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4 Sparkly Ways to Beat Pessimism

Sparkles + crystals + pessimism? Whaaaa?

It’s not always hunky-dory ♥’s & glitter ’round here. That would be totally unrealistic. So let’s get real for a sec.

I’m having a down day…this is very rare for me but its here just the same.

Today is my day during the week where I sit down & write my blog posts for the following week along with my newsletter. I usually have 40-50 blog post drafts floating around in my WordPress dashboard at any one time & I filter through them, slowly adding to them here & there as things come up; little gems that go perfectly with the topic. Then on Fridays I sift through & see what tickles my fancy to flesh out & finish up for the following week’s posts.

Today, while sifting through I saw my draft post with a working title of  “Beating Pessimism” & I thought “Nahhhh…not a good day to work on that one. Not in the mood.” Then I did a mental slap in the forehead…

“Dope! Today is THE PERFECT day to work this shiz!

You need it!”

OK so here we go. Ready?

You know…pessimism (glass-is-always-half-empty-attitude) has been linked to a … Read More

2017-03-15T11:44:05-04:0019 Comments

Crystal Healing Book Recommendations

So, if you’re getting ready to embark on your path as a crystal healer or you’ve just begun (or will be doing so in the future) my Certified Crystal Healing Course, you may be interested in what crystal healing books I recommend:

Here are all the crystal healing books I refer to in the vid:

The Crystal Healer
The Book of Stones
Crystal Enlightenment (Vol. 1)
Crystal Healing (Vol. 2)
Crystalline Transmission (Vol. 3)
Vibrational Healing Through the Chakras
Vibrational Medicine
Crystal Grids
Rocks, Gems & Minerals Pocket Guide
Gems & Gemstones
Rock & Gem Magazine
Crystal Grid Template Package

So that should keep you busy for a while!!!

Peace, Rainbows + Crystal Sparkles!


P.S. Are you dying to know HOW to work with crystals? Would you like to boost your confidence in working with them by learning the science … Read More

2020-01-27T22:44:49-05:0010 Comments

Crystals for Fertility & Pregnancy

Disclaimer: Et viola; the boring disclaimer:  I think you already know that I’m not a doctor & am not giving medical advice. Crystals for fertility should be used as a compliment to & not as a replacement for regular medical care & consultations.

In working with crystal energies over the years, I’ve found, there are certain life situations that peeps would like help with & I get asked about again & again.

Fertility is one of them.

There are many ways to work with crystals for fertility & pregnancy.

Here’s is a cute little crystal mojo bag I intuitively put together for women wanting to become pregnant or for Mamas-to-Be.  I included 4 very powerful tumbled stones to assist with pregnancy & enhance the energies of fertility, whether you’re looking to be more fertile or want some good juju throughout the pregnancy.

Crystals oscillate certain vibrational frequencies & these particular ones are the precise frequencies to have around during pregnancy. The ancients have known this for millennium & we are lucky enough to still have this knowledge at our disposal. I can’t guarantee anything but I will say that I get great comments & news from this little kit all the time:

… Read More

2020-01-27T22:22:34-05:0041 Comments

Is Crystal Collecting Ethical?

Working in the crystal biz, I’ve been presented with ethics related questions regarding crystals & being a both a student & teacher of geology, I’ve had the opportunity to ask & explore the topic deeply.

I take this very seriously so this will be more of a serious & passionate post, Sweet Pea.

For years I’ve found myself having to defend mineral collecting against environmental activists (of which I consider myself to be one)…some of whom claim that crystal & mineral collecting is causing major destruction to our planet while also related to slavery + poor living conditions .

I think there may be some  confusion between mineral & crystal collecting VS. mining for precious gems (diamonds, rubies, emeralds)  & industrial ore (coal, aluminum, tin, etc). That stuff is not what I’m speaking of when we speak of mineral & crystal collecting AKA “specimen mining”.

SIDE NOTE: We all know about Blood or Conflict Diamonds, but you do not have to add to the turmoil. you can choose to purchase Ethical Diamonds. Here’s a great article on how to go about doing that.

In my extensive research I’ve found that specimen mining usually has little or no DIRECT … Read More

2019-09-26T23:32:36-04:0051 Comments
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