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How To Make Your Big Dreams Come True

I did it!

Today was my last day at work. *(I wrote this early summer of 2012)*

By work I mean my fluorescent-lit windowless classroom where I taught gifted kids (whom I LOVED) physical science. I will miss them terribly but I won’t miss the red-tape, the stress, the 20 min. lunch scarf-down, waking up @ six o’ frick in the morning, the negativity-mongers, blah, blech, boo.

Each day this last week of work, when I got home & peeled off my black nylon work socks I threw the pair away in the trash (they were so done!) & said to myself  “I peel away another soul-sucking layer.”

I am envisioning all the closets & drawers I will be cleaning out in the next coming weeks getting rid of all the things I won’t need any longer; all that no longer serves…and there will be A LOT!

I’ll also be creating a whole new productivity schedule for myself that includes plenty o’ time for exercise & walks outdoors to pick up a leisurely lunch absorbing vitamin D, afternoon grounding sessions for video time at the local beach less than a mile away (even if its just for 10 … Read More

2020-01-27T22:41:43-05:0028 Comments

Does Crystal Healing Go Against Your Religion?

I am often asked what religion I am.

OR if using crystals or crystal healing is “evil” or “goes against the bible”.

That last bit ASTOUNDS me.

As the founder & teacher of the Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Healer Course,  I must address this topic.

I’m taking a risk here again.

I usually don’t like to discuss religion or politics but I feel that in this case…it needs to be addressed. I am not looking to start a firestorm here at all but just state my opinion. It doesn’t mean that my opinion is the best one, its just mine. That’s all.

By writing this, I’ll also have a post to refer peeps to next time I get asked this question. 🙂

PLEASE NOTE: Flaming will not be tolerated here. This is a negativity-free zone. (Although I enjoy a healthy & mature debate be forewarned that any nasty, negative or demeaning comments here on MY BLOG will be promptly deleted so don’t waste your energy…go post it on your own blog.)

As for a religion, I have no desire to follow a religion. Too many rules & I don’t like labels. I like to have the freedom … Read More

2019-09-26T23:30:07-04:00114 Comments

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Me

Fair Warning: This post isn’t so much about crystals as it is about me. The reason I’m doing this post is b/c I’d like to connect & bond with my readers here, creating more of a personal connection. I feel that sometimes I forget that & leave some personal things out unintentionally. At the same time, I don’t want to get too personal & give you TMI or boring tidbits you just couldn’t care less about. You may be completely uninterested & are really just here for the crystals so I may be totally off track here but I’ll take a risk, throw caution to the wind & for the sake of having FUN, take a chance! That being said, this won’t be a regular thing either. 😉

The last thing I want is a dry and dull crystal blog…if you’re looking for that, you’ve landed in the wrong spot!

So let’s go!

1. I’ve worked some sort of job since I was 11 (babysitting!) & worked full-time paying my own way through college & grad school with no grants or loans. I lived with a roommate in an apartment in Miami & got a full-time job when I … Read More

2020-11-19T22:55:14-05:0081 Comments

How To Kick a Cold in the A** with Crystals

Yep, yep, yep…crystals for cold and flu!

Ohhh, the boring disclaimer:  I think you already know that I’m not a doctor & am not giving medical advice. Crystals should be used as a compliment to & not as a replacement for regular medical care, blah, blah, blah.

Wrong season, I know…but I ended up succumbing to a cold 2 weeks ago; I got hit hard & I figured this is a perfect opportunity to let you all know how I use my crystals to bounce out of that (although I wasn’t bouncing too much at the time!)

Now, usually, I’m pretty resilient to these things but some of you may know that I’ve been doing some frequent acupuncture treatments to treat my allergies & I’m pretty certain that moved some energy around & temporarily lowered my immune system, allowing a nasty virus to sneak in.

I also think my recent excessive work habits & lack of sufficient sleep as of late also greatly contributed.

WORD TO THE WISE: This is not something that I normally condone but until I’m 100% done on my teaching contract this is how it has to be for me…only 4 more weeks to go!!! Then I’m gonna … Read More

2017-03-15T11:44:54-04:0019 Comments
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