Seems there’s a rash of fake shungite showing up recently.
And many asking me how to ID it so they can protect themselves from a bad purchase. I’m happy to show you an easy way here — but also clarify some science around it (of course!)
Care to Geek out with me to Avoid Fake Shungite?
So, shungite (conveniently) does something that most other crystals or stones don’t do: it conducts electricity. It’s not the ONLY mineral that can do that though—
Other Electrical Conducting Minerals (you may have in your collection):
- silver
- galena
- graphite
- copper
- gold
- pyrite
- silicon
- cinnabar
- sphalerite
But shungite can do something special…
it has an ability to conduct that electricity really well (as does silver, gold + copper from that list above). By the way, notice a pattern? — the good conductors are metallic looking, but not always.
So, conductivity is one mineral id’ing characteristic we can use to eliminate other possibilities that may look similar.
More on that later.
Opposite from conductors, insulators are materials or minerals that do not conduct electricity. For instance; any quartz, calcite + fluorite are good examples.
Then you’ve got the semi-conductors. Just as the name implies, these minerals do a semi-good job of conducting electricity.
A physical characteristic of some semi-conductors is that they have a slightly metallic look, so not as hi-shiny as, say, silver or copper. But in some rare cases, they do not shine at all; which can be the case with carbon, which in certain forms, can conduct electricity quite well but not very shiny at all.
Skip if not interested/Geek-Speak Warning: I run the risk of boring the hell of out you for sneaking this in here but because I know some of you will ask — I’ll take the chance. To be a good conductor, it needs un-used electrons to carry the electrical current. So in a diamond (another form of carbon), there ain’t no spare electrons due to its molecular structure. So, that means that diamond is an insulator, not an electrical conductor. Now, on the other hand, you’ve got graphite, yet another form of carbon and it’s a good electrical conductor. Why? Say it with me now; it has lots of free electrons bopping around. And as is the case with most semiconductors, it has properties of both non-metals and metals.
OK, enter Shungite (mainly a carbon mineral in yet another form)!
Notice I said Shungite is “mainly” made up of carbon.
The higher the carbon content, the more pure the shungite is considered to be. That really pure stuff is called Elite or Noble as the preferred type for purifying drinking water. You can read all about that in my blog post here.
In my above video, you see me checking shungite using a digital multimeter.
These are relatively inexpensive and many households have one hanging around in the garage or tool shed. I like using the multimeter way better than using the flashlight method I’m seeing a lot of on YouTube because, as I mentioned in the above video, it’s just more reliable.
Galena or Hematite Often Passes for Shungite – Watch out!
Some may confuse (or purposefully try to trick you) into thinking that something is Elite Shungite when in reality it’s Galena (another semi-conductor) or even polished Hemeatie (an insulator, not conductor).
As I mentioned above, Elite or Noble shungite has a pretty good shiny metallic look to it so you can see why it’s often confused for galena and polished hematite. But learning a bit of easy-at-home mineral ID methods (as I teach in my Crystal Savvy Class Elective) you can learn to quickly eliminate these two imposters.
One quicky way to ID galena is that it’s really heavy (being lead) when compared to shungite, which should be quite light.
What Else to Look for to Avoid Fake Shungite:
Is your shungite 100% pure black?
Real deal shungite is NOT going to be pure black through and through.
The reason is that, as is the case with most minerals, it has inclusions. That means that some other minerals will be mixed up in there in varying amounts. With shungite, you often have some little metallic specks or veining of pyrite or even mica in there.
Keep in mind though, the purer (Elite or Noble) it is, the less of this you’ll see.
2. Operate Touch Screens
I originally talked about this in my deep-dive shungite blog post here; I realized through my own testing, shungite can conduct human-like sensory energy so that you can use it to operate touch screen devices. Try this out for yourself.
Composite or Reconstitiued Shungite?
Do you have one of these in your collection?:
- “reconstituted” (they basically take shungite powder and mixed it with some resins)
- “composite” shungite (usually shungite powder mixed with gypsum dust as a bonding agent). Walmart is selling composite shungite figurines here.
… and then plopped into a mold.
Now, depending on what’s in the composite material, this greatly alters the ability of the stone to purify, conduct electricity or block EMFs. So, many of the reasons you may be working with shungite now go out the window!
Sometimes, they’ll even claim it’s real shungite powder but that’s not always the case. So, to be safe, personally, I just prefer to completely stay away from reconstituted or composite shungite.
Always use your common sense and the best protection from this is to be well-informed yourself.
Do Your Thing
As I always mention in my “Fakes” posts, if you choose to work with man-made or altered stones and you enjoy them or it’s been working for you:
“keep on ‘truckin’”. Don’t change a thing!
I just want us all to have the geo-knowledge first. Then you can make an informed decision regarding how you choose to work with these stones.
And as always, the moral of the story here is…
Buyer Beware: Who are you buying from? Are they reputable? Do they know what they’re talking about? Are you doing your own due diligence + research? The best way to protect yourself is through education.
For those of you always asking where I like to get my shungite — here you go direct from Russia. (My recommendation for Noble Shungite – they have all sorts of creative shungite products. Even beauty products like a Shungite Facial Scrub. Check them out!)
We all love the beautiful gems that Mama Earth creates and you don’t know what you don’t know… until you know better. So, I hope you’ve learned something new here today.
Have you seen any shungite shenanigans recently? Please share in the comments below!
