Several years ago I was contacted by a sweet client who suffered from anxiety & was looking for crystals to help alleviate his distressing symptoms.
He so was tired of taking medication & very drawn to the stones and crystal healing.
He wanted something discreet & easy to use.
Crystals to the rescue!
Working with stones is a natural way to relieve anxiety that’s safe & completely free of side-effects – & works, My Sweets!
The solution I came up with for my client (which he loved working with BTW!) was this mojo bag. A mojo bag helps give you a little juju-juice of whatever energy flavor you’re in need of, in this case its Anxiety-Busting!
Anxiety Buster Mojo Bag

Luscious green aventurine tumblies.
So what’s in the mojo bag?
- I included a citrine tumble for its ability to reduce anxiety, fear & depression. In fact, I’ve nicknamed it the “Happy Stone”.
- Then I’ve added aventurine, for its ability to establish a calm yet healthy & vital state of mind, keeping you free of fear & anxiety. Ahhhhh.
- I also included orange calcite for its confidence boosting energies, driving anxiety far far away. *sigh*
- Lastly, I sprinkle dried organic crushed basil leaves. Why the basil? Basil is known to reduce anxiety & to be uplifting & balancing to the emotions.
Another stone to turn to is lithium quartz.
Anything containing the element lithium is a favorite for relieving anxiety. And just as its name states, lithium quartz…it contains lithium. Lithium helps to balance the emotional body & calms the mind, often used medically as a mood stabilizing drug. Yes, even if you’re not taking it internally…just having it in your electromagnetic field works!
But, it also activates the heart chakra, releasing a surge of loving energy around your entire electromagnetic field (auric field). It’s also well known for releasing stress, calming nerves & allowing you to relax.
Using this stone will allow you to move out of anxiety & into a peaceful heart-centered calm place. Ohmmmmm.
Now what do we do with a mojo kit or individual crystals?
With the kit, simply keep it by your side as much as possible, in a pocket or in a purse. It may also be placed in your pillow case while sleeping or right by your bedside. When you feel the anxiety creeping in, grab your little mojo bag & give it a squeeze, knowing that the stones energies are there helping to calibrate your energy, bringing you back to perfect balance.
They really & truly are.
Something else you can do to melt away the tension is a crystal bath. Bliss! Place your crystals directly in the tub with you. I like to also add some nice essential oils like lavender or basil for anxiety relief. Then just soak in the vibrational frequencies. A good 15 minute soak should do the trick.
This is good stuffs!
You can also caaaaaaaaaalm down with a cup of gem tea made with a gem elixir from a particular stone.
Simply take one of the recommended stones from this post (these were specially selected for their non-toxicity & resistance to water damage). Be sure to wash your stone well & let it sit in some filtered water in the sun for a few hours.
You now have a gem elixir yummy-infused with the vibrational frequencies of that stone!
Now use this gem elixir to make an herbal tea (decaffeinated organic chamomile is a nice choice for this given its relaxing properties.) Hold the cup in your hands with the corresponding stone on the saucer next to the tea & calmly breathe the energies in, enjoying the moment & melting your anxiety away, away, away.
Many calming crystal blessings to you.
P.S. Please let me know if there’s anything here that you find works particularly well & feel free to share any other tips that work for you! ((HUGS))
Crystal Healing for Anxiety
My anxiety stones are lepidolite and sodalite. They calm me down rather quickly when I feel an anxiety attack bubbling to the surface.
Thanks for this! I’ve dealt with anxiety for a long time, so I’m always interested in learning more things that can help. When I get extremely anxious, I’m also usually very ungrounded and so I’ve found black tourmaline and hematite to be really helpful with my own anxiety. Rose quartz helps me a lot with this too, and so does lepidolite. And from your etsy shop I purchased a gorgeous heart-shaped amethyst – and using it has also been helping when I feel anxious. I don’t think I have lithium quartz – I need to get some!! Thanks again for a wonderful post!
Lepidolite has good amount of lithium too so you’re probably good with that! Great tips!!♥
Hello I siffer from panic/anxiety attacks and ocd negative thoughts im scared to take medication so I been lookong for something that can really work and help me does the crystals really work does it make the problems worse or does it really help them go away how long does it take and how do u use them thank you
Crystal Healing for Anxiety
Re: Drawing for winner! Me! Me! Me! I want to win!
