
Today we’re going to talk about crystal for anxiety and stress. This is something I get asked about a lot and when I did a poll on my Facebook page just the other day, this was the topic that seemed to win out. I have done several other older blog posts on this, but I’ve got some updated info and some cool stuff we’re going to do.

Oftentimes, worry and stress about the future is what can lead to anxiety, but some of us  have an anxiety disorder. Maybe we don’t even know what we’re worrying or stressing about, it’s just this anxiety takes hold of us.  I feel like it’s a side effect of living in today’s society. How w we lead our lives today is not the best … it’s the latest, but it’s not the greatest, right?

I believe that ancient humans had it down, or evern today in the cultures that live without a lot of the technology.  We’re immersed in the technology.  We’re immersed in so much fakeness from what  we put on our bodies to how we wash, to what we drink, to what we eat, to what we listen to, to the media, to what influences us. In every aspect, we’re bombarded by it and I feel like this is what leads to a lot of panic and anxiety disorders.

So for some, it’s sort of unexplainable and for some, it’s worrying or stressing about the future that leads to anxiety.

I heard it said that … thinking on the past leads to depression, and thinking and stressing about the future leads to anxiety.

If  you can reel in your thoughts, that can be beneficial right there!  But let’s also task about some crystals that can help.

I’ve got five crystals I’d like to talk to you about that are wonderful for inviting in the vibrations we want to get us past this anxiety.

If you have any of these crystals nearby, go grab them and bring them as you hear me discuss them and bring them here because you may want to use one later.

Five Crystals to Combat Anxiety and Stress

1.  Rose Quartz:   So rose quartz is the love crystal, right? It’s all about love, compassion, kindness. Love is the opposite of fear and that’s what anxiety is all about, at its root it’s fear. This stone invites in and embodies the love vibration. It’s excellent for calming, kindness, love and compassion.

If you’ve had any fear revolving around any sort of PTSD, chaos, fights, emotional drama, confrontations, this stone is really going to help calm everything down and comfort your heart Chakra. It also invites in loads of self love, which is great for dispelling fear. Plus this is a water safe stone.

2.   Blue Lace Agate:  This stone is well known for centering and calming your vibrational frequencies. It works really, really well for reprogramming your thoughts and your reactions, for calming your electromagnetic field. It’s a throat Chakra stone, so it allows us to express ourselves in a calm, gentle way, with a positive outlook. This is just what you’re needing when you’re overtaken by fear and anxiety because you might not be thinking rationally. You might be lashing out, or saying things in a wrong way, and we want to get them back to the correct way. So again, throat Chakra stone, really great for that.

You can just tell by looking at it, it’s gentle energy, right? Allows you to speak your mind clearly, but calmly and very eloquently, stating what needs to be said, but not in a way that’s going to exasperate the situation and clearly get you out of those fear inducing confrontations, situations. So, wonderful for keeping close by when you’re dealing with any kind of anxiety. Again, this one is water safe.

3.  Black tourmaline:   This guy is known for its ability to transmute and cleanse energy, it’s a well known stone for that. This is a nice chunky, weighty piece of black tourmaline, also, very high grade. It’s hard to find them in chucky weighty high grade pieces anymore, they might be a little rougher in appearance.

If you’re perceiving energy or a situation to be negative, this stone is wonderful for transmuting it and bringing it to neutral. This is your go to stone for that. Wonderful for purifying energy. So another good one to have nearby. I wouldn’t say that this one’s water safe because there is some elemental contents in there that … Don’t get all up in arms about it, but I err on the side of caution always when it comes to that. So I’m going to skip water safe on that. Not water safe, we’ll just say.

4.  Chrysocolla:  I  have a sphere of chrysocolla that looks like the planet earth, its just a gorgeous stone. Chrysocolla has a very feminine, soothing vibration, just as you would expect Mother Gaia, the planet to have. It really calms your heart Chakra. If your heart Chakra is beating out of fear, or with a panic, or anxiety, chrysocolla is a great one to have for that.

