Hola! Crystal Blessings Everyone!
Today we are going to talk about…
& I’m so excited about this one, because I get asked about this a lot, and it’s one of my favorite subjects to talk about, it’s:
Crystals for Children
Sometimes I’m asked what crystals are good for kids to bring with them to school, to calm down their energy because sometimes, some children have a lot more energy than others.
I don’t feel like it’s a big problem (having been a former teacher myself). Some environments welcome that wild energy and some environments don’t. This “higher” energy may be more evident if your child is an indigo child. They have a different way of viewing &interacting in the world than how our traditional school system is really setup, right?
SIDENOTE: Here’s a great book that I recommend if you’d like to learn more about indigo children:
Some teachers out in the field nowadays have a solid understanding of the whole indigo child thing (we’re headed in the right direction at least)…and they’re on board & realize that there is more than one way to behave & learn. It doesn’t all fall into like the ’50s or the ’40s belief system that “everybody should just be at their desks, calmly facing forward, the whole entire day”.
I mean…that’s hard for anybody to be doing. I still can’t do it 🙂
And if a teacher isn’t on board with letting the kids have a bit more freedom or a non-traditional classroom, well then some children may need a little bit of help in just calming down their energy a little bit, especially where you might have one person; the teacher, unable to give their full-on attention to 30 people in the room (or even more sometimes).
So, we have part A & Part B of this discussion:
- Calming down a child’s energy if necessary
- Crystals kids can have in their bedroom or for school to help them feel safe + protected (perhaps against nightmares), that will also help transmute negative energy so that it’s perceived by them as neutral and not perceived as “negative”; a handy tool for them to have in their pocket.
For both instances, I feel very strongly that:
Kids are way more energetically perceptive than adults.
Children are freshly brought to this plane or this dimension or whatever you want to call it; this reality. They’re still “green” & not as jaded & dulled as some adults. So, they’re much more in tune with energies. Without the adult filters & dulling that many of us have, children can better discern & intuitively know what crystals they should be working with and tapping into or entraining with.
Let them figure it out, let them pick it
- Give the kids a selection, not enough to overwhelm them, but give them a selection of crystals and stones
- Explain what the goal is to them & make sure they willingly agree with the goal; make sure it’s their goal not your goal
- Let them know that here is a selection of crystal tools they can choose from to help them achieve this goal & ask them “Which crystal(s) do you think will be the best to help you with this goal?”
A child will almost always zero in & know exactly which crystals to work with. They’re so perceptive with how to work with them & what to do with them. Let them figure it out, let them go and let them choose which crystals are the ones that are going to help them with whatever their goal is.
Having said that, you might want to put some guiding crystals in the mix so, like I said before, you don’t overwhelm them. Maybe give them a selection of 10 crystals to pick from. That’s a good number. It’s not too many, it’s not too little & it actually gives them the power to choose which ones are the best ones for them.
Here are some Crystal Choices for Kids for Calming Energy:
- Hematite is a favorite for grounding the child & calming them down for the type of environment of most classrooms. It’s also good for helping a child to feel protected, safe in a good grounded environment that’s protected and safe for them.
- Another favorite for gentle (not overpowering) protection for kids is black tourmaline. I’m wearing a black tourmaline pendant in the vid because it’s a good option if your child is old enough to wear pendants.
- Or you could give them a knock-around-piece to put in their pockets, not a really pretty fancy one like this. Some of the rough pieces of black tourmaline that are available on the market now tend to splinter off a lot, so you would probably want to put it in a little pouch and you might want to put it separately (not together with other stones), in its own pouch so that it doesn’t get further beat up.
- Or you could give them a knock-around-piece to put in their pockets, not a really pretty fancy one like this. Some of the rough pieces of black tourmaline that are available on the market now tend to splinter off a lot, so you would probably want to put it in a little pouch and you might want to put it separately (not together with other stones), in its own pouch so that it doesn’t get further beat up.
- Another good option for children is amethyst. You might be getting a hint that amethyst seems to be an all around favorite, a really good crystal for just about anything. Yes!!! It’s got a really nice energy, gentle but protective as well, so that’s a good one.
- Rose quartz is a favorite of kids, both boys and girls. They tend to easily gravitate to it so it’s a natural partnership. So definitely include it in the choice-mix you offer to your child.
Crystals for Banishing Nightmares or Scary Monsters
If your child is dealing with nightmares or they fear monsters in their room and they feel they need protection … have them choose the crystals they would like to pick, preferably 3. I like to go with “three” so you don’t introduce too much “crystal chaos” energy.
- Tell your child to choose the 3 crystals that they think are going to be the BEST to protect them while they sleep
- They can then decide to:
- just set the crystals nearby or by their bedside
- stick them under their bed
- They can put them in their pillowcase, on the bottom part so that they don’t feel it on their head while they’re sleeping
- build a crystal grid
A lot of you probably know about Adam, he’s a big internet sensation: he’s the crystal grid kid. He intuitively knows how to create these elaborate crystal grids and he explains them so well. I think he started doing this when he was like six or seven!
You can show you’re child Adam’s video for inspiration
“Hey, you can do this,kid!” and they can make up their own story around it, because they’re tapping into their naturally strong intuition when they do that.
For creating a crystal grid to handle nightmares here’s an example of what your child can start off with:
- 6 rose quartz tumbled stones or points
- 6 amethyst tumbled stones
- 6 hematite tumbled stones
- That’s 18 total crystals to make a beautiful grid from
So those are just some fun kid crystal tips and if you have ways that you’ve worked with crystals with your children, I would love to hear about it!
