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Tucson Gem & Mineral Show 2013

If you’ve been following me for a bit you know that late January/ early February is TUCSON TIME!!
This is when my Sweet Hub & I make an annual trek to Tucson, Arizona to shop for the most exquisite crystals in the world for all my GORGEOUS SPARKLY Crystal Hotties.

Now on to Tucson 2013!!

Me & Frankie: Muppet-Wanna-Be's! Me & Frankie: Muppet-Wanna-Be’s!

You know, this sacred crystal biz that I’ve created for myself…its the BEST GIG in the WORLD!!
I get to go into the gorgeous + magical Tucson desert, visit amazing side trips while there & SHOP FOR CRYSTALS the whole time too. ♥ magical
Yeah!! I KNOW!
All I can tell you is dream it up, Chick Pea & then start working towards that dream, every single dang day. It will happen.
OK, so back to Tucson. In case you hadn’t seen my pics on Facebook or vids on my YouTube Crystal Channel, here’s a little travel log montage thing-a-ma-jig.
*I had planned on explaining all the pics w/ caption, etc. but my blog editor is giving me fits & … Read More
2021-11-17T18:33:52-05:004 Comments

Crystals for Spring (or Autumn) Equinox

Spring equinox is coming up!! Do you know what crystals to use with this event?

No, I don’t have a religion or dogma that I subscribe to but I’ve said it before, I really feel a strong pull towards following the cosmic cycles. Back to nature, ya know? Back to what the ancients intuitively did & many still do. There’s a reason it worked so well for so long.

When it comes to feeling what resonates with my soul, I go with natural cycles & have this aversion to our modern Gregorian calendar. Oh yeah, its all fine & good for day to day getting shiz done but when it comes to health, soul nourishment + spiritual balance, the natural cosmic cycles ring my bell.

So before I get to the crystals, let’s tawk equinox stuffs for a sec.

The  Spring Equinox (or Autumn Equinox for those in the Southern Hemisphere) is upon us (Wednesday, March 20, 2013).

2 Cosmic Cycles Toys:

  • Here’s a great site that explains all about the upcoming equinox.
  • How about an awesome FREE app that keeps track of the Sun & Moon, Equinoxes, Solstices + more (iPhone + iPad only)?

If you live on the Northern Hemisphere, … Read More

2013-03-11T02:56:23-04:0012 Comments

Uncovering More Crystal Fakes: Amber, Rainbow Calsilica and Irradiated Crystals

So today I bring to you another post about the crystal fakes + frauds out there in Crystal-land. After the last post on the subject, I got lots of questions about others so here are a few more popular ones for you to be aware of.

Amber/Copal Crystal Fakes

Amber (not technically a mineral or crystal since it has organic origins) is supposed to be super-duper expensive, right? So why all this cheap stuff on the market?

Well, that cheap stuff is most likely plastic (ick!!) or copal, pronounced “coh-PAHL”. Copal is often sold as “amber”, but it’s not. Although it is very similar, it’s not amber. Here’s why:

  • Amber is the fossilized (40-60 million years old) hardened resin from a now extinct pine tree.
  • Copal, on the other hand, is hardened immature recent resin (only 1000 – 1 million years old). Copal is technically almost the same thing, just not as old & the names are often used interchangeably.

BUT, “almost” is not the same and the slight variation makes a huge difference in price! A reputable seller will make sure to note that copal is not true amber.

… Read More

2021-02-09T10:58:59-05:0022 Comments

Getting to Know Your Crystals

Oh yes, we read the books & they’re great for telling us what this or that crystal is good for. But as I always teach my students, I find the BEST way to make that connection & know what crystal works BEST for YOU is to do your own researching & work with it.

Really get to know it.


  • Carrying it with you
  • Sleeping with it on your bedside or under your pillow
  • Spending some time for a few days in a row meditating with it… seeing what messages you get from it.

These messages wcrystal meditationill be personal to you. Very specific.

What About Books?

I feel the books tell us what properties & vibrational frequencies that crystal or stone carries for 85% of the population but since each of us is slightly different there will be slight variations in this & that’s why some of us react very differently with a stone than another person. Remember, we (as well as the crystals) are all amazing conductors, receivers & transmitters of energy, each with its own unique energetic blueprint & personal life force.

Some may shy away from this b/c … Read More

2020-01-27T22:26:05-05:002 Comments
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