Here’s another great crystal healing question I received a little while back regarding the fact that many crystal books tell us different things about the properties of crystals. How do we know which ones to go by? So here’s the Q & A for you to get in on:
Q: I have a question about the healing properties that have been attributed to the various crystals. I have quite a few books that provide “definitions” and each one is different.
Some of the definitions are consistent for the common crystals, but others are widely different on others. And when I compare the healing property uses for humans -vs- animals, they are different.
Can you let me know how these various definitions came to be (did these people channel the information?) and why there is a different healing property when the same crystal is used with a person -vs- an animal? Thanks!
A: Most of the book info out there is based on either general properties that have been passed down from ancient info that applies to MOST of the population
it was channeled by the author or received in a meditation or by doing their own personal work with the crystal, thereby making that info personal to them. Having said that, I don’t know that the authors usually state that anywhere in their books *can’t remember anyone writing that, can you?*
So, that’s why I feel its so important to go with your own personal intuition for your own personal use. When it comes to treating others, go with the general properties, but if you feel that it’s not quite “hitting the spot” with them, then try to feel intuitively what will be best for the situation.
And these are my tried & true crystal healing book recommendations:
What are your opinions on this subject? I’d love to hear it in the comments below please!
Many Crystal Blessings,
Definitely. I teach my students to go with their intuition and heart above and beyond any information given by fellow human beings because each moment is unique unto itself and therefore requiring and giving its own unique tools and vibrations.
We’re in this exciting time of learning to trust ourselves again and to trust the moment we find ourselves in. The books are wonderful resources and I’m not suggesting they lack value – far from it. But always assuming anyone other than I AM knows the answer or direction creates unnecessary mazes. The books are reference materials for me – not rules set in stone.
Thanks for this post.
(Go with their gut always, except when doing essence work in which case – pay attention to toxins!!)
Ha! Yes.
Excellent points here Banans. TY for your valued input.
IM an intuitive to have worked with stones most of my life.have even worked them in to help channel mt tarot card readings.Like what i heard . But the contest isnt realy a contest . When you must subscribe just to enter. But hey if thats what you gota do for biusness . Not im pressed.
Vanessa, please keep it positive here. Its a requirement. As for my giveaway…you’re right. Its not a contest. Just as in most giveaways, you usually enter with your information and there are requirements. This is an energy exchange and most obviously, good marketing. If you don’t agree, you can pass. Much love to you.
This was a great video! and such a good subject to address, because there can be such a subjective nature to crystals, and energy. I wanted to add that I am a huge Michael Geinger fan, and I also LOVE the Crystal Lotus Handbook that came out recently. It isn’t a dictionary of sorts but offers sots of different ways to work with crystal energy. Oh and I absolutely ADORE your book too. Actually I would love to offer it in my store….gonna email you right now…
Oooo, I’ll have to check that 1 out. And TY so very much for your support. ♥
I agree with following your gut instinct but this also requires confidence in your own intuition; which not everyone has. Therefore, read the books, then as you recently recommended, spend some time with that crystal and really feel what it has to offer you.
Yes, so true Heather. I still rely on my books as a handy reference tool also.
Oh my, just got chance to watch the start of your video and guess which book I’ve just bought and was sitting at the side of my desk – The Crystal Healer by Philip Permutt. Obviously a great choice.
There are no coincidences Heather. 😉 He’s a great guy too! Sweet as can be.
I have been following your posts and videos continually and this so struck me …… this is perfect instruction in how to develop one’s own trust in which crystal is perfect in what you may need at this time….. I love Philip’s book, my reference book i work with all the time and his Chakra healing book also…….I must admit many great authors out there with great notes on crystal properties…..One thing I think is important in all aspects of learning is trust what sits right in gut instinct…. as what is right for one may not be right for another due to slightly differing circumstances…….Love the sharing of info…. Thank you… the time and effort you put into each of these articles and videos are valuable and no price tag can really be put into the time you are creative in these aspects…….. I wanted to say you are a true Blessing to us globally (even here in New Zealand) ….and love what you do ….Thank you for your knowledge and time ………
Oh my. Thank you so much Paula. Truly. But I must sat this is all really MY PLEASURE. ♥
This is a great blog and I loved the video when I first saw it. It gave me inspiration to explore more books on the subject ‘highly recommend it peeps btw. This topic is something I’d love to debate with others. In essence I agree with your sentiments. The knowledge in the books is passed on to us as you say either from the ancients, channelled and/or tried and tested. 😀 they make great reference tools though I personally panicked at first thinking ill never remember all this wisdom being passed along. Then realised sharing with the client, using a reference book can sometimes be just as help for us both. Particularly if I’m getting a feel for a stone that I just don’t have. It’s fun to be able to share why with a client especially if there’s good pictures so that they can go find a crystal for themselves to work with.
Oh I’m sorry I’m rambling on.. just got so much I love to share with like minded peeps 😀
Excellent points Viv!! 🙂
Wonderful information here. Where else can you find such a conclusive (in my opinion) list of books to start off or enhance your crystal knowledge. As I am in the crystal healer program at Hibiscus Moon at this time, I already have many of these books. I look forward to having all of them in my library in the near future. As for why moldavite is so often overlooked by the jewelry industry, could it be because of it’s strong power and potential for toxicity? I feel it is a very, very powerful stone approached with great. Thank you for everything Hibiscus Moon! You are all blessings to me! Susan
((HUGS)) Susan. ♥
looking for a stone to help me “get out of my own way”. I tend to over share and this affecting work. Over sharing my opinion as well as too trusting, I do not “politic” well but need to learn this skill desperately. Suggestions???
I just received you crystal grid book today in the mail! I finished it as well. Great read and easy to understand…loads of information that I wasn’t aware of thank you so much for the knowledge!!!!
Being newer to crystals and stones , I have read a few books, but when I get a stone that I’m attracted to and find multiple meanings associated with it I have no choice but to meditate with it and see what it does for me. I bought a gorgeous septarian geod recently and I had a meditation where I was in my sacred space (I go to the same place in nature i created overtime in other meditations) and there was a huge uplifting wind and then I became so rooted into the ground that it intertwined with the roots of a tree I always find myself under in all my meditations. Not my typical meditation by any means, but what a nice connection with mother earth 🙂 I’ve found that a lot of crystals choose what they do for you.