Actually, I know our whole Crystal Hottie community would love to hear about it, b/c whenever we talk about crystals and kids on FB or in my courses, we all go off! That’s one of our favorite topics to talk about, so tell us>>>
How do you use Crystals with Children? Share with us in the comments below.
Crystal Blessings,
Love this video and testing comments
TY, Kim!
Great article! Thanks for sharing! ♡♡
TY 🙂
can’t wait to see your new design!! keep the uplifting info and sparkles coming!! 🙂
Me too, Donna. 😉
Love Ya!!!!!!!! <3, Great Read Have to get with my Nieces and try some of the tips out!!! Blessings
Rev. B
TY Rev. B ♥
Very educational & helpful. Namaste
This was a great video and blog post Thanks!!!
After I watched the video I asked my G-daughter 9 what she thought, she said ya that’s true… Just luv her!
testing testing… seems to be working and great article!
This is great. Although, I recently plopped down an assortment of crystals in front of my 7 year old low functioning autistic TWIN nieces and they both were scared of them and became rather upset. Do you have any idea as to why? You are amazing by the way, thank you for all you do!
Howlite is great for helping kids sleep!
My son had a hard time sleeping through the night as a toddler. I put Howlite under his pillow and this seemed to greatly improve the amout of time he slept. I could always tell when it needed to be charged because he would have a horrible night of waking up almost hourly. I’d charge it the next day, and that night he would hardly wake once or twice, if even at all!
I love working with children will be trying these ideas out
Great ideas – thx!
We love Crystals in our family life! My Daughter (6) and my son (3) both use Crystals on a daily basis. They both have a satchul that they keep all of their crystals in. They both keep the (tumbled stone) crystals underneath their pillow at night, and the raw crystals on a table beside their bed. They seem to know what Crystal works for them at the moment, and they will pull it out and hold it. Sometimes I see them placing them on their chakras. They are very guided to Rose Quartz because it is a very calming stind for children. It really calms there emotions and surrounds them with love. A comforting feeling all kids need! 🙂
Thanks for the post. I’m going to introduce the grids to them, and see what comes from that. I’m surf they will love it!
*calming stone (not stine)
Autocorrect is killing me! Ha. *im sure they will love it!
I am very new to crystals. I went to a meditation and was given a few- black obsidian and black tourmaline were two of the crystals given. My daughter (5) loved the obsidian immediately. She started having nightmares, to the point where she would not sleep in her room and would shake when we would put her in her bed. Right as this was happening, my black tourmaline broke into 2 pieces. It was meant for her. She now sleeps with the tourmaline and obsidian next to her bed. If I touch them, she gets very upset because they are her protection. If I was ever a doubter, I have become a full believer. She has never slept through the night and now, she sleeps past her typical wake up time. I am so grateful and I know she is too.
Thank you so much for this post—amazing and right on!! I implemented it with my two kids one who has autism and the other severe ADHD and they love them. My son (who has ADHD) and I lie in his bed at bedtime listening to affirmations and he holds his gems and loves they way they feel and then puts them I his velvet pouch under his pillow and drifts off to sleep. So many thanks and blessings to you and your great work!!!
Thanks for this informative article, aside for the facts on crystals, it also shows that we can develop the sense of commitment on children. It is very helpful and fun as well for both parents and children.
Hello, and thanks for another lovely video post.
I do love to let my kids choose their own crystals and when to use what. My boys are 7 (Caleb has a big collection by now and he uses crystals on his own for headaches, bad dreams and even plays crystal soccer with them which is super cute) and 4 (Zach has a growing collection, his favorite is his Mookite sphere, which he always grabs when he is upset, which as a sensitive Cancerian child is often esp round Full and New Moon. Ella is now 3 and always asking for her Amethyst, this is her crystal of choice, she grabs it whenever she is sad or tired, it happens to be her birthstone too, which I have never mentioned too her. We often grid too, where we all colour a mandala our own way and then add crystals. We think what we are making our mandala for during the coloring and laying of crystals. We put all of our grids on the outside (covered) table over night and I add some candles and incense and connect our grids to enhance their power. Sometimes we do this on a little body outline and place crystals on our chakras or all over the place lol, we get some interesting ones. I am so proud of my kids and their natural ability to brighten the world. I share our antics often on my facebook page Rainbow Healing.
I work with young children and always have a few crystals in my pocket. There are a few children who hear them rattle and ask to see them. I took a bag with 10 different crystals in it and placed them on the carpet for those children to look at and feel. Interestingly the amethyst and rose quartz were the favourite ones. I will try some of the others for calming down times!
Hi, my 12 year old daughter has complained of headaches when trying out stones on her brow chakra and finds even amethyst to be keeping her awake when using. Could she be too sensitive to stones and crystals at this age?
Dear Hibiscus Moon
Thanks much for sharing such beautiful information. Is there any crystals for baby to motivate them to crawl. My niece had a twins through IVF after being childless for 14 years. I gave her the crystals which you recommended for fértility and it works wonder. She finally conceived and gave birth to twins last May. The twins are now 9 months and still not being able to crawl. Hope you can help. Much thanks and love. Crystals blessing.
Namaste, my dear Hibiscus, I have been flowing your Crystal Journey and it’s amazing thank you so much for your information .And the love you have for your crystals and how you share with your fans and students I would love to take your course someday yours truly VioletMoon.????????
what about a 2yrs old girl I need a grounding stone please
I have done this for my grandsons bedtime routine, he has amethyst, rose quartz and selenite by his bedside, I also made a dream catcher for him with amethyst and rose quartz.