I’ve been wondering whether I should share this or not. Obviously, I decided to SHARE IT.
Here I am. Ready to share.
Over the years – through many years of blogging now – I’ve realized that when I wonder if I should share something, that’s really the Universe telling me that there is something that really needs to be said & its going to resonate really well with my tribe.
So, I should just share it. I’ve learned: when it feels scary, just do it because it always resonates & ends up being a really popular blog post b/c so many others are feeling the same or will totally get it. It always polarizes some people too, and that’s OK because I realize every time I do that, I make my tribe more pure. It becomes more a tribe that really resonates with ME. Those that don’t vibe with what I’m saying naturally drop off & leave. That’s OK that we disagree. It just means that they shouldn’t be following me & should be following someone else or beating their own drum. 😉