Crystal Blessings,
Do you have any recommendations as to where I can buy real sunlight and real shungite figurines
Hi Tammy – here you go direct from Russia: As for figurines, I just don’t trust any of them… unless I was ever able to sit and watch them make them from scratch. There’s just no guarantee of what they’re using as a bonding agent. There may be someone out there carving them directly out of the rock but again I want to see it happening to believe it. :/
Thank you that’s the website I bought from…. Still waiting for it though.????
Very cool. I tested my shungite and it is real. I have a local shop I buy my crystals from and the man who runs it is extremely passionate about rocks so I didn’t think he’d dupe me or accidentally dupe himself when purchasing it to sell, but I just wanted to be sure. Makes me feel more confident in my rock/crystal escapades now. Thanks, HM! <3
Good for you, Veronica! And I’m so happy you have a reputable + knowledgable seller there. 😀
Thank you! I love when you “geek out”!
Well, I got no problem doing that! 😉 ♥
WoW, I’d love to know how your brain can contain soooooo much. Maybe when I get well, I can take your class!!!
Hey Cathy! It’s from so many years of teaching science, but honestly, at this age, my brain does blink out more and more. Part of the fun!
I’ve just gotten into crystals a few months ago and went on a buying spree on-line. Then I started to go, hmmmm. Are these real? I mean, obviously man made crystals are “real” but they aren’t what come out of the earth. Thanks for the info. I’m trying to figure out the places to purchase the real stuff.
Hey Cee Jay. Welcome to the Crystal Fam! Yeah, I don’t consider them to be real. But that’s just me. I give a link above for getting real-deal shungite. 😉
What is Shungite used for? I just started collecting different crystals and stones but never heard about this one!
Anette, you can check out my blog post here all about shungite and its uses: ♥
I think you should write a letter to that home shopping station. I just ordered a shungite Buddha and now I’m worried. It was from someone in Instagram I hope they knew what they were buying/selling. I’ll test it when I get it. Fingers crossed.
Thank you as always.
Margie, if I started down that path, I’d be writing letters all day long to all sorts of companies. I prefer to ‘preach” to my following, keep on educating anyone who will listen and hope you guys spread the word. I think we have made a dent over the years. It’s no longer happening totally unchecked. Some are trying to be more careful and get educated about what they’re selling. And I have you all to thank for that! Let us know here how your testing g goes!
Thanks Hibiscus,
I just bought a sphere of Shungite from a company that imports it from Russia. I’m very happy with the quality and it passed the test of what you mentioned above. I sleep so well when I have it next to the bed. Deep, sound sleep and wake up feeling ready to go.
Yay, Mika! I’m so happy you took the time to test and that it passed. 😀 It is good stuff indeed.
I sell shungite at several locations and carry a electric variable meter at each site and offer buyers thecability to check conductivity. I have been buying my shungite from russian sources for several years. I tell customers to check stones the have bought else where if they want. I found a reseller at tucson who was selling non conductive shungite claiming it to be genuine. They asked me to leave their both when they saw me testing their stones.
Recently I have clients who halve requested shungite powder. They use it in poultices for minor wounds or injuries. Does anyone have any knowledge relating to this use? I would love to hear your comments.
I love that you do that, Tim!! ♥ Keep on truckin’!
HM thank you this will help when when looking for it.
Glad I could help, Veronica. 🙂
It’s so interesting that shungite works on a touch screen. Is this because of the carbon content, since humans are also largely carbon? I tried other conductive crystals like pyrite and galena on my phone screen and they did not work, so it’s not the conductivity that makes this happen…
Yep, the carbon content in its specific shungite arrangement (with its free electrons) makes it electrically conductive (same as us! – but quite different than a diamond, as I explained in my geeked out paragraph above 😉 ) Pyrite + galena are semi-conductive… so just not conductive ENOUGH to operate your touchscreen. 🙂
The links you shared for purchasing elite and noble shungite from a reputable source are no longer working.
Can you please provide a new link?
Thank you!
Love, hugs and persevere!
There are studies that using it on the skin shows marked improvements for certain ailments, NCBI has online. I think the problem is that would REALLY be hard to test for quality. Of the qualities I was looking for here I was wondering if there would be any magnetic aspects present. Like, even a slight pull. I also did not see if there is a fake present that similar in the touch screen effect. (In the AZ land as well.)
Hi, this was very helpful. I ordered a silver and shungite pendant and I was wondering if I need to do something with it before I actually put it around my neck. Some other site said to soak it in a glass of water first? Does this have to be done, why?
you dont deserve an official HM response, apparently. I’m sorry.
I had no idea there was fake shungite. I have to check some I’ve bought :(.
Just spent $$$ on bracelets and phone stickers. Wore the bracelet most of the past week – tonight I notice that the “stones” look scratched and what looks like silvery colour peeking through the scratches. Have I been duped? I bought from who I thought was a reputable gemologist/crystal guy.
I’ve recently been diagnosed posited for scleroderma, a rare autoimmune disease. I know shungite is awesome for its fullerenes/antioxidants and immunity-boosting. But do you know of that’s beneficial for overactive immune systems?
Thank you for this very informative post! I tested my Shungite piece and was so amazed that it operated my touchscreen phone. ???????? I tested other crystals to see what would happen, and nada. So happy my Shungite is real, and I love learning the science behind these crystal babies.