Pantone Color of the Year
I love color! How about you?
So, last year I started a tradition of pairing up a crystal video to match up with Pantone’s Color of the Year. To explain sort of what that’s about this is from the Pantone website:
Since 2000, the Pantone Color Institute™ has been designating a Color of the Year to express in color what is taking place in the global zeitgeist.
Pretty cool, right? You can find out more about that here.
I decided to create a NEW color collage of my own…with crystals! YOU LIKE?
In today’s featured video I go over 2 very specific stones that I felt aligned very well with “Radiant Orchid”.
COLOR OF THE YEAR: RADIANT ORCHID ~ 2014 ~ Sugilite + Lepidolite
More Crystal Info + Another that goes with the 2014 Color of the Year
A potassium sodium lithium iron manganese aluminum silicate mineral (wooooo!)
- Mohs Hardness: 6-6.5
- Chakra Alignments: 3rd Eye, Crown + Transpersonal
- Assists with spiritual protection, enhances dreams, purifies the aura
- A potassium lithium aluminum silicate
- Mohs Hardness: 2.5-3
- Chakra Alignments: Heart, 3rd Eye & Crown
- An emotional & mental soother & balancer, calming, assists in reducing stress, brings a calm, serene sense of well-being
Very complex element content. For you Chemistry Freaks (that’s a MAJOR compliment BTW!!) here’s the formula: (K,Sr) 15-16 (Ca,Na) 32 [Si 6 O 11 (O,OH) 6 ] 2 [Si 12 O 18 (O,OH) 12 ] 2 [Si 17 O 25 (O,OH) 18 ] 2 (OH,F) 4 · ~3H 2 O …so there’s that.
- Mohs Hardness: 5-6
- Chakra Alignment: 3rd Eye, Crown + Transpersonal Chakras
- Excellent for de-toxing of inner negative energy, psychic ability stimulator, assists with being/becoming a more effective energy healer, provides protection, assists us in figuring out our life purpose & then to walk that path
Here are the links to the videos I mention in this week’s feature:
OK, so now I’d like you to please post below in the comments…what other crystals & stones do you think would also make a great vibrational match for Radiant Orchid?
Sugar Pop, thanks for watching & sharing your special brand of glitter-genius here w/ all the rest of the Crystal Hotties!
BTW, some dude on my FB page said he thought I was excluding the males from our community by referring to us all as Crystal Hotties.
Ummm, since when is a “Hotttie” gender-specific? Frank (my husbo) will take great offense to that since he is the OFFICIAL HEAD CRYSTAL HOTTIE! 😉
So, please know; male, female, transgender & all shades in between…we’re all Crystal Hotties!
OK, much love & Sparkle- Bombs!
Doing the happy dance over here as this is my favorite color…hmmm…well one of my top four favorite colors! Interestingly on my last crystal shopping binge I came away with three lepidolite lovelies…reading the composition has me wondering if my body is craving the lithium to help get me through these final dull days of winter here in the Pacific Northwest. Thank you Hibiscus Moon for all of the great info and beautiful crystal eye candy…just a little sad that the video is set for private…hoping that it is just an oversight or I am going to have to hug my lithium based friends a little closer! 😉
Could be Trina-Lea, could very well be. The video should be public. Can you please check again?
Fabulous, thank you for this video! I was having a lot of troubled and anxious dreaming last year, and I think I checked your website for better sleep stone recommendations. At any rate, I put lepidolite and sugilite next to my bed, and these lovelies have guided me to increasingly better rest, and more insight into the meanings of settings and characters in my dreams! Love the color to, it is similar to a bedroom I painted in a previous house, and in the color scheme of my current bedroom.
Excellent. Was this the vid you found? Love that you painted your room in that color. 🙂
Maybe Charoite? I have been lovin’ this stone lately.
Yep, mentioned that one above. 😉
I keep pushing Sugilite off the top of my crystal wish list … and it keeps climbing back up! 🙂
I know! 🙂 seem to have found the piece I am to have. I have a photo and she is small and beautiful and I think will be just the thing for me right now 🙂
Lavender Jade adds to jade attributes by helping to alleviate emotional pain and trauma and bestow inner peace. Teaches subtlety and restraint in emotional matters, helps set boundaries. [Charoite is still my favorite and is dearest to my heart]