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Crystal Healing Q & A: Hormones, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure

BORING DISCLAIMER: I think you already know that I’m not a doctor & am not giving medical advice. Crystals should be used as a compliment to & not as a replacement for regular medical care & consultations.

I get asked all the time…what crystal will heal this or what crystal will heal that?

This is a highly controversial topic, you know!

Although I do feel crystals are most certainly able to help heal us..on this front, I’m always cautious in what I tell people:

Crystal healing can part of a holistic treatment plan for just about any ailment.

I don’t usually rely on crystal healing as a stand-alone treatment but as a very handy compliment. In fact, I feel every aspect of our health can benefit from a multi-layered approach & not rely on one method only. After all, several harmonics all resonating together in music is found to be pleasing to the ear.

There’s a reason for that, Sweet Pea 😉

Crystal Healing Q & A: Hormones, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure

Gorgeous Crystal Eye Candy

This is a very special jumbo specimen of sodalite, 1 of the stones discussed in this week's video… Read More

2013-09-27T17:22:26-04:001 Comment

How Do We Know What Energy Crystals Have? & Pendulums

Have you ever wondered…

  • How Do We Know What Energy Crystals Have? Where did we get this information from?

  • What Causes a Pendulum to Spin when we ask it a “Yes” or “No” Question?

If so, this exactly what we’re talking about today in my video!

How Do We Know What Energy Crystals Have? Where did we get this information from?

I discuss specifically where most of the popular crystal info comes from & what it’s based on. I’ll also reveal how to find out how each crystal will work best with you individually. Here’s a tip:

Tweet it out: When working with a new crystal, it’s best if you can remove all previous bias. @HibiscusMoon1

What Causes a Pendulum to Spin when we ask it a “Yes” or “No” Question?

Does it tap into Source Energy? Are you actually moving it? Yep, we’ll discuss that!

I also go over a very  important point about working with a pendulum to get your most accurate results.

*Would you like to leave your own crystal question for me? Just click here.*

So, have you faced these same … Read More

2013-09-14T12:06:15-04:001 Comment

I’ve got a little something to say about MONEY and Spirituality

Ever get that nagging feeling that something is bubbling up inside of you needing to be said?

Before I go any further…

PLEASE NOTE: I’m taking a risk here again…but I feel it needs to be addressed. This of course, is my opinion. It doesn’t mean that my opinion is the best 1 or the only 1, it’s just mine, that’s all. Flaming will not be tolerated here. This is a negativity-free zone. Although I enjoy a healthy, respectful & mature debate be forewarned that any nasty, negative or demeaning comments here on MY BLOG will be promptly deleted so don’t waste your energy.

I recently had this feeling + a number of signs prompting me to get my opinion on this money matter out there into our community. I know many others have done this before but I wanted to add to the mix with my humble take on it since it seemed so many in my circle were/are having trouble around it.

money and spirituality

Have you noticed this undercurrent belief in the new age/spiritual community that big abundance should not be made off of big dreams or anything to do with … Read More

2020-10-16T02:16:51-04:0013 Comments

Is this course for everyone?

I want to make sure that we attract the right kind of student here at the HMCA. I love you all but we’re not all cut out to do the same things, you know?

  • First & foremost, I totally get that not everyone is cut out to do this light healer or crystal healer type of work. Sometimes there are other things that need to get worked on first. No judgements there at all.
  • That being said, I know that many get intimidated thinking “Who am I to be healing anyone?” Here at the HMCA, we realize & teach that we can all heal each other & that healing is a 2-way street…both the facilitator & the “heal-ee” exchange & receive. If we waited for all the healers to be PERFECT before they did any “healing” for anyone else….we’d all be waiting a LONG TIME!
  • Next, if you’re looking for a course that simply spews out crystal properties for you to memorize then this is not the course for you. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that but there are other courses out there for you if that’s more of what you resonate … Read More
2020-01-28T00:25:05-05:000 Comments
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