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How to Use a Pendulum to Find Anything

Find What You’re Looking For…Using a Pendulum

I’m often asked how one can go about using a crystal pendulum to find a lost object. (Now, it doesn’t have to be a crystal pendulum…it can be any pendulous object at all in fact).

Pendulums & other dowsing objects, like dowsing rods (L rods or Y rods), have been used throughout history to locate objects or resources.

An 18th century dowser An 18th century dowser

I feel & teach my students that a pendulum allows you to tap into what your higher self already KNOWS  so its not the pendulum having all the answers…you have them. The pendulum is just a tool that allows us to access them with more ease.

BUT… they’ve never been as gorgeous & juicy-looking as they are now!

chakra pendulum

 tea infuser pendulum a tea infuser pendulum with green aventurine for health

Now, you do already need to sorta already know your stuff & have a clear idea of what your “yes” & “no” movements are in order to … Read More

2014-09-26T14:03:00-04:0054 Comments

8 Crystal Tools I Couldn’t Live Without

In our crystal practice, we may have collected many various crystal tools for this, that or the other. Next thing you know you have a ton…but I find that there are a select few that I end up using most often. I call them my Go-To Crystal Buds. I’ve mediated with them, have a closer bond with them & seem to pull them out for working with most often. they’re like my Inner Circle Crystals. 😉

So, how about  a behind-the-scenes look at the crystal tools that I use most often?

My 8 Top Crystal Buddies

1. Big Baby – if you’re familiar with my blog, you’re well familiar with Big Baby. This is my large natural clear crystal point that I often use as the center crystal for many of my powerful crystal grids. He’s perfect for focusing & then amplifying my intentions.

crystal grid Big Baby

2. Big Mama– Again, if you’re a regular, you know Big Mama Rose Quartz Chunk-a-Lunka is a staple in my Love Grids. I usually use her in a grid where I send loving, compassionate healing energy out to many all at … Read More

2020-01-27T22:19:59-05:0022 Comments

5 Crystal Shopping Tips

Before we get to my 5 Crystal shopping tips…  I’ll tell you right now. I don’t like shopping.

I never have.

Nope, never got my sox off at strolling through the mall and ogling at purses, shoes & clothes. In fact, I avoid malls like the plague.

BUT… take me crystal shopping… that’s a whole ‘nother ball game. I’m all in!

Perhaps its because it’s not quite as easy as just driving over to the mall & this makes it more like a hunt. You have to wait for a gem show to come to town, shop at your local metaphysical store, which for some may be well out of the way or do your shopping hunting online with a vendor that you really trust.

So, perhaps its the fact that its more of a quest, a challenging chase, or a MISSION even that hooks me in…

But I’m HOOKED; line and sinker.

Where I shop

As you know, I get most of my wholesale inventory (which I don’t really keep too much of these days) and shop for special order clients once a year … Read More

2019-12-24T17:00:45-05:0025 Comments

Escape from Stress by Using Crystals for Stress Relief

How To Use Crystals for Stress Relief

We all experience stress from time to time. No one’s immune from it, especially not in our Western culture.

Its when we let it spiral out of control that stress may become too much for our bodies to handle; bamboozling our health. Stress causes energetic imbalances. If those imbalances aren’t dealt with, released or redirected that energy becomes denser & begins to manifest as poor health, injuries, inflammation, etc….in essence it’s saying:

“Oh! You’re not going to pay attention to this? Well, let’s just sideline your ass.  Now,  you have no choice but to deal with it. How do ya like them apples?”

Why let it get to that point, Chick Pea? Especially when taking care not to get to stressed out is such an enjoyable pure-bliss-out experience in the 1st place?

Having a tool box of  stress relieving tools that work for you is vital to restoring your inner peace & physical health. And crystals are the PERFECT additions to that tool box.

So here’s a useful yet practical list of ways to use crystals to … Read More

2021-11-17T18:42:55-05:006 Comments
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