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Are You Ready for a Crystal Challenge?

Join the Crystal Hottie Challenge!

Those of you subbed to my YouTube Crystal Channel know that last week I committed to pulling a crystal oracle card each day & working with a related crystal for that day.

7 Day Crystal Oracle Reading Series – Day 1

…& I did it for 7 days consecutively & posted each day on YouTube just like I said I would…surprised myself there! Commitment, Baby!

But what I really gained was totally unexpected. I got such insight into various energetic changes & emotions + a deeper relationship with those crystals that I chose to work with.

I got extra meditation time in & extra-special soul healing occurred…all b/c I took the time & committed to doing this.

crystal challenge

I gained such gorgeous insights + revelations that I want to share this experience with all of you. I want you to experience it for yourselves. As a teacher, I know there is NOTHING better than experiential learning; the process of making meaning from direct experience.

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2020-10-06T20:53:32-04:0092 Comments

Crystal Healing with Black Morion Quartz

A true Morion quartz should be black, no brown hue & most definitely not an irradiated smokey.

This is a piece I had  in my possession for a short blissful while. He’s pretty HOT, right??


This is a new kind of crystal for me…Black Morion Quartz (had to do a vid while I had him quick b/c I knew he wouldn’t last long…yes, he’s since gone off to his lovely new owner):

So, as I suggested in the video, I did a bit ‘o researching & here’s what I found out about the word “Morion”:


Webster’s Dictionary: “A morion is a type of open helmet used during the 16th and early 17th centuries, usually having a flat brim and a crest from front to back.”

Indeed, here’s what a morion looks like:

This makes a lot of sense being that this gorgeous crystal would be wonderful to use for transmuting negative energies & protection!

Sparkles, Glitter & (((HUGS)) to you, Chick Peas!

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2017-03-15T11:34:55-04:0011 Comments

What does it mean when your crystal breaks?

I get asked this question all the time. What’s the significance? What’s the meaning of a broken crystal?

So let’s talk about this b/c it can be pretty distressing when a crystal breaks.  If the tip get’s broken off or if it cracks.   (I’m excluding weak, easily broken or friable stones here…those obviously can crack or break very easily).

cracked crystal

What does it mean?

Sometimes it doesn’t mean anything at all. It could be just plain ole’ science & physics that did it like a heavy impact or thermal shock: extreme hot to cold or cold to hot.

But sometimes a stone or crystal just breaks…with no explanation.

So then we have to look at energy.

Think of it as the singer & wine glass shattering scenario. What causes that to happen?

The frequencies of the wine glass were perfectly pitched or perfectly oscillated with the sound frequency of the note that the singer was holding. This created a 3rd resonant field of greater energy & that cracks the wine glass.

The same scenario may be taking place when our crystal cracks. The vibrational frequency  of the crystal may be synchronizing with … Read More

2022-12-22T15:26:15-05:00304 Comments

5 Tips to a Better Night’s Sleep…the Crystal Healing Way

BORING DISCLAIMER: I think you already know that I’m not a doctor & am not giving medical advice. Crystals should be used as a compliment to & not as a replacement for regular crystals for sleepmedical care.

So…sometimes, a good night’s sleep eludes us all at 1 time or another. I went through a period there when it was happening to me several times a week. That was rough!

Now, that many of us live such fast-paced and stressful lives with less physical activity studies have shown that insomnia is on the rise. I feel it may be a combo effect of our hurried lifestyles couple with the Yuck & Stuck phenom I’m always harpin’ on about.

We all know that lack of sleep starts up a domino effect that ends up influencing many areas of our lives; concentration, relationships, weight,  emotional well-being, decision-making, communications, spiritually. All of this…left untreated…eventually ends up effecting our health.

And the quick-fix remedies of sugar, Monster drinks & coffee just make matters worse by releasing hormones that wreak havoc on us physically, emotionally & spiritually. Using the … Read More

2016-08-16T12:41:52-04:0020 Comments
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