4 Sparkly Ways to Beat Pessimism
Sparkles + crystals + pessimism? Whaaaa?
It’s not always hunky-dory ♥’s & glitter ’round here. That would be totally unrealistic. So let’s get real for a sec.
I’m having a down day…this is very rare for me but its here just the same.
Today is my day during the week where I sit down & write my blog posts for the following week along with my newsletter. I usually have 40-50 blog post drafts floating around in my WordPress dashboard at any one time & I filter through them, slowly adding to them here & there as things come up; little gems that go perfectly with the topic. Then on Fridays I sift through & see what tickles my fancy to flesh out & finish up for the following week’s posts.
Today, while sifting through I saw my draft post with a working title of “Beating Pessimism” & I thought “Nahhhh…not a good day to work on that one. Not in the mood.” Then I did a mental slap in the forehead…
“Dope! Today is THE PERFECT day to work this shiz!
You need it!”
OK so here we go. Ready?
You know…pessimism (glass-is-always-half-empty-attitude) has been linked to a … Read More