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What is a Shamanic dream crystal & Shamanic star stone & what are they used for?

Hey Chick Pea!

With my recent post on Crystals to Improve Dream Recall there was some confusion between Dream quartz & Shamanic Dream Crystal (stone) or Lodolite, which in turn often gets confused with Shamanic Star Stone aka Shaman Stone. Sheesh! Let’s make it confusing, why don’t we?

See, this is what I mean about all the various crystal property books making things confusing.

Don’t get me wrong! I love my crystal books but you need to learn to wade through some of the fluff & figure some stuff out for yourself.

Dream quartz is explained in the post I refer to above so I’ll leave that 1 there.

Shamanic Dream Crystal

Shamanic Dream Crystals/Stones (Lodolite) are usually used for enhancing daydreaming & Shamanic divining. Shamans have also been known to use these guys for vision quests & to bring about healings for others.

Shamanic Dream Crystal Shamanic Dream Crystal. Photo taken by Mauro Cateb.

These stones have all the amazing qualities of clear quartz plus the additional vibrations of their different inclusions: Chlorite (the green parts) & iron. “Lodolite” is not a … Read More

2019-12-20T20:13:40-05:0010 Comments

Sparkly Crystal First Aid Kit

Boring Disclaimer attorney twists my arm to post- always consult a medical professional, no information here on this blog should be considered medical advice.

Today we have a guest post written by 1 of our beloved Crystalline Cohorts in our Certified Crystal Healer Course, Cindy King. She comes to us already quite knowledgeable about crystals & she SO IMPRESSED me with her Crystal First Adi Kit that I asked her to write up a blog post about it. Plus I like to get ideas to ramp up my first aid kit!! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Take it away Cindy!!

CINDY: I’ve worked with crystals for over 30 years now, but recently decided to take a class and get an “official” crystal healer’s certification (Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy Classes). It sparked an idea to expand my “first aid kit” with a few more crystals (I use this kit for myself, family and close friends).

NOTE: Carry a cell phone, in an emergency call 911. Always get out of the way of medical professionals and law enforcement.







Here’s some of the … Read More

2012-11-09T13:00:56-05:0017 Comments

4 Crystals to Improve Dream Recall

Do you have trouble remembering your dreams?

We’ve all had those nights. You know you had a really powerful dream but you just can’t remember the details…or just have fleeting bits n’ pieces & can’t get the message out of it. And then even those fuzzy fragments float away as you really come out of your sleep. Oh! Wait!! What was that? Oh….shoot…its GONE.

Crystals can help with that, Sweet Pea!

First, you’ll want to set an intention to remember your dreams before you go to sleep, say a little prayer, state an affirmation or do a light meditation for that purpose. Then be sure you have a pen & paper or a recording device at your bedside so you are ready to record whatever you recall as soon as you wake up. Now, let’s get to the sparkly dream crystals.

4 Dream Crystals to Improve Your Dream Recall:

1. Amethyst

Amethyst is a workhorse of a crystal. Sheesh! What isn’t it good for? Plus, its inexpensive & easy to find & GORG-BEAUTIOUS!

Amethyst is known for easing communication, allowing for a smooth easy connection with Source energy &  the spiritual realm. It allows us to let go & allow messages to come … Read More

2019-11-20T22:31:29-05:0038 Comments

Crystal Healing Books Can Be Confusing

Here’s another great crystal healing question I received a little while back regarding the fact that many crystal books tell us different things about the properties of crystals. How do  we know which ones to go by? So here’s the Q & A for you to get in on:

Q: I have a question about the healing properties that have been attributed to the various crystals. I have quite a few books that provide “definitions” and each one is different.

Some of the definitions are consistent for the common crystals, but others are widely different on others. And when I compare the healing property uses for humans -vs- animals, they are different.

Can you let me know how these various definitions came to be (did these people channel the information?) and why there is a different healing property when the same crystal is used with a person -vs- an animal? Thanks!

A: Most of the book info out there is based on either general properties that have been passed down from ancient info that applies to MOST of the population


it was channeled by the author or received in a meditation or by doing their own personal work with the crystal, … Read More

2020-10-06T20:51:26-04:0022 Comments
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