Hey hey, Crystal Hottie! Won’t you grab a cozy cuppa gem elixir tea & join me for a Crystal Q&A?
You asked, I answered!
We’ve got a wide range of sparkly topics covered in this Crystal Q&A session so watch & listen to the video. I’ve also given a summary + you can follow along with more links & glittery details below. 🙂
Before we get started, here’s my…
BORING DISCLAIMER: Crystals are a tool & support and should be part of a sound holistic health plan. I think you already know that I’m not a doctor & am not giving medical advice. Crystals should be used as a compliment to & not as a replacement for regular medical care & consultations. So in addition to doctors, psychiatrists, therapists and other modalities, crystals can be very helpful.
What crystals would you recommend for children in school?
Some great crystals for children would be Hematite and Black Tourmaline, Amethyst & Rose Quartz. There are many super easy & practical ways to use them & I wrote lot’s more on this in this blog post: Ideas for Using Crystals with Children.
Also, here are some more tips for students of all ages: Crystals to Help you Study Better, Faster + with Less Stress
What crystals are good for decreasing hyper-activity in a child?
Any light blue stone, like blue calcite or blue lace agate; or amethyst and rose quartz.
They don’t have to wear it, they can just carry it with them. They could have 1 in their pocket, or put 1 in a small velvet bag that you can find in a metaphysical shop. Keep in mind, you don’t want to send them out with your best looking crystals b/c they are likely to get pretty banged up with kids, so just know that when you hand them over. 😉
I just love these stones for their soft & gentle energy. In fact, Pantone’s 2016 Colors of the Year are Serenity & Rose Quartz, so I gush all about these stones over here: Why Rose Quartz, Blue Calcite & Blue Lace Agate are the New Black.
Do you need to be careful with Lemurian Crystals? Is the energy really strong?
I don’t feel that you need to be particularly careful w/ lemurian crystals. It’s not something that’s common; that they’re “too strong”.
However it’s all relative and subjective to YOU. For each individual the experience will be different.
Lemurians are record holders. They hold ancient information from Lemuria and even Atlantis. They have deep striations on the side that you can feel. Think of the striations as a kind of bar code. Information that’s been encoded into the crystal. The Minas Gerais region in Brazil is the source of true lemurians. They have deep striations that you can feel by rubbing your thumb or finger over the sides. And they hold records.
Lemurians are meant to be used to access that ancient information, ancient records from the past.
As far as it being “too strong” to work with, that’s not a very common complaint. But like I said that could be different for you. So give it a try. The only way to know if it is to give it a try; to work with it yourself b/c it’s something you’ll need to personally experience for yourself.
BTW…I also have a blog post here with more info on Lemurian Crystals.
My son has a lot of stress and anger issues…he’s very explosive at times, what would be a good crystal for him?
Lepidolite & aquamarine are 2 crystals that I would recommend.

the big question is … is he willing to work with the crystals?
It’s a matter of personal will, if he is willing to work with them. We can’t force this on anyone else. It’s got to be him that’s initiating and is in agreement with this sort of energy work. Give him a selection, let him know what they’re for, what the intention is and let him choose which crystals to work with. If he’s open to doing it, he’ll pick the crystal(s) that he is being drawn to & that’s a huge part of the equation in what stone will work best for him.
Do you have any experience working with Chlorite?
Yes, Chlorite included quartz! It’s a very effective healing crystal…great for healing of all kinds. Plus, it’s also a great crystal that carries the energy and is a vibrational match for prosperity & abundance.

Natural Chlorite Quartz
Do you have crystal suggestions for worry and stress?
Again, amethyst and rose quartz. Those are both ideal for stress relief. ♥ They seem to great for a lot of different things, huh?
Additionally, here’s my blog post on crystals to help relieve anxiety that might be helpful as well.
How do I safely clean my crystal in matrix without harming it?
I physically clean my quartz crystals with a certain type of acid. But you kind of have to know your crystals well and know the chemistry before you dive in and clean it up w/o causing any harm to it…or to yourself.
Do you have Crystal Suggestions for Postpartum Depression?
Rose quartz, moonstone, jade & unakite are the 4 stones I recommend for anything pregnancy or fertility related.
I’ve written much more on that topic including suggestions on how to work with that crystal-quad over here: Crystals for Fertility & Pregnancy
For really deep-seated or lingering depression, I suggest you add in amber or copal. That sunny crystal combo is well-known for helping peeps bust out of depression. And I have more tips for navigating depression over here.
Are raw crystals best to work with, or are polished stones just as good?
Great question! Whenever possible I prefer to work with a crystal that is uncut + unpolished because it has a stronger vibrational frequency. For example, I prefer to work with a natural quartz point rather than a cut & polished one, if quartz is what I need for my crystal healing work.
But say I want to work with selenite…raw selenite is not ideal to work with in a crystal healing session because it splinters off easily, its very friable or brittle. For practical reasons it makes total sense to go with a cut and polished piece, like a polished selenite wand. 🙂
Want to learn more about my take on working with Cut or Polished Stones vs. Natural? I’ve gone in deep right here.
