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How to use crystals to attract abundance

One of the most popular classes I used to teach is 1 in which we learned to use crystals for abundance attraction, using the vibration of certain crystals to manifest more prosperity + abundance.

But before we even start looking at the crystals we have bust out of our old mindset & get into the right 1.


New Abundance Mindset Comin’ Right Up!

Firstly, abundance & prosperity isn’t always about mula. It can mean acquiring enough of anything when their’s a lack. But many do tend to think of “money” when they think of “prosperity & abundance”.

We all know money isn’t the end all, be all. We know money can’t buy happiness, right?…but happiness CAN buy money!!!

Yep, it’s true. Your happy positive attitude about money can totally attract it to you. But if you hate those who have it & have icky feelings about it then it’s really not something that will ever be attracted to you. Is it, Sweet Pea?

And if you keep thinking that you’re in need of money & that’s why you’re reading this blog post….that’s exactly what you’re gonna get.

You’ll continue to “NEED MONEY!”

So, I feel it’s necessary to … Read More

2015-10-08T18:37:59-04:0028 Comments

Crystal Myths Debunked

Crystal myths? Well, every interest has its fair share of myths, legends & misconceptions. Right? And I’m in no way trying to say my way is the only way or the right way but just giving you some food for thought here with this post. So, ready to do some crystal de-bunking?

My auralite 23 wand & my rose quartz buddy. My auralite 23 wand & my rose quartz buddy.

Now you know I love a good mature intelligent debate that stirs up a little controversy or just makes us THINK. Perhaps even debunks a few myths. I love to stir the pot with a pinch of controversy as long as its all in fun & no one gets their panties up in a wad. Its this sort of thing that gets peeps talking, reveals new info & sometimes I even let go of old beliefs for newer & better ones. I have no probs being flexy like that. No dogmatic buy-ins from me.

So let’s tawk!

I would like to discuss the concept of Charging or Programming of stones.

I often get asked by those new to crystals….

“I just got some … Read More

2015-07-13T11:17:15-04:0058 Comments

Crystals + 2013 Eclipse Energies

OK, time to do an updated eclipse post for 2013. I already let 1 lunar eclipse slip past us so time to get on it! And we can totally use crystals in tandem with these eclipse energies (I prefer to stay safe & just stick with the lunar energies on this as I’ll explain in a bit here).

Solar eclipse during totality. Photo credit: Luc Viatour / Solar eclipse during totality. Photo credit: Luc Viatour /

We still have 4 upcoming eclipses in 2013 to look  forward to. Those of you that have been following me for a while know that I love to ride those cosmic Mama Earth energies & I also like to layer various types of energies together of similar frequency…enter the crystals!

So here’s the 2013 Upcoming Eclipse Tour Dates:

2013 May 10: Annular Solar Eclipse – This type of eclipse happens when the Moon is a wee bit closer to the Sun leaving a bright ring of light around the Moon (the corona). Solar eclipses can only appear during a new moon & in the day … Read More
2017-07-17T16:54:02-04:004 Comments

Charging Crystals Under the Full Moon

Did you see this recent video I did where I answered some common moon-crystal related questions about charging crystals under the full moon?

In it I cover:

  • Why I feel a monthly Moon “Cleanse” is not necessary
  • Can you put your crystals out when its cloudy?
  • Can you put your crystals out when there are freezing temps?
  • Will crystals still receive Moon-Benefits through a window?

Watch the vid & find out! 🙂

Charging Crystals in the Full Moon?

Many Sparkly Moon Blessings to you,




P.S. Did you know that enrollment is open for our Certified Crystal Healer Course beginning on May 1st?

2015-08-02T13:52:45-04:0019 Comments
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