It’s also going to give you more confidence when you’re just paralyzed with fear, and maybe you know you need to communicate with others, and you’re having fear around the confrontation, or saying the right thing, or saying it in the way that maintains your boundaries and  get the point across.

How many times have you thought about what you’re going to say … (this happens to me all the time) and then you say it, and because of fear you don’t say it in the way that it needs to be said?  Then you walk away knowing that the other person didn’t hear you and you didn’t articulate what you really needed to say … then you’re just gripped with fear. You don’t want to go back and have that confrontation again, and you’re crossing your fingers that they understood what you needed them to understand but wonder was there a complete miscommunication and no one understood anything?  And then they just keep doing the same thing, right? Chrysocolla is the one that’s going to get you out of that situation. When you simply need some security in the social situations, confrontations, or social situations of any kind, it’s a great one to either wear as jewelry, or keeping your pocket.

Or what if public speaking is a big one? Some people are really terrified of public speaking. Not all of us. Obviously, I can’t be. I mean, I get a little nervous about it, but I don’t mind. I love public speaking. But I know that’s one of the biggest fears out there, and chrysocolla is one that I recommend having in your pocket, or a mojo kit, or in your bra, wherever you like to have it when you’re doing any kind of public speaking.

5.  Nirvana Quatz:   Nirvana Quartz comes from Tibet. It’s a beautiful quartz, large, chunky, very milky. It’s not clear at all. It’s got lots of etching on it and a coating of hematite. So it’s slightly pink, pinkish-white, barely pink. Nirvana Quartz is wonderful for helping you to overcome fear and allowing you to trust, to invite in trust.

It’s also allowing you to love yourself fully, all the flaws included because Nirvana Quartz visually is covered in flaws. So it helps you to learn to accept and love yourself with all the “flaws”, and I’m putting that into quotes because you are perfect in all your ways. The way that you are is 100% perfect. There are no flaws. It’s so that we’re not all carbon copies of each other in every way. I’m talking energetically, personality wise, and as well as physical. So Nirvana Quartz is wonderful for that. If you have any issues with lvoing yourself fully get yourself a Nirvana Quartz.

Nirvana Quartz is a water safe one too, so if you want to say that. I did see somebody asked about cchrysocolla. I did not mention it’s water safe.  d I don’t consider it to be water safe because of its possible copper content and because crysicola is a stone. Actually, it’s considered a crystal, it’s a mixture of other minerals. There’s other things in there too that’s to  be debated by the geologists. I’ll leave that to them. So I’m not listing it as water safe.

Anxiety Busting Meditation

Next we’re going to do an anxiety busting meditation here together. And just meditation can be effective, really, really effective for relieving anxiety, but it can be even more effective when you incorporate one of the crystals that I mentioned above. So if you have one of those crystalsgo ahead and grab it.

And meditation can be brief …tiIt doesn’t have to be an hour long, it can be effective in as little as 10 minutes. So if you’re gripped by anxiety on daily basis, I would highly recommend doing a crystal meditation for 10 minutes daily.

There are guided audio meditations with calming ocean waves. The ones that I really like are the ones with the binaural beats. The Theta wave binaural beats will actually entrain or influence your brain and soothe your nervous system.

There’s a great one called Relieve Anxiety by Brain Sync



that I really like. Brain Sync is, I think you can also find it on YouTube too.

What’s great about the Theta waves is that Theta waves are all about relieving anxiety. It’s the child-like brain. It’s where deep learning can take place. It’s also a brainwave state you go into when you’re in deep sleep, and it allows you to absorb and retain massive amounts of information that gets stored in your longterm memory. So it’s most like the brainwave state that you can be in to be most like a quartz crystal. Because these are he same things that quartz crystals can do;  store massive amounts of information in a data bank. That’s something that quartz crystals are able to do and  Theta wave makes our brains more like a quartz crystal.