What are good stones for opening the 3rd eye?
There are many stones I can recommend for this, but one that’s relatively easy to find, is pretty inexpenisve & many of us have in our collections is amethyst.
This Third Eye Crystal Work is such a big topic, & I’ve received so many questions about this over the years that I’ve written a 2 Part blog series on awakening your pineal gland. Check it out:
- How To Awaken Your Pineal Gland with Crystals ~ Part 1
- How To Awaken & De-Calcify Your Pineal Gland with Crystals ~ Part 2
In case you’re interested…many of the questions I received here speak to the chemical and geological composition of the crystal along with the metaphysical. That’s the type of stuff I love to teach all about in my courses Certified Crystal Healer Course as well as in my Advanced Crystal Master Course.
I hope you enjoyed this Crystal Q&A as much as I did & got to learn something new here today. If you’ve got experiences to share on any of these crystal topics please tell us in the comments below! I love to hear about your crystal connections.♥
Crystal Blessings,
Hibiscus Moon
My God grandson had a bit of autism. What crystal would be good for him.
Thank you.
Serene, I feel it’s really best to let the child choose the stones: I have a blog post here about that: https://hibiscusmoon.com/crystals-for-children/
Hi! I was looking to get a few crystals for Love, but these crystals also promote fertility but I am not interested in Fertility.
My Black crystal just broke from my Yin Yang bracelet, what is the meaning of it?
Crystal Greetings from Canada!!
My question(s) are about gem elixirs.
I currently use a vegan nutrition-power shake for breakfast, to which I add a few wonderful things. I was thinking it would be great to use elixir water to really supercharge it – is there any downside to that?
My question – if I charge spring water with the vibration of, say .. citrine .. does putting the elixir/the shake into a blender disrupt the vibrations?
Along the same lines, I have looked for the Tea to Go mug and am not able to find one .. I do have a glass water bottle but the infusion basket is plastic … will it still work?
Heather I do that all the time! Here’s a blog post about that: https://hibiscusmoon.com/easy-gem-elixir/
I prefer to infuse with glass. You can do it separately and just pour it into a different container. 🙂
Cool post but in the above pic with moonstone, jade, and rose quartz the other stone in the pic doesn’t look like any unakite I have seen. Not sure if you noticed
I bought 2 new stones & placed them on the corresponding chakras. As I was reading information about them, I noticed the one stone was very warm. Does that mean that chakra is opening?
Almost every crystal Ive attempted to wear in the last 8 months or so, falls off.. why is this? I
Weird question ive been digging around for an answer to…
Theres a lot of “tumbled selenite” on the market. But to my knowledge the tumbling process requires water and selenite doesn’t like water.
Are these stones what they say they are? Are they even worth having or have they been too abused to really be useful? Should i just go with a desert rose if i want a hand held piece?
Hi! I’m having hip replacement surgery in February 2017. Is there any crystal or stone in particular that assists in recovery? Also, is there any particular crystal or stone that’s good for the common cold? Thank you!
Can wearing black obsedian, amethyst, clear quartz, and Smokey quartz cause your own inner ear crystals get really off balance? Every time I get into a negative situation, I have to realign my own inner ear crystals. It’s getting bad!!!!
Hi there, I make soy candles and gemstone diffuser jewellery, I work with Crystal’s quite alot just recently I have made a protection candle for myself it is a grey/black candle which i have placed on my coffee table next to a palm sized labradorite crystal.. it has been there for two days and the candle seems to have absorbed a palm size turquoise patch the same size as the crystal.. the candle has no other dye in it apart from black, I have never come across this before..
If obsidian is volcanic glass but has metaphysical properties but smelted quartz has no metaphysical properties
Can i combine/wear moldavite, malachite and citrine at the same time?
Hi, I was wondering if opalite was safe for water cleansing , I’m aware opal isn’t- And I truthfully don’t know where to research my crystals. Water cleansing seems to be the most convenient way for me to cleanse my crystals, these are the first ones I’ve ever ordered and I would want to be more than careful I don’t damage them! I ordered opalite and black obsidian, and it would be lovely to be able to cleanse them in the same way, is there any ideal method for both those crystals? Thank you so much for your help! 🙂
My crystals changed over time. There are more minerals in them. Especially my super 7 bracelet and Phantom. Is that normal?
I recently started my spiritual journey and I believe I had a negative reaction with fluorite. Ever since I’ve had it, it’s causing me pain in my gums. I would like to know if this is a thing or is it possible ? Please I need to know, I’m in pain, I couldn’t eat at all yesterday because I couldn’t chew my food.
I just bought a crystal and it came chipped, does it affect it’s powers?
what crystal is best for confidence/ self love
I would like to gift a bracelet of protective and/or healing gemstones to my dog groomer. Can you tell me what might be good stone options? Thank you!
So every time me and my toxic ex hung out when we were dating i would try to give him a rose quartz piece but 23 pieces later and every single time i tried to give him one it would just disappear out of nowhere not in wonder could’ve this been a sign?