I am a continuing student of herbalism, and since I turned 40, several years ago, after a long soul search, I found my true path. Not the Catholic upbringing I hated…but the path of the Green Witch. I could have shouted from the mountain tops I was so happy. I finally found a spiritual home. I am a proud mother of five beautiful babes who accompany me and my husband on our unschooling adventures through life. I love divination, tarot and pendulums being my most favorite and dear to my heart. I have always loved and collected stones and crystals but never really went beyond. Now, after stumbling on Ye Old Kitchen Witch’s blog and her experiences with crystal grids I have found you, Hibiscus Moon. I can’t get enough of your information. I have watched your videos and poured over your freebies. I would be the BEST student EVER because I love homework, especially when it is something that I love. That is the great thing about unschooling. What an example I set for my children to follow what thrills and excites you. So, I will keep my fingers crossed as I patiently await the results. Thanks for the opportunity to continue furthering my crystal relationships with such a wonderful mentor.
Right there with you! I have converted recently and feel so much freedom! I hope you win.
I have been trying to learn crystal healing on my own. Without any
set instruction or guidance. I feel a little overwhelmed. So much
info , not enough time in a day. I would love to participate in your
course. I need to participate, LOL
Crystal Healing for Anxiety
Crystal Healing for Anxiety
Crystal Healing Tips for Anxiety
RT @hibiscusmoon1: Crystal Healing Tips for Anxiety
I will definitely add Orange Calcite (love that one for energy) and Citrine to mine! I use Blue Calcite for general anxiety and when I can’t sleep because of it. I also use Sunstone for improving my self love. It works really well 🙂
I love lithium quartz for all emotional inbalances! I also use blue lace agate and smoky quartz for anxiety. I see anxiety as a negative emotion and I will sit and try to channel the anxiety into the smokey quartz. It Sucks it up like a sponge lol. Periodically I will put them onto the earth for a while. I will try your mix too now!
Good tips Gretchen!
Hi, all you crystal beauties! I use essential oils from organic, sustainably produced herbs, flowers and seeds. If you have or can get pure essential oils, they can be easier and less messy to use than the raw herbs. Essential oils have their own powerful vibrations and are very therapeutic on their own, and they have a synergistic effect on the crystals. Plant materials, including essential oils, support and augment the healing vibrations of crystals.
Fragrantly yours,
I thought the lithium could only be made by indirect method vs direct method like the others?
I love wearing small pebble stones strand around my neck. I suffer from bad anxiety and depression and anger, agitation. I find that citrine is really nice during the day and helps me feel positive but when I wear it to sleep it is a bit too strong, it makes me too happy to sleep! so I took it off and almost immediately felt down again. so I put it back on and added some kunzite and rose quartz. I don’t know much about crystals yet but I find some work and some not so much. I tried a fluorite (green) and felt very good, but another piece of fluorite did not do much. it’s strange. there is certainly some power in these stones!
I loved your Anxiety buster mojo bag, I’ve got bad anxiety and I decided to make one since I had all the stuff to make it with, I’m ready to carry it with me. Thank you for a wonderful idea, many crystal blessings to you.
I have suffered with anxiety attacks for years, I haven’t left my home for three years, what can u suggest to help .
Hi Judy, I’ll leave the crystal experts to suggest particular crystals – but do you have a crystal healer near to you who could visit? I’m not sure which country you live in? I’d also suggest looking into other things such as Reiki, EFT (tapping), flower remedies and homeopathy.
One of the crystals I have found helps me when I’m anxious is Blue Hemimorphite. I hold it in my hand and it really helps to calm me.
I don’t know if you like dogs/have any friends with a dog, but they can definitely help people who suffer from anxiety. I’m not suggesting anyone buys one just to see if it helps, of course, but if you don’t have any of your own, maybe a friend with a dog could assist? They really are wonderful healers and helpers.
Take care.
