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Crystals & Travel

In this video we take the topic of traveling with your crystals to a whole other level (or I should say altitude…har har!)

Thanks to Christine for submitting this great question:

“Is it safe to travel with your crystals through an airport x-ray scan?”

What started out as what felt like a lite-and-easy-question to me…turned out to having me include some really important info that I think everyone should be aware of! So in this week’s video I will answer Christine’s question plus:

  • What are x-rays?
  • Is it dangerous to our stones?
  • Is it dangerous to us?
  • What kind of radiation can be dangerous?
  • Crystals we can take with us on a flight to help ensure safe travel free of anxiety, air sickness, jet lag, etc.

Crystals & Travel

Here’s a close up of that travel mojo kit I talked about….I never leave home without it:

crystals travel

I also want to let you know that x-rays will not damage or molecularly change your stones…you, on the other hand…that’s another story.

Here’s a link to that info … Read More

2020-10-16T02:04:13-04:0010 Comments

Does Solar Activity Affect Us?

So, this solar pole flip energy stuff has some of us really flipped out, right?

solar pole flip

As I discuss in this week’s featured video there’s nothing to fear because we’ve all done this before.  The flip we’re in now is only the 4th observed since tracking began in 1976.

Does the Solar Pole Flip Affect Us?

The Sun’s magnetic field flips regularly every 11 years at the peak of each solar activity cycle…when the Sun’s internal magnetic dynamo reorients itself. We’re not sure exactly why this occurs. Scientists predicted the solar pole flip would occur now and say it should be complete by December.

Think back to late 2000, or early 2001. Do you remember anything significant happening? That’s when we had our last flip.

What’s happening now is that the sun’s magnetic field has weakened, eventually dying down to zero point before ramping up again with an opposite polarity. So, north is south and south is north. Flip-flop!

It’s important that you know, that this is not a disastrous event.

BUT scientists do acknowledge the reversal will have ripple effects throughout … Read More

2022-05-09T16:41:58-04:001 Comment

Can Moldavite be TOO Powerful?

Are there crystals that are just “too much” for us to work with? Perhaps some that we’re just not ready for? Like moldavite?



Yep, it’s known as a “high-ascension” stone.


What does that mean?

High ascension stones are known for having powerful metaphysical properties & energy that are very easy for most to connect with…even for those of us who are usually dense to the energies. They are known to have a strong connection divine energies. Since these crystals & stones usually resonate with the higher chakras, working & meditating with them can be quite intense. So, that makes the idea of these stones very appealing.

But are you READY FOR IT?

I think you’re really gonna want to watch or listen to this video. It’s a sizzling-hot topic. 😉 You’ll see why I said that when you watch the vid!

I also give you some gentler crystal alternatives to start off with. 🙂

After watching, please join in on the convo in the comments below.

Can Moldavite be TOO Powerful?

2013-11-24T19:43:32-05:0086 Comments

How to Pick Out Crystal Fakes: Part 5

So this crystal fakes stuffs is getting to be a popular series here on my blog.

And I’m quite enjoying my role in revealing & educating on the gemmy fakes & frauds that have crossed my path.
You can check out the other parts here:

Before I get into the fakes & confusers I want to draw attention to in this blog post, there’s a little sumn’ sumn’ I wanna to discuss.

My aim here is NOT to completely remove the romanticism of stones & crystals. You know I’m all about the sparkly, glittery & spiritual side of them! Who do you know that sings their praises more than me?

But it may be time for a wee dose of reality when it comes to realizing that they may not arrive 100% unaltered in our hungry little hands. I’ve already discussed my stance on the ethics of mining crystals and stones here…different topic.

All righty…let’s get into it.

After stones are removed from Mother Earth, they’re usually given … Read More

2020-09-17T18:14:09-04:001 Comment
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