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Moonstone Healing Properties, Correspondences and Meanings

Moonstone is a favorite and very popular crystal. It’s one that many of us are attracted to for its trademark blue flash.  Everybody loves that inner sparkle,  right?  Today, we’re going to talk all about moonstone’s healing properties, correspondences, and meanings.


Although Rainbow Moonstone is so gorgeous with that flash, it’s certainly not the only type of moonstone. And, it’s technically not Moonstone as it’s commonly referred to it in the trade. We’ll get to that in a bit here.

While it might be the first one that comes to mind because we are most familiar with seeing the rainbow variation in jewelry, there are many different kinds of Moonstone and it can get a little confusing…

But no worries because as always, I’ve got your back!! We will geek out on the geology below.

So, first, let’s talk about Moonstone’s metaphysical properties.


Moonstone Properties + Correspondences

Moonstone is all about:

  • Lunar Energy
  • Water Connection
  • Goddess Energy
  • Divine Feminine Energy
  • Intuition

It’s ideal for allowing you to tap into your intuition more efficiently.

Moonstone, as the name implies, helps you tap into lunar energy and feminine qualities as the crystal … Read More

2023-09-21T11:15:43-04:0019 Comments

Lab-Created vs. Natural Crystals | Are Manmade Gemstones all that Bad?

manmade crystals


What’s the difference if we work with manmade crystals or all-natural ones?

Although I can tell you what I prefer, I’d like to inform you of what the facts are, then empower you to experiment for yourself and then make your own decision. But be forewarned: this is an opinion piece because I often get asked what I think on this subject.

So, let’s start with the very definition of a crystal is (then we’ll get more into the manmade crystals):

a solid substance whose molecules are arranged in a highly ordered repeating pattern.

I’ll take that definition further to say that there are very specific vibrations that hold the molecules in that highly ordered pattern —

OR is it that the highly-ordered pattern is essentially “radiating” these very specific vibrations? Hmmm? Chicken or the egg paradox there. 

Cymatics Rabbithole

Either way,  we can prove those very specific vibrations do indeed exist… for at least certain circumstances… because we can measure their frequencies.

Ever heard of the science of Cymatics? Rather than try to verbally explain this I think it’s always best to just best … Read More

2022-12-22T15:25:31-05:0049 Comments

How to Choose Your Crystal

Because I get asked about this a lot…

I’d like to share three methods for releasing the confusion + allowing you to confidently choose the crystal you should work with (the one you’ll get the most impact from at the moment.)

Method 1: Go into your heart.

I’ve been giving this advice for a long time so please forgive if you feel I’m like a broken record, but it’s true and it works — here we go:

What crystal are you most attracted to at the moment?

What are your intentions?

What’s your goal?

There is no wrong crystal (Except… read more on that below).

crystals how to choose your crystal

Go with your heart and intuition. The crystal that you’re first attracted to, the one that you say you just love; there’s probably a really good reason for that. Go with it. Go with your heart. Let your heart pick the crystal, not a book.

I mean, books certainly come in handy. But I like to empower my students to trust their intuition, to go with their heart, and go with an unbiased mind if at all possible.

… Read More

2020-10-10T10:57:37-04:0035 Comments

Is your Shungite FAKE?!

Is Your Shungite Fake?

Seems there’s a rash of fake shungite showing up recently.

And many asking me how to ID it so they can protect themselves from a bad purchase. I’m happy to show you an easy way here — but also clarify some science around it (of course!)

Care to Geek out with me to Avoid Fake Shungite?



So, shungite (conveniently) does something that most other crystals or stones don’t do: it conducts electricity. It’s not the ONLY mineral that can do that though—

Other Electrical Conducting Minerals (you may have in your collection):

  • silver
  • galena
  • graphite
  • copper
  • gold
  • pyrite
  • silicon
  • cinnabar
  • sphalerite

But shungite can do something special…

it has an ability to conduct that electricity really well (as does silver, gold + copper from that list above). By the way, notice a pattern? — the good conductors are metallic looking, but not always.

So, conductivity is one mineral id’ing characteristic we can use to eliminate other possibilities that may look similar.

More on that later.


Opposite from conductors, insulators are materials or minerals that do not conduct electricity. For instance; any quartz, calcite + fluorite are … Read More

2020-11-19T23:00:33-05:0031 Comments
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