4 Totally Rockin’ Ways to use Crystals for Fear and Anxiety

Fear & anxiety can be debilitating. I know. So are there actually crystals for fear and anxiety?

It can not only stop you from being productive but can stop you in your tracks, unable to just do your normal everyday activities & even roll you backwards in life.

These are some stones you can use along with some techniques I’ve found work very well for me as well as for my students.

Go-To Crystals for Fear and Anxiety

rosequartzheartsRose Quartz – love is the opposite of fear & this stone embodies the love vibration;  excellent for calming, love, kindness & compassion. If you’ve recently had any fear revolving around emotional drama, fights, chaos, confrontations this stone will truly help to comfort your heart chakra. In addition, it helps you with self love which is great for dispelling fear.

blue lace agateBlue Lace Agate – this stone is well-known for its centering & calming vibrational frequencies & works really well for reprogramming your thoughts & reactions to calm & positive ones…just what you need when you’re overcome by fear & may not be thinking rationally. A … Read More

2016-09-19T09:54:50-04:0010 Comments

8 Crystal Tools I Couldn’t Live Without

In our crystal practice, we may have collected many various crystal tools for this, that or the other. Next thing you know you have a ton…but I find that there are a select few that I end up using most often. I call them my Go-To Crystal Buds. I’ve mediated with them, have a closer bond with them & seem to pull them out for working with most often. they’re like my Inner Circle Crystals. 😉

So, how about  a behind-the-scenes look at the crystal tools that I use most often?

My 8 Top Crystal Buddies

1. Big Baby – if you’re familiar with my blog, you’re well familiar with Big Baby. This is my large natural clear crystal point that I often use as the center crystal for many of my powerful crystal grids. He’s perfect for focusing & then amplifying my intentions.

crystal grid Big Baby

2. Big Mama– Again, if you’re a regular, you know Big Mama Rose Quartz Chunk-a-Lunka is a staple in my Love Grids. I usually use her in a grid where I send loving, compassionate healing energy out to many all at … Read More

2020-01-27T22:19:59-05:0022 Comments

What 5 Crystals Should You Have in Your Beginner’s Kit?

I recently asked the Crystal Hotties on my Facebook Page:

“What are some popular crystal topics that you would like to know about?”

I promised I would take the TOP 2 & turn 1 into a video (working on that this weekend) & the other into a blog post. Here’s that blog post.

I won’t get into what shapes your crystals should be, whether natural, cut or polished here in this post since that’s really a whole other topic for another day. Since this is for a beginner’s kit, my advice is to select the 1 crystal shape or size that calls to you most & still fits within your budget. If that means just getting 1 tumbled stone of each then that will be PERFECT. Go for it!♥

So,  what 5 crystals you should have in your beginner’s kit?

Well, that really would vary by individual. But we can determine 5 Must-Haves.

Now, there are so many ways to go with this. But I wanted to keep the list simple using inexpensive & easy-to-obtain crystals. Didn’t want to send you hunting to the ends of the Earth looking for the most rare & expensive crystals I could think … Read More

2015-06-04T11:09:52-04:0090 Comments

Crystals for Love

Love, love, love… what crystals are good for bringing love into our lives?

It’s one of the questions I get asked the most. Well, my 1st question is what kind of love?

  • Romantic love?
  • Self-love?
  • Compassion?
  • Forgiveness?

And, yes, there are crystals to enhance the frequencies of all of these.

Crystals for Love

We are so blessed to live on a gorgeous planet that has cooked up all these lovely natural yet GORGEOUS frequency medicines for us!!

We can also work on all of these by working on our heart chakra…& there are crystals for that too!

crystals for love rose quartz

Let me list just a few good crystal choices here and what they’re commonly used for (But please remember that these crystals may not resonate the same for everyone. That’s why I always teach in my classes that its important to learn to work with your stones to see what they resonate for you personally):

  • Rose quartz: the go-to love stone, gentle, compassionate, loving energy
  • Watermelon tourmaline: joy, love, calming, heart-centeredness, heals  the physical heart
  • Ruby: builds self-love, reminds you how precious you are, strengthens healthy physical relationship with your own body … Read More
2020-01-27T22:18:43-05:0014 Comments
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