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Crystals for EMF Pollution

Powerful Crystals for EMF Pollution

Have you noticed over the last few years people have become much more concerned with EMF (electromagnetic frequency) radiation and now a new possible threat; nuclear radiation in the atmosphere? AKA, EMF Pollution.

Some symptoms of excess EMF radiation are fatigue, joint & muscle pain, decreased attention span, memory loss, difficulty focusing & insomnia. Yuck.

In my analysis & research I noted these are the same symptoms of being ungrounded! Of feeling Yuck and Stuck!

Could it be that too much EMF causes us to become ungrounded?

crystals for emf pollution

EMF Pollution

If you’d like to learn more about how to lower your risk and avoid EMF exposure around your house, residual magnetism, static build-up, wireless EMF along with radioactivity, here’s a great recording of an interview with Vicki Warren, the past executive director of the Institute for Bau Biology & Ecology.  Here she talks about all of these things and gives excellent advice on examining your house for EMF dangers! Awesome stuffs!

I also HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book. Truly eye-opening! Be informed and get protected.

In my Creating Sacred … Read More

2019-12-23T21:09:43-05:0044 Comments

How to Make a Crystal Grid to Manifest Your Desires

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…(LOL!) No, really, we’re here today to talk about how to make a crystal grid.

… and actually, it was right here in the Milky Way Galaxy and it was in 2012…not that long ago when I got really clear with my future goals for my sacred crystal biz. I wanted it to be my full-time gig & I wanted it to GO BIG!

Once I knew where I wanted to go I knew I needed to push my dream through with powerful energy!

I knew with every cell in my being that this is what I needed & wanted to be doing.

This wasn’t so just a year previous. But then… all of a sudden… it was all I could think of!

It was surely what I’m meant to dooooooo.

I knew from past experience that just doing visualizations wasn’t going to cut it & although I try to keep the negative-speak and thought patterns at bay, I’m not always perfect with it. It’s hard! Especially when those around you tend to drag you back into old habits. We get so easily caught up in it.

So, of course… CRYSTAL GRID to the rescue!!

Let’s get … Read More

2019-12-23T20:51:10-05:00107 Comments

Moldavite: Out of this World?

So is moldavite from outer space?

Ahhh, dreamy cosmic greeny moldavite. You’ve heard so much about it, or maybe you haven’t. My goal in teaching about crystals is to give you the metaphysical properties (this may vary somewhat from person to person b/c not all of us experience frequencies in the same way) and always back it with whatever science is available too, then I try to throw some FUN into it. 🙂

Moldavite Science

Moldavite is a type of rare green colored tektite. What are tektites you say? They’re naturally formed small glass rocks that most geologists believe were formed by the impact of meteorites on Earth. Being glass means these are not technically crystals nor minerals at all, but rocks.

These are black tektites:

moldavite tektite

Black tektites like these are found on Mother Earth within a narrow equatorial belt around Thailand, Australia, Vietnam & the Philippines. The strongest scientific origin theories state that they took a very fast trip through the atmosphere while they were still molten & then landed on Earth, SPLAT!…little gifts for us to discover later.  So basically, this theory states that its natural glass created from the immense heat … Read More

2020-01-31T15:27:19-05:0037 Comments

How To Create Sacred Space with Crystals

In preparing for my free Crystals & Sacred Spaces eKit, I  really got into reevaluating my sacred space and how I use crystals in it.

Part of the reason we love crystals so very much is that many of them resonate with the frequencies that influence a quiet, inspiring space for rituals like prayer,  meditation, yoga or quiet time for creating & journaling.

Maybe you’re just craving a little spot to relax & let go. A place to renew. We have an innate need for nourishing our spirit, don’t we? A place that allows you to feel more centered, grounded and happy! 🙂 Ah, sweet pea…. you can create just that with crystals to help you along. It’s within your reach.

Oh yes, a sacred space allows you to express your creativity too. It allows you to get creative with a sensory experience too. Let this just be a little springboard for you. You can set it up once or change it up with the seasons or special holidays you celebrate. Do whatever feels good! It can also change as your ideas of what’s sacred change or as your needs do.

And you can create this space wherever you are… and I … Read More

2020-01-27T21:48:26-05:0011 Comments
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