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What Crystals Should Be in your Chakra Stone Set?

Today’s post is about putting together a chakra stone set. You can put 1 together relatively inexpensively if you know what stones to go for.
Here’s a question that I recently received:


  1. I’m putting together my chakra stone set & am curious if it’s best to use the same style/shape stone for the set? For example should they all be tumbled? Or can they be a mix of tumbled & points?
  2. Also, when buying a pendulum, which stone is best? Should we use our intuition or is there one stone that is best for healing?



For your chakra set, it really won’t matter. Get what you can get. Natural is always best but sometimes you just can’t find them in that particular stone. If you have an easy choice though, always go natural! That being said, here’s an example set I usually recommend to all my students:

chakra stones

The stones pictured above are very easy to find & are inexpensice. I usually like to have a choice of 2 stones for each chakra on hand except for the crown here…no specific reason for that:

2020-03-27T12:43:21-04:008 Comments

What 5 Crystals Should You Have in Your Beginner’s Kit?

I recently asked the Crystal Hotties on my Facebook Page:

“What are some popular crystal topics that you would like to know about?”

I promised I would take the TOP 2 & turn 1 into a video (working on that this weekend) & the other into a blog post. Here’s that blog post.

I won’t get into what shapes your crystals should be, whether natural, cut or polished here in this post since that’s really a whole other topic for another day. Since this is for a beginner’s kit, my advice is to select the 1 crystal shape or size that calls to you most & still fits within your budget. If that means just getting 1 tumbled stone of each then that will be PERFECT. Go for it!♥

So,  what 5 crystals you should have in your beginner’s kit?

Well, that really would vary by individual. But we can determine 5 Must-Haves.

Now, there are so many ways to go with this. But I wanted to keep the list simple using inexpensive & easy-to-obtain crystals. Didn’t want to send you hunting to the ends of the Earth looking for the most rare & expensive crystals I could think … Read More

2015-06-04T11:09:52-04:0090 Comments

Car Protection Crystal Mojo Kit

Did you see this?

I’m often asked what crystals 1 could use to protect themselves while traveling about.

car protection crystal mojo kit

(I prefer a black bag for this but I ran out at the time I took this pic….oh well!) And yeah…no…that’s NOT POT. *Watch the vid for further explanation, LOL!!!*

I made this video a bit ago to show what my husbo & I use in our cars.

You can also use this for traveling on a train, plain or a bus…why not?

There’s a fun little poll within the video too. 🙂

Car Protection Crystal Mojo Kit

Here’s a handy ingredient list for the car protection mojo kit:

So stay safe & SPARKLY, Chick Pea!

2015-08-17T12:27:39-04:0012 Comments

Man Made Crystal-Stuffs: Orgonite, Andara, Aura Quartz | Fakes Series : Part 2

Sometimes I tend to burst people’s bubbles with my scientific approach to working with crystals. Seems I have a slight aversion to working energetically or spiritually with many of the man-made “crystals”, devices & “stones” that may be whipped up in a lab.

mad scientist

I really am not 100% comfy with putting this out there but I keep getting questions about this stuffs & my opinion on working with them, so I figure I need to address it.

Secondly, let’s please remember that this is my opinion & how I feel. We are all beings of slightly varying vibrational frequencies so my reality may be different from your reality & therefore we may experience things differently so don’t take what I say as final…by any means.

Thirdly…I say this repeatedly & IT BEARS REPEATING…if it ain’t broke, please don’t fix it. If you successfully use any of these items & they are working well for you, please don’t stop. You’ve figured out what works for you being the brilliant wonder that you are. Please don’t let anyone else tell you any different!

Fourthly, I’m not saying that anything man made won’t … Read More

2021-02-09T11:01:11-05:0091 Comments
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