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How To Awaken & De-Calcify Your Pineal Gland with Crystals ~ Part 2

After doing a couple of videos on this bitty little gland, I know “awakening the pineal gland” is a highly controversial topic.  Lots of peeps have strong views about it & tend to get their panties in a bunch… & then the venom starts flying from some. Not sure why that is.

But, here on my blog (or on any of my social media properties), best keep your venom to  yourself or spew it on your own properties b/c I maintain a very happy, uplifting & positive space here. If you do choose to spew, you’ll be promptly deleted & banned.

HOWEVER!…I do welcome differing opinions along with healthy, respectful & mature debates discussing all view points. That is always welcome here. 🙂

And, just for a healthy dose of disclaimer juice…

DISCLAIMER: Crystal healing & therapy should be used with the understanding that it is part of a sound holistic treatment plan. It’s not meant to take the place of standard medical or psychological treatment, but to accompany & work alongside. The information contained herein is metaphysical in nature & does not claim to heal or cure.  Besides, with crystals (or without) you have the power within you to cure yourself … Read More

2015-09-30T12:37:15-04:0020 Comments

How To Awaken Your Pineal Gland with Crystals ~ Part 1

Our modern-day lifestyle is shutting down your pineal gland. Yeah. This is something I’ve devoted years of my own personal research to. What I’m about to share regarding the pineal gland with you totally rocked my world forever & I’ll never live my life in the same “sleep-walking-blind-mode” again. Do you really want to know what’s so great about your pineal gland and how to use crystals to awaken it?…Then read on, Lima Bean!

Why should you care?

Well, an active pineal gland allows us to experience so much more of our lives. To put it very simply an optimally functioning pineal gland allows us to:

  • open up spiritually
  • connect vibrational to Mama Earth’s rhythms; optimizing your own biorhythms…thus all your hormones
  • activates your third eye chakra
  • awakens you to new possibilities!

Sounds good, right? Now, I’m not saying that it’s being shut down by Big Brother on purpose. I know many are touting that…maybe that’s true, maybe it isn’t. I’m not privy to that info & I’m not here to argue about that. All I know is that there are things we can do to navigate around the pineal gland landmines & allow it “break out of … Read More

2020-01-27T23:26:57-05:008 Comments

How to Get What You Want with a Crystal Grid

One of my most popular past blog posts is How to Make a Crystal Grid. People tell me they refer to it again & again.

This all started when I started doing crystal grid videos showing everyone how I did them & how well they were working for me. I mean you could see it all unfolding as everything I gridded for happened & played out. I documented for all to see.

Because of that I’ve been asked to:

  • show my process in more detail (blog, vlog, etc.)
  • then teach a class on it
  • then write a book about it
  • then I built my entire Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy around it!

So to say I have MUCH RESPECT for crystal grids & what we can do with them is an understatement! But there’s another important ingredient to add to the mix; CLEAR INTENTION. I speak about this all the time but I felt the need to really emphasize that here in a blog post b/c peeps are still asking me “How do I get what I want?”

Tesla Can Help You GET What You Want

“If you … Read More

2020-04-08T14:19:51-04:008 Comments

How to Grow Your Own Crystal Geodes ~ Step by Step

When I posted a photo on my FB page of 1 of my recent crystal growing specimens, I got a ton of questions asking how, how, how?

So, if you’re one of those who always wanted to know how to grow your own crystals, this is the blog post for you!

You know I love my crystals for their healing props but I feel it’s really important to also get to know them in a different way; to learn how & why they grow, how Mama Earth cooks them up in her kitchen. This FUN activity gives us a little insight into that process. And you end up with some drop-dead gorgeous crystals in the end!

Plus this gives me a good excuse to geek out all the way!!

I know from many years in my old science classroom days that kids, teenagers (& adults!) really enjoy seeing the crystallization MAGIC at work! So, pretty sure you’re gonna eat this up with a spoon!

grow your own crystals

So first…

What’s a geode?

Basically, geodes are round rocks that have … Read More

2019-05-31T15:11:58-04:0013 Comments
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