Again, meditating can help you to temporarily relax, but it gives you longterm effects too. They accumulate when you do it on a daily basis. And like I said, just 10 minutes is great, but it’s greatly amplified when you use a crystal. And more importantly, it works on a deeper level by physically altering your actual brain function and brain wave activity. So getting your brain more into Theta more.

If we just leave thingsalone and do nothing, your brain is  always going to be in Beta when you’re awake. And that’s great for doing things, but it can be taxing and stressful on our brains and it’s good to bring it  into Theta when you’re able to. Meditation can actually reprogram your brain to be less anxious over the longterm.

Let’s Meditate:  So clear your space, close your door.

Try to go to a quiet, sacred space or visualie a sacred space.  . Try to control whatever you can as far as noise goes, and hold one of your crystals, whichever crystal it may be, if you have one. If you don’t have access to a crystal, that’s okay. You can still do this with us, okay?

So we’re going to take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. We’re actually going to take this time to be present and go deep within and relax the mind. Feeling anything you’re holding onto, release it, any sensations, any tightness in your muscles, any tension. Check in with your emotions. What are you feeling right now? Just notice and observe and then leave it there. And visualize the interior of the crystal you’re holding, the orderliness of it as it influences and reduces the chaos in your brain. And now bring your attention to your breath, not doing anything special with it, just notice it. And gently breathe in to invite space in your body and breathe out to release any tension with awareness.

Now bring your attention to your belly as it rises and falls with each breath, and bring the breath there to your belly so that instead of expanding our lungs, we breathe with the belly of a baby. Plump the belly out as you inhale, and release it as you exhale. Expanding the belly on an inhale and falling on the exhale. We’re mindful of the breath coming in and going out. Just breathing naturally, normally, but aware of the rise and the fall of your baby belly, mindfully breathing. This belly breathing actually calms us. You can do this whenever you’re feeling stressed, angry, anxious, anxiety, fearful in any way.

Now bring your focus and awareness back into your crystal again and notice the energy vibration as that crystal’s frequency entrains and influences your own. Remember the orderliness within that crystal it’s reducing the chaos in your brain. And even during this meditation, we might be experiencing a fearful thought, or some anxious thought, or worry, or fear, and we can just observe it and let it go. Say, “Thank you for showing up. You’re not needed here right now.” Don’t worry about it because you can pick it up later if you want to.

No matter what might be popping into your brain, you can give yourself permission now to be peaceful.

And you can silently say to yourself,

“I allow myself to experience complete calm and peacefulness with my crystal in this moment.”

Then just come back to your breath again, gentle inhale and exhale, feeling your belly expanding on the inhalation, releasing on the exhalation. Just gently breathing in and out. In your next exhale you can even audibly sigh and sense the energy gently washing over you.

With your eyes still closed, give gratitude to your crystal, feel it in your hand, and you can gently wiggle your fingers and toes. And when you feel ready, you can come back to us. Tell us in the comments below if you u noticed, anything you observed, how you’re feeling right now. How did you do?

Anti-Anxiety Crystal Bath

Just to give you  some other actionable things you can do  with any of those crystals that I mentioned before that were water safe,

  • you can put them in a bath and take an anti-anxiety bath. Perhaps you can … redo the meditation Facebook page so you can replay the meditation we did.
  • when you take an anti-anxiety bath, you can put one or more of the water safe crystals in the bath plus a few drops of lavender essential oil, and it will greatly help you in relieving anxiety

Anti- Anxiety Crystal Grid

Something else you can do is you can do an anti-anxiety crystal grid with the crystals that we talked about. I have another blog post over here on How to Make a Crystal Grid.



  For this purpose here today, here’s an affirmation you can use for the grid, or just an affirmation you can use tocalm your mind as you hold one of the crystals.

“I  charge this grid with healthy thoughts and mental calmness, manifesting assurance, peace, ease, and happiness for myself now.”

I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips on Crystals for Anxiety and Stress.  Let me know in the comments below if you tried this meditation or if  you work with any of these stones for stress relief.

Crystal Blessings,
