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What Mom Never Told You About Autoimmune Diseases, Lupus, Fibromyalgia

…or maybe you’re Mom is really on her game when it comes to autoimmune diseases, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. & DID tell you about this stuff! But with these dis-eases on the rise…I think its time to discuss it here on my blog. very generally sums up an autoimmune dis-ease like this:

general, lingering symptoms, means your immune system is attacking healthy tissue.

BORING DISCLAIMER: I think you already know that I’m not a doctor & am not giving medical advice. Crystals should be used as a compliment to & not as a replacement for regular medical care & consultations. Let me also warn you that this is a link-rich post. I have lots of good resources here to refer you to. ALL of the products that I recommend are products that I have personally used & HIGHLY recommend. Some of the links below are affiliate links that will earn me a commission if you purchase through them, but you can certainly purchase through a different link. Just wanted you to know that I wouldn’t have them here if I didn’t totally believe in them. 🙂

OK, let’s get on with it.

Like I said, it seems that crystal-related … Read More

2019-12-20T19:55:30-05:0035 Comments

How & Why Crystals have Healing Properties

Ah, THIS is the question I’m asked to defend over & over. And I love doing it! So let’s talk some crystal energy science, shall we?

“Why or how do crystals help heal us either physically, emotionally or spiritually?”


My fav way to answer this question is to show how science & metaphysics agree with each other. YES, you read that right…I said “agree with each other”…as well as discuss all the ways that science is now finally catching up to metaphysics.

“Science and religion are not enemies. There are some things that science is simply too young to understand.”

~(quote from Dan Brown’s book Angels & Demons).

Oh yeah, us humans…we think we’re so superior. We tend to think that we have power or dominion over “lesser” kingdoms, such as minerals. Don’t we? However, when we  compare the 2; humans are relatively short-lived & quite vibrationally unsteady, therefore easily energetically influenced due to our emotions, which are simply energy, you know.

I get much deeper into this in my course, but we can do a pretty good summary here. See, our body has a … Read More

2015-06-23T17:55:02-04:0013 Comments

Spring/Easter Sparkly Crystal Geodes!

It’s almost Easter so I think it’s time to for some Crystal Hottie Egg Shell Geode GROWIN’ again!!

Sound like fun? It is!

Grow Your Own Crystal Geodes!

grow crystal geodes looks just like amethyst, doesn’t it??!

About 6 months ago I posted a photo on my FB page of 1 of my recent crystal growing specimens. You see, the Hibiscus Moon Advanced Crystal Masters grow crystals as part of their course ohhhm-work & so I decided to show them a super-fun & popular lab experiment I used to do with my teenage science students. This version I’m presenting here is really watered down so no long essays on crystallography necessary. LUCKY YOU! I showed these off on my FB page & proceeded to get a ton of questions asking how to grow these.

I had no idea so many Crystal Hotties would get into this?


So, I filmed a how-to video on how to grow your very own. (WARNING: the maker of this video has a major obsession with the TV show Breaking Bad!) … Read More

2019-05-31T15:10:19-04:002 Comments

Crystals + 2014 Eclipse Energies

OK, time to do an updated lunar eclipse and crystals post for 2014 & just in time for our 1st eclipse in April. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I love to ride our cosmic local Solar System energies. I also LOVE to layer various types of similar vibrational frequencies together for lovely harmony…and that, of course, includes crystals!

Big eclipses, Big letting go…Exciting stuffs!

What makes the upcoming eclipses really exciting is that most of these eclipses will be visible form North America (bit selfish, I know).

So the party gets started on April 15th for a spectacular midnight eclipse! As, I’ve mentioned before eclipse usually occur in pairs of lunar & solar. This year’s set is known as a lunar eclipse tetrad; a series of 4 consecutive real-deal full eclipses occurring about 6 months apart (some of these flowing into 2015). I say real-deal, b/c these aren’t partial eclipse but the FULL-ON ENERGY. So put your seat belts on. And…the really unique thing is that with this tetrad; all visible somewhere in the US. 

Upcoming Eclipses

Here’s what’s on tap for our 2014 eclipses (click on … Read More

2017-03-15T11:40:55-04:003 Comments
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