I love my crystals but i am not really sure how to store them as i have mostly tumble stones! they are in a ceramic dish at the moment in my bedroom. I do use them at different times but unsure of the cleansing part.What is the best way to cleanse them and how often? I have reiki healing and my therapist uses crystals as well and she cleanses hers after use with a brass bell! i have a small one is that ok? thanking you! Linda
I have a beautiful black kitty who has anxiety issues. I think I’m going to start rubbing her down with the tumbled citrine I keep tucked in my bra. 🙂
I love fluorite grids, they chill me out so much 🙂
Hi i’m new to this crystal thing I suffer from anxiety/panic attacks with brain fog and I live with this 24/7 I rarely get out of my house and driving is when my panic attacks hit me the hardest. I can’t take any meds even tylenol because i’m very sensitive to any drugs full blown panic attack. I’m looking to buy my very 1st crystal any thoughts on a good 1st crystal or combo.
Hi David, i don’t know whether you will see my messsge after 6 years of your post, but I hope you will. For anxiety, black kyanite is a GREAT crystal, it opens and aligns energy centres and calms panic, so does blue kyanite, so you can carry them in combination. Citrine is also great, especially if you can find a little cluster with rock matrix, is very grounding, and moves the stuck negative energy. Healer’s gold, selenite, lithium quartz, Brandberg quartz and fluorite(that combines purple and green) are great to have for anxiety! Black tourmaline is also good but some people can’t tolerate its energy, so it depends on the individual. What I also find helpful for anxiety is adjusting one’s diet. Recently I read Anthony William’s book Medical Medium, and am now applying his protocols including celery juice protocol, and it helps reducing inflammation in the brain, thus reduces depressive and anxiety symptoms. And the most important is daily prayers and meditation, even gentle yoga (like yin yoga or restorative yoga), to stabilize your aura and strengthen your faith. Good luck!
Hi, not related exactly but my niece is in a coma after collapsing a banging her head. She has a small bleed. They have found an abscess on her ovary which has caused sepsis. They are operating on her now. She is diabetic too. Can you suggest some crystals for her please xx
I am fairly new to crystal healing. On the topic of crystals for anxiety, I have found that a new polished rainbow fluorite I have is really doing wonders. I have a lot of other crystals in my beginning collection, and I felt to get some fluorite. So I went to a local wonderful gemstore owned and run by a very knowledgeable and helpful lady. I was trying to decide on which fluorite to get and was stuck between two, one was larger and very beautiful to look, and the second a smaller one, but with really pure energy. The one I ended up getting I could just feel the purity in it’s energy. They say fluorite is like a “psychic vacuum cleaner”, and it has been just that. In fact, I am amazed how much this fluorite is really effecting the energy around and in me. It’s really making me a true believer in crystal healing.
Sir my star is libra Sir I m suffering Anexiety OCD No self-confidence confusion phobia problems last 7 years tilldate.Sir I want to were Garnet stone with Black onyx stone together Sir can I were both stones together.Sir please Guide me help me as a human being Which Jems stones can I were with Garnet stone together. Thanking you in anticipation Best Wishes
Hi ? I love making mojo /protection bags !!!!! I’d like it if you could do some more . Attracting love , one for sadness / happiness ,well you get the idea . (With an intention ). I love carrying one . I’m not that great at wording my intention . Maybe you could help with that . Thanks for being here . Oh I LOVE the impromptu face book meditations etc. keep up the great work ! Crystal blessings !!! ???? ??. ?
This is great thank you! I’ve just started a new job with very little training, so my anxiety is through the roof! Lol
Question ~ when using elixirs, what is the ratio, how much elixir per cup of tea or any drink you are adding it to?
Thank you for all the great info and tips, I just Love crystals!!
[…] this enables us to concentrate on one facet at a time. As an illustration, if we wish to zero in on anxiousness and concern, we will focus our consideration on the Root chakra and enhance it effectively by […]
[…] And this allows us to focus on one aspect at a time. For instance, if we want to zero in on anxiety and fear, we can focus our attention on the Root chakra and improve it efficiently by just focusing […]
[…] this permits us to give attention to one facet at a time. As an example, if we need to zero in on nervousness and concern, we are able to focus our consideration on the Root chakra and enhance it effectively […]
[…] And this permits us to deal with one facet at a time. As an example, if we wish to zero in on anxiousness and concern, we are able to focus our consideration on the Root chakra and enhance it effectively […]