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4 Crystals for “Protection”

I often get some version of the following question in emails, PM’s, etc. Since I don’t have the time to individually answer these emails, I thought my blog was a great way to get the info out there. So here’s the basic question:

“I’m completely new to crystals. Which crystals would be good for protection, warding off negative energies, etc.”

OK. Firstly, I don’t buy into the whole “negative energies” thing…most of the time.

I feel energy is neutral.

It’s our perception of the energy that gives it a positive or negative feeling or meaning to us. Meaning, there may be  negative feelings within you that are resonating with the frequencies of the energy that you’re experiencing & therefore, it makes that experience feel “bad” to you. If your feelings are high amplitude enough (meaning lots of energy) then it may even attract those frequencies that feel yucky & AMPLIFY them. That will feel bad!

We are beings of energy & we’re affected by energy.

We’re made of trillions of cells transmitting & receiving energy all the time. Its so COOL to think of this!!!!

Dr. Bruce Lipton actually says that our very cell … Read More

2015-10-07T19:22:58-04:0069 Comments

Spotting Crystal Fakes & Frauds: Part 1

Hey Crystal Peeps!  I get a lot of questions about this topic & have been working on a loooong article on this topic for a loooong time…it just keeps getting longer. A little bit ago I posted some of this in a newsletter about 6 months ago (you can subscribe up there on the right side of my banner!) I figured I need to get a bit more of this out there now  & perhaps 1 day it will mature into a grown-up full-fledged article! Yay!

So, is the crystal you purchased natural, enhanced or an all-out fake?

The only way to know for sure is with exhaustive lab tests, however, you can still use your mad-crystal-skills & a little geology to make a strong educated guess. I see lots of misinformed YouTube vids on some of these & just want to set the record straight so you can make wise & informed decisions when making your crystal purchases, My Sweets!

Glass vs. Quartz

Glass is an amorphous solid. Oooooo, BIG SEXY SCIENTIFIC WORD! Amorphous just means that due to quick cooling, the molecules didn’t have time to arrange themselves in a crystalline repeating geometric pattern.

Quartz, on other hand, cooled slowly & … Read More

2021-02-09T10:59:29-05:00144 Comments

Feelin’ “Yuck & Stuck”? Need to Ground?

Feelin’ tired, floaty, dizzy, spaced out, uncoordinated, lethargic? Feel there’s an energy shift going on?

So many of you have been telling me about these symptoms that I just had to write this post. There are things we can do, Sweet Pea!

But 1st…the boring disclaimer… (Crystal healing & therapy should be used with the understanding that it is part of a holistic treatment plan. It’s not meant to take the place of standard medical or psychological treatment, but to accompany & work alongside. The information contained herein is metaphysical in nature & does not claim to heal or cure.) OK, got that outta the way. Besides, you have the power within you to cure yourself of ANYTHING! And we can use crystals as a tool, guide & support. 🙂

So, in doing my science-y yet esoteric research & in teaching many Crystalline Cohorts all around our beloved planet, I think I’ve stumbled on to something pretty profound here, My Sweets! Energy shifts ABOUND! There are many reasons why we’re feeling “yuck & stuck”.

Just a Wee Bit O’ Science & Possible Reasons for the Energy Shift

  1. Once every 26,000 years our Mother Earth’s wobbles on her axis. Some say when this happens … Read More
2014-02-12T22:16:44-05:0045 Comments

Top Crystal Picks for Weight Loss

I’m often asked about what crystals can help us to lose weight & how to use them.

First, let me just say that just like with any other weight loss remedy, you cannot depend on the crystals alone. They should be used as a tool & support to help give the other magnificent things you’re doing a wonderful boost…like watching what we eat & getting proper exercise.

Having said that, I used to always recommend my fav high-energy energy stones like carnelian & citrine. THEY ARE THE BOMB at boosting energy, BUT they can boost appetite as well in some people! Oooopsie! So, a number of years ago I switched up my weight loss crystal support system & the data is in…these picks work wonders.


I now like to recommend this POWERFUL combo:

  1. apatite (how ironic is that name?!)
  2. sunstone
  3. sodalite

apatite Apatite. Photo by Rob Lavinsky,

sunstone Sunstone. Photo by Ra’ike

sodalite Sodalite

Apatite & sunstone are both SUPREME for suppressing hunger & rrrrrrrevving up your metabolism! Sodalite will simply eeeeease the whole process by … Read More

2014-07-31T10:40:57-04:0074 Comments
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