Sparkly Highlights from the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show 2014
Hola Sweet Pea!
I’m back from the 2014 Tucson Gem & Mineral Show & I believe I’ll be rollin’ out Tucson video footage of one kind or another for a couple of weeks here.
In addition to basking in the energy of so many lovely crystals & choosing some very special pieces to come home with me, this year I got to meet several inspiring “Crystal People!”
I met up for a scenic tea & coffee overlooking Beautiful Tucson with 1 of my fav. Crystal Authors, Philip Permutt & his wife Lynn & Crystal Priestess (OK, I LOVE that…don’t you?) LoriAAndrus. Such a lovely get together & what an honor. You ‘ll see our photos togehter along with so many lovely crystals as I did spend some time sorting & organizing all them into an online album here for you to see…if you’re interested:
Photo album
I’ve been attending this annual event for years now specifically to search for the most exquisite crystals in the world for all my GORGEOUS SPARKLY Crystal Hotties & I tell ya…it somehow gets better every year! Due to several mining reality shows … Read More