Some Science Behind Crystal Healing
Crystals can & do heal animals & plants in just the same way they do us.
This is my sweet Topaz kitty sleeping with her favorite healing amethyst! ♥
You know I SUPREMELY enjoy teaching how science & metaphysics agree with each other (I get so excited when I find new ways that it dovetails together!!!)
I adore showing how science is now finally catching up to metaphysics.
“Science and religion are not enemies. There are some things that science is simply too young to understand” (quote from Dan Brown’s book Angels & Demons).
Oh, at times, we can be so enchanted by how “clever” we think we are. We tend to think that we have power or dominion over “lesser” kingdoms; such as minerals, plants & animals. That kind of thinking couldn’t be further from the truth.
We are in fact, ONE with everyone & everything. Science is now coming to terms with this. Exploring their way through, just now stumbling upon what the Ancient Ones & Shamen & Trees & EVERYTHING has been trying to tell us all along.
Y’know, we are relatively short-lived (on an evolutionary scale) as … Read More