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Can you prepare foods &/or medicines using crystals & stones?

Some of us get soooo into our crystals that we want to use them in absolutely everything we do! Am I right? Ya feel me?

First! A Warning & Disclaimer:

You must be very careful & do your own research yourself on which stones are safe to place in anything you will be ingesting!! There are some stones that can be  toxic. Some may contain copper, aluminum, lead, etc. I know a fellow crystal healer who fell ill from accidentally ingesting highly toxic stibnite due it containing lead and antimony. So due your own due diligence & be careful. You may want to consult my Toxic Stones Page here. Since there are over 4500 minerals there is no way to list them all but that page is a good start.

Let’s get to it!

So the short answer to the above page title is YES! We absolutely can use crystals and stones to prepare foods & medicines of all sorts.

smoothieYou can create crystal water or as I like to call it: gem elixirs & then, anything that you cook using water can be made with gem elixir … Read More

2020-04-16T16:37:57-04:009 Comments

7 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Working with Crystals

I’ve been meaning to do a post like this for quite some time b/c I, myself, love to read about about other people’s ‘mistakes’ when learning something new. This way I can learn more from a different perspective while also avoiding those common pitfalls. I’m always a champion for efficiency…why reinvent the wheel? That’s always extremely valuable for me so I hope this blog post of my personal crystal experiences does the same for you.

Since I’ve already written or chattered on about several of these topics in the past I’ll put lots of reference links here if you’d like to dig deeper on that specific topic. OK? 🙂

And lastly, let me preface this post by stating (as I always do) that this is what I’ve found to be true & what has worked for me. I don’t claim anything to be “right” or “wrong”. If you’re doing something that contradicts what I say & its been working for you then KEEP ON TRUCKIN’, Lima Bean!

7 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Working with Crystals

1. How to Cleanse

When I first began getting into the metaphysical side of crystals, most of the info I scoured said … Read More

2015-08-18T15:56:00-04:0016 Comments

Crystal First Aid Kit

*Boring Disclaimer: attorney twists my arm to post- always consult a medical professional, no information here on this blog or video should be considered medical advice.*

A little bit ago 1 of my Cert. Crystal Healer students showed us exactly what was in her Crystal First Aid Kit & that spurred me to do this video showing you all what is in mine!

In this video I have Crystal & Holistic Remedies for:

  • Bruises
  • Massage & Acupressure
  • Fevers & Infections
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Cuts & Wounds
  • Pain Management

Crystal First Aid Kit

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And in the comments below, you know I’d love to hear from you. What’s in your Crystal First Aid Kit? icon smile Crystal Storage Get Organized!

Healthy Crystal Blessings!

signature3 Crystal Storage Get Organized!

2019-12-19T21:46:54-05:000 Comments

Crystal Collection Storage | Get Your Crystal Collection Organized!

I’m always being asked:

“So, what’s the best way to store our crystals?”

Well, there is no BEST way, but many good ways to handle our crystal collection storage. You just have to choose what will fit your lifestyle best, depending on how you use your crystals day-to-day.

Here’s a video where I showed how I store some of my non-display crystals:

Crystal Collection Storage – Get Organized!

These are the storage options I show in the video:

And check out how our very own Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Healer Lexi Stefanski does crystal storage for use during her crystal healing sessions with clients below. I love this idea!

crystal collection storage

You can find a similar portable storage case (like Lexi’s) here:

If you’d like to see how I store my crystal jewelry, please check out this blog post & video>>>

How To Organize Your Crystal Jewelry Without Driving Yourself Crazy

In the comments below, you … Read More

2016-06-22T10:06:33-04:007 Comments
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