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4 Powerful Techniques to Reprogram the Subconscious Mind (with Crystals) – Night-Time Routine!


Finally, here I am with the Nighttime Routine!

If you haven’t already read/watched my Morning Routine, you can do so here.


So, the day’s over and now it’s time to hit the reset button and Reprogram the Subconscious Mind for your night time journey and for the next day.

1. Bath Time

First, I may do a Healing Magnesium Crystal Bath for EMF Detox 1-2 week. Click here to see how to do that. Epsom salts help relieve pain and inflammation and also contain magnesium—known to help with sleep.

2. If needed: Calm your Heart

Did you know that our heart is the dominant oscillary resonator for our body?

Its electro-frequency is 60 times greater than your brain’s & its magnetic frequency is 5000 times greater! When you’re not sleeping well its usually because you’re overstimulated, worrying or just plain stressed out. When you’re in these states, your heart gets whacked out, beating faster or irregularly, releasing a stress hormone – cortisol.

How to calm it down?

Loving + compassionate feelings. And crystals work so well to help us conjure up those feelings. I will hold a rough piece of rose quartz that … Read More

2020-09-02T16:59:14-04:0024 Comments

The Most Powerful Techniques to Reprogram the Subconscious Mind (with Crystals) – Morning Routine

Reprogram the Mind with Crystals

Today, we’re discussing how I work with crystals to reprogram my subconscious mind with my morning routine.

Rather than leaving it all to chance,

or to the stars…

don’t get me wrong, those things are great (and I’ll touch a bit more on that in a bit) BUT

I like to Reprogram my Subconscious Mind

so I can orchestrate my life the way I want to — no matter what the stars may have in store for me… or Mercury retro. Is that a control issue?

I’m sharing what I do and what works for me so you can empower yourself; of course, tweak and adapt where you like.

By doing this, I get to enter this beautiful coherent field state of consciousness where just about anything is possible. It tends to change everything for the better in your life.

You get into that groove where everything just seems to be going right.

You feel great.

It tends to influence everything else because of its natural higher amplitude.

In physics, we call that a phase transition.

A small teeny tiny % (as low as 1%) of the … Read More

2020-10-16T02:07:48-04:0026 Comments

Want to Meet Team HM? We’ve got some CCP’s and ACM’s

Today we’re going to talk about some of the members of Team HM. I’m like a proud mama duck over here!

As you may know, I started out flying solo and sharing videos on my YouTube Channel (you can read about my crystal journey right here and here), but once the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy started in 2010, it grew very quickly and it was crystal clear that I needed a solid team to make this all work. Now, the team has grown and HMCA has over 2000 Certified Crystal Practitioners™ around the globe, in 48 different countries. Pretty cool!

Team HM lovingly answers your support questions, assists with tech issues, plans the logistics of a new elective or class, works behind the scenes on my livestreams, takes care of our website, and assists our students in our FB groups. I admit it, I have the best team! They’re smart, organized Type-A team players who run things behind the scenes because even though we can get a little woo-woo around here, I’m … Read More

2020-07-31T14:46:11-04:003 Comments

How I Make a High Vibe Margarita (with Crystals!)

High Vibe Margarita

This was an Instagram Story that I posted a while back (you are following me over there, right? @HibiscusMoon) on how to make a high vibe margarita!

I wasn’t going to post this here on my blog or use it as content —

but you DEMANDED the recipe… with links! I mean, I get it… who wouldn’t be into a glass of hi-vibrational zesty, citrusy, salty, and delicious crystal-infused goodness in the middle of summer?

High Vibe Margarita Recipe Comin’ Right Up!

So, wherever possible, here in this blog post, I’ve linked to the EXACT brand of whatever that I use:

Now, I try to make everything I ingest as high vibrational as possible by:

  1. somehow infusing crystal energy into it — one way or another
  2. going organic whenever possible
  3. and trying to make it even healthier by bio-hacking the heck out of it!

Because I’m a geek like that. 😉

What’s bio-hacking, you may ask?

The inventor of the term, Dave Asprey, puts it this way:

“the art and science of changing the environment around you and inside you so that you have full control over your … Read More

2022-12-16T12:55:07-05:003 Comments
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