How to Get What You Want with a Crystal Grid
One of my most popular past blog posts is How to Make a Crystal Grid. People tell me they refer to it again & again.
This all started when I started doing crystal grid videos showing everyone how I did them & how well they were working for me. I mean you could see it all unfolding as everything I gridded for happened & played out. I documented for all to see.
Because of that I’ve been asked to:
- show my process in more detail (blog, vlog, etc.)
- then teach a class on it
- then write a book about it
- then I built my entire Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy around it!
So to say I have MUCH RESPECT for crystal grids & what we can do with them is an understatement! But there’s another important ingredient to add to the mix; CLEAR INTENTION. I speak about this all the time but I felt the need to really emphasize that here in a blog post b/c peeps are still asking me “How do I get what I want?”
Tesla Can Help You GET What You Want
“If you … Read More