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Some Science Behind Crystal Healing

Crystals can & do heal animals & plants in just the same way they do us.

crystal healing This is my sweet Topaz kitty sleeping with her favorite healing amethyst! ♥

You know I SUPREMELY enjoy teaching how science & metaphysics agree with each other (I get so excited when I find new ways that it dovetails together!!!)

I adore showing how science is now finally catching up to metaphysics.

“Science and religion are not enemies. There are some things that science is simply too young to understand” (quote from Dan Brown’s book Angels & Demons).

Oh, at times, we can be so enchanted by how “clever” we think we are. We tend to think that we have power or dominion over “lesser” kingdoms; such as minerals, plants & animals. That kind of thinking couldn’t be further from the truth.

We are in fact, ONE with everyone & everything. Science is now coming to terms with this. Exploring their way through, just now stumbling upon what the Ancient Ones & Shamen & Trees & EVERYTHING has been trying to tell us all along.

Y’know, we are relatively short-lived (on an evolutionary scale) as … Read More

2014-12-29T15:52:47-05:0013 Comments

Crystal Healing for Anxiety

Several years ago I was contacted by a sweet client who suffered from anxiety & was looking for crystals to help alleviate his distressing symptoms.

He so was tired of taking medication & very drawn to the stones and crystal healing.

He wanted something discreet & easy to use.

Crystals to the rescue!

Working with stones is a natural way to relieve anxiety that’s safe & completely free of side-effects – & works, My Sweets!

The solution I came up with for my client (which he loved working with BTW!) was this mojo bag.  A mojo bag helps give you a little juju-juice of whatever energy flavor you’re in need of, in this case its Anxiety-Busting!

Anxiety Buster Mojo Bag

green aventurine Luscious green aventurine tumblies.

So what’s  in the mojo bag?

  1. I included a citrine tumble for its ability to reduce anxiety, fear & depression. In fact, I’ve nicknamed it the “Happy Stone”.
  2. Then I’ve added aventurine, for its ability to establish a calm yet healthy & vital state of mind, keeping you free of fear & anxiety. Ahhhhh.
  3. I also included orange calcite for its confidence boosting energies, driving anxiety far far away. *sigh*
  4. Lastly, I … Read More
2020-08-20T15:04:00-04:0036 Comments

5 Steps for Combating Negativity

Ahhh negative people. Can you transmute negative energy? Can you use crystals to combat negativity?

Sometimes I feel like I’m surrounded by them. This is especially so when you’re immersed in the matrix of Mon-Fri, 9-5….why is that? Is it really so hard to transmute negative energy? Yes…it can be.

I know for me…I try, boy, do I try to keep positive. But sometimes, these peeps are relentless! I think a lot of it is a cultural fitting in thing. Ya know…you don’t know what to talk about so our culture encourages us to complain about something…the misery & company thing. *sigh* Isn’t that sad?

Nothing nice to say, so complain with each other.

Sometimes the negativity parties can be so intense or non-relenting that you end up feeling annoyed, slightly depressed, emotionally exhausted or even physically tired.

What now? How do you remain strong?

People ask me this all the time. Don’t get me wrong. I get sucked into the black hole of this negativity-thumping all the time. But I’m getting better at catching myself & pulling out of its gravitational pull.

Crystals for Negativity + Other Tools

1. Be aware. Who are those negative peeps? Do you know? Sometimes, you don’t because they do … Read More

2019-12-23T21:27:15-05:0073 Comments

Crystals for Love

Love, love, love… what crystals are good for bringing love into our lives?

It’s one of the questions I get asked the most. Well, my 1st question is what kind of love?

  • Romantic love?
  • Self-love?
  • Compassion?
  • Forgiveness?

And, yes, there are crystals to enhance the frequencies of all of these.

Crystals for Love

We are so blessed to live on a gorgeous planet that has cooked up all these lovely natural yet GORGEOUS frequency medicines for us!!

We can also work on all of these by working on our heart chakra…& there are crystals for that too!

crystals for love rose quartz

Let me list just a few good crystal choices here and what they’re commonly used for (But please remember that these crystals may not resonate the same for everyone. That’s why I always teach in my classes that its important to learn to work with your stones to see what they resonate for you personally):

  • Rose quartz: the go-to love stone, gentle, compassionate, loving energy
  • Watermelon tourmaline: joy, love, calming, heart-centeredness, heals  the physical heart
  • Ruby: builds self-love, reminds you how precious you are, strengthens healthy physical relationship with your own body … Read More
2020-01-27T22:18:43-05:0014 Comments
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