like money. Thanks so much, I truly enjoyed.
Please send me the prosperity grid.
Tx a mill
Money. Not to drive the right car, or live in the right neighborhood, wear the right clothes. I have always wanted to help people be happy – I have a need to make people laugh, I want to lift them up. I’ve known for a while that I have the ability to help and heal people. Recent readings, and feedback from my spirit guides, has propelled me into crystal learning. I want to pursue becoming better healer using crystals. I am on the wait list for the next round of the Crystal Academy, having faith that the money for the course will manifest! <3 <3 <3
This is complete hogwash! I’ve literally got museum quality pieces of everything mentioned, and tons of raw stone. I even sell stones as I’ve been mining my whole life. There is no magic, no Healy feelies, the only energy generated comes from pizeoelectric wafers. Why people keep pushing the BS narrative boggles my mind! I even see women put chunks of crystals in drinking water, and I stop them because I just mined those out of a toxic pocket! Lead, arsenic, antimony, rare earths all show up in the crystal pockets as well as radioactive materials. Tell people the truth, because lies kill!
I think it all is a matter of the person. Yes you have to be careful of harmful crystals and doing crazy things with them. To think there is not magic is sad to me. There is so much we don’t know about the human experience or this planet or the universe. Crystals could be the gate way to opening up your mind. They are tools. You have to do the work to make the magic happen. Just my opinion.
Thank you soo much! Id love the free materials if still possible… prosperity! This has been so valuable!
So, if my dog ate the $10 bill after it had been outside for like 2 hours, will it still work?
I’m on the journey in manifesting fifteen plus Reiki clients/students per week so I can have the financial abundance to kick that day job to the curb for once and for all.
How I feel about money? I’m a saver and conservative. I love to travel so I save my money. When I’m not traveling I tend to spend money on things I want after purchasing what I need and help others who need it, I help the needy monthly or when I can. If I’m broke I’m still happy as money don’t make happy I do. I would love to have money who doesnt
I am manifesting an abundance of money, prosperity, spiritual growth, personal business opportunities, knowledge, health, love, fun, weight loss and travel : )
WOW!!! I just realized that I am watching this video one year later TO THE DAY!! Amazing! I am manifesting a life of love, full of prosperity, great health (health of my family), international travel, money that I can share with the less fortunate (including animals), and ultimately I wish to draw the appropriate people, places, opportunities, and knowledge to manage great amounts of money! I am eternally grateful for everything that I have, and all of the experiences that helped mold me into the person I am right now.
I AM Manifesting ,Health,Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity.
I use HWAP for short when I silently meditate out in public.????
Sending Positive Vibes and many Blessings to all those in need, much peace of Mind.
I want to manifest an abundance of wealth, freedom, confidence, career advancements, and life’s purpose.
An abundance of wealth, all worries I leave behind and esp. my past. Learn to manifest more abundance so it will never leave me. Thank you ???????? Thank you ???????? Thank you ???????? for the money that’s coming to me. Also I’ve been working with crystals and today I felt how strong it is. It almost made me passed out so I researched it and took it off. I will try to work with it slowly at a time.
Love this and love listening to you!! Where do you buy your crystals from? They are beautiful!
Prosperity ????
To relieve such awful soul destroying pain
Thank you for share your great challenges I really interesting to learn and studying how to be good again my life also I believe the energy of the stone
I want to manifest an abundance of wealth and prosperity not only to help myself but to help others in need and share the love that is within me.
Prosperity. Wonderful information. Thank you sgain
Peace of mind!
Thank you HM for another inspirational post. Many years ago I was in a really bad mindset place. I bought a ute 4×4 that had been rolled (coz I didn’t have much $$) . Did it up and drove it, one day the wheel fell off – thank God I wasn’t driving because I would have had my then 2 yo in the car with me – my boyfriend at the time was an ex race car driver so he knew how to handle it. Mindset is everything!. Crystal <3 to you! xx
Plus I have a question. You mentioned 5-6 stones but you say to just use one when putting it out in the sun ☀️?
Thank you for all you do.
I want to attract an abundance of money, success, true friends, good health, love,spiritual awareness, and prosperity.
Financial growth and properity.
The money ritual with pyrite and money bills….I am confused…do I need to keep both the money bill and pyrite stone in the sun to bask? or just the money bills. Pls clarify.
Peace of mind
Prosperity and wealth
Great post, Hibiscus Moon! I have to say health and prosperity. I’m still taking courses and learning to start my own business in Reiki, meditation, journal therapy, and of course crystal healing. I’ll definitely try the money ritual, thank you!
an abundance of money and prosperity
Wealth, Health and Prosperity.
I did the one you shared last year, with 7 organza bags with bills and stones to spend/give away. As covid hit small businesses, I spent the bills ther and used the sotnes to make little mojo bags for them. They all survived the year amazingly well, and the last bill is still in my wallet and my bank account is the biggest it’s EVER BEEN!! Seriously, I”m a little embarrased given how many people I know are struglling right now.
I”m going to do it again, and maybe this different version. Thanks for everything!!
Thank you Hibiscus Moon! Happiness, No more worries about lack of Money!
I would like to manifest and be released from my past, to have the horrible pain in my body gone, Happiness, love, good friends, Prosperity, money not only to help myself but others as well. Good health, as well as to help heal others. Thank you. would like to go on mercy medical missions again helping others.
Prosperity (since that seems to be the… but how about FINANCIAL FREEDOM? I want to manifest an abundance of financial freedom!
Prosperity…….I want to manifest an abundance of finacial security ,love and spiritual healing,and to have more belief in myself and confindence….so I can help my very close family friends and my pets,to have all the love and pain free days they deserve..
Thank you
Prosperity, money, joy, good health and happiness.
An abundance of money
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[…] Manifestation Ritual: Encourage graduates to set intentions by creating a small ritual involving green aventurine. This can include holding the stone while visualizing their goals and aspirations. […]