Crystals are Mother Nature’s gift that augment healing.
The energy of crystals is used to heal and restore balance. They help in releasing and clearing negative energy, thereby assisting in energy healing. Crystal healing provides a gentle power boost that can bring the holistic self into a state of relaxation.

Are you an Introvert? The 5 Best Crystals For Introverts

Are you an introvert?

What most people think of as an introvert is a hermit, someone who’s very, very shy, who never wants to speak to others. And definitely NOT someone who’s putting themselves out there on the Internet in blog form, video form, newsletters what have you….like I do.

So many people would look at me & what I do & think I’m definitely an extrovert, right?

Are you

Well, they’re wrong.

It’s all about Energy, Baby!

So what does introvert/extrovert actually mean?

Swiss psychiatrist, C. G. Jung used these 2 terms a bit differently than how many of us may use them, but his explanation makes the most sense to me.

So, most of us think of an extrovert as being very sociable & outgoing. And an introvert is often thought of as withdrawn, quiet & shy

Jung, on the other hand, described these terms as a way to measure the favored way to direct energy:

  • EXTROVERT – prefer to focus your energy outwardly, to the outer world & to other people, you get an energy boost from being around others, energy gets … Read More
2014-12-24T14:05:14-05:0026 Comments

Can You Sense & Feel Crystal Energy?

So, some people can handle crystals all day long…and feel nothing.

And some people can walk into a room of crystals and have to run out b/c they say the energy is too overwhelming.

Why are some people so sensitive & others don’t feel anything at all?

A student of mine asked me this question:

Q: A used a stone on my client. They then purchased the same kind of stone used during their healing session, and although it became warm and made their hand tingle during the session, when they got home to use it- nothing happened.

What happened?

Also a similar situation came through on my public voicemail:

A: In the 1st situation, it was most likely the energy work you were doing in conjunction w/ the stone that made the impression on your client. This can’t always be felt but your client obviously did, so don’t discount the work that you yourself are doing in collaboration with the crystals! 😉

I’d say to them, “Forget about what you felt this or that time. How does the stone make you feel in general, overall, over time?” and go from there.

Now, having said … Read More

2015-05-02T18:23:06-04:0062 Comments

Down & Dirty Debate Over Crystal Healing

You know I love me a good debate on the scientific accuracy or claims of crystal healing. I’ve been known to indulge a time or two.

Here’s one that took place on my Facebook page that I thought you might enjoy reading here on the blog.

scientific proof for crystal healing

Anonymous FB Poster (aka AFB): If you have even one piece of evidence for your scientific claims you will change the world. Please post some links to your academic peer-reviewed studies and trials. Or you could just block anyone who disagrees with you from commenting.

Hibiscus Moon (HM): I only do that if someone spews disrespect or negativity on my page. I simply won’t allow that in my space. Just as Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor has taught us, I ask that people take responsibility for the energy they bring into any space or transaction & if they cannot do that, then yep, they’re banned…without hesitation. I never block anyone for disagreeing with me. You’re still here, right? And are always welcome.

I’m happy to entertain such debates with those that do it in a mature & respectful way. Heck, I … Read More

2019-09-26T14:05:35-04:0046 Comments

Crystals Tips for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People

Time for another Crystal Q&A about Crystals for Empaths!

In this session, we talk about a question that comes up often on my Facebook Page.

A question about crystals for empaths…

And so, I’m thrilled that this question came in from Jody which prompted me to make this video for YOU, Crystal Hottie…b/c you may be wondering the same thing!

But first…let’s get into explaining a bit here…

In case you didn’t know, an “Empath” (as defined by Urban Dictionary…love that dictionary!) is:

A person who is capable of feeling the emotions of others despite the fact that they themselves are not going through the same situation.

The ability to pick up on & feel/experience the energy of another can be seen as a gift b/c that extra info can allow you to empathize with others or see things from another view-point.

Or it can be seen as a curse b/c it causes you to be bombarded by extra feelings & emotions you may not want to be dealing with at the moment.

So what can you do?

Steer clear of becoming overwhelmed.


  1. Be selective of the situations & environments you … Read More
2015-09-01T15:24:20-04:0036 Comments
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