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My New Biz Focus Crystal Grid

This sacred crystal biz o’ mine makes me so blissfully happy. And my creativity has been through the ROOF as of late. I’m coming up with crystal ideas like a glorious sparkly field of flowers growing everywhere!

But this is also not good for getting current goals & projects completed.

My last business-focused crystal grid did so well I decided to do a more focused 1 to get my creative-brainiac state more zero’d in on narrowing & completing projects at hand …then moving on to the next fun project.


So with that focus in mind, here’s my latest crystal grid:

crystal grid

Crystal Grid Components:

  • The whole grid faces South. Native American teachings tell us that south is all about manifestation
  • A Flower-of-Life grid cloth (yes, this is a silk one, which I no longer carry)
  • My grid centerpiece (the Intention Antennae) is “Big Baby”, my personal clear quartz intention transmitting crystal.
  • Under the centerpiece I have personal pictures & an affirmation
  • A gold mojo bag from a prosperity & abundance ritual I did not too long ago (contains some money, an … Read More
2020-10-06T20:55:11-04:0021 Comments

Crystal Cleansing with Energy, Baby!

I was inspired to do this video on re-tuning our crystals using sound acoustic energy by frequent questions I get about this. If you’re involved in crystal healing then you do need to “cleanse” or re-tune your crystals from time to time.

However, re-tuning or “cleansing” your crystals doesn’t have to be difficult, inconvenient or some long drawn out affair, Jelly Bean!

This method is good no matter how soft or water soluble  your crystal is. Its quick + easy too. And if you’re a professional crystal healer, this is a great way to do a quick re-tune between clients!

It just doesn’t get any easier than this.

CAUTION: Geek-Speak ahead.

Crystal Cleansing with Energy

So, what do you think? Please let me know your opinions in the comments below. 🙂

Mwaaah! Oceans of of sparkles showering down upon you,

2015-08-19T11:42:43-04:0024 Comments

5 Healing Stones for Your Toolbox

Recently I was asked an excellent crystal healing question:

If you could only have 5 healing crystals in your toolbox, which would you choose?

Five?! Whatchya trying to do to a girl?

I’m trying to turn out some serious Crystal Junkies over here! 5. Pfffft~!

Heeee! All kidding aside…you do want to build up your crystal collection slowly & purposefully & we don’t want you breaking the bank while doing it. So, I’ll be good & stick to 5. 😉

I usually like to choose crystals/stones that are easy to find & inexpensive. We have so many to choose from so why not make it easy?

1. Green Aventurine

For physical healing, vitality & good health, green aventurine is my go-to stone. Its also a heart chakra stone & a must have for most ailments. These pictured here are on the light side…aventurine comes in many shades…can be dark, light to in between.

2. Apache Tears

For times of grief, apache tears are good emotional supports & healers. A type of black obsidian, apache tears are beat-up looking & usually not smooth (as black … Read More

2012-09-21T12:13:25-04:0073 Comments

Crystal Healing Scientific Debate ~ BRING IT!

OK, this is not meant to be confrontational at all. I just couldn’t help myself with that title! LOL.

So, from time to time, those in the the scientific community (I do consider myself part of that community so not saying that with a curled lip or anything) stumble across something metaphysical, whether it be about crystal healing or other topics, that really rattles their cage & take it upon themselves to challenge the author of said “hoo-hoo”. Sometimes, the “hoo-hoo”writer is silenced by the attack. I’m not sure if this is b/c they’re blind-sided by the science or what. But very rarely do I see them stand up to this. The writer also may be simply choosing to ignore the nay-sayer & there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just not their style. Turn the other cheek, I get that. And often do it myself in other situations. But, not this 1.

Sometimes the attack comes b/c the writer made a simple yet understandable mistake…everyone is entitled to a mistake now & again, no? However, the attacker then chooses to discount the entire writing or book due to the mistake that they found, stating the entire piece is wrong.

Anyhow, I … Read More

2020-01-27T22:24:03-05:0044 Comments
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