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Should Some Crystals NEVER Be Together?

Crystal blessings everybody!  I am back to doing videos. I decided to just do a pared-down format like I had talked about in my newsletter. It’s just easier to crank them out this way and we’ll give it a go and see how it goes.

A little while back, I asked for some more crystal related questions so that we could have some content to answer in these videos. One of the ones that I pulled for today was really interesting. I sort of keep getting the same question of variation on this:

“Are there any crystals and stones that should not be put together or in the same room because they negate each other or it’s too much power in one room?”

There are a lot of ways that you can go with this.

Sometimes people think maybe there are combinations that should never go together because it’s somehow a bad combination.

I don’t feel there are any bad combinations of crystals out there that should just never be put together.


But then … the person asking added this…”because they negate each other.”

I do think that some crystals … Read More

2020-01-28T00:15:04-05:0099 Comments

Are you an Introvert? The 5 Best Crystals For Introverts

Are you an introvert?

What most people think of as an introvert is a hermit, someone who’s very, very shy, who never wants to speak to others. And definitely NOT someone who’s putting themselves out there on the Internet in blog form, video form, newsletters what have you….like I do.

So many people would look at me & what I do & think I’m definitely an extrovert, right?

Are you

Well, they’re wrong.

It’s all about Energy, Baby!

So what does introvert/extrovert actually mean?

Swiss psychiatrist, C. G. Jung used these 2 terms a bit differently than how many of us may use them, but his explanation makes the most sense to me.

So, most of us think of an extrovert as being very sociable & outgoing. And an introvert is often thought of as withdrawn, quiet & shy

Jung, on the other hand, described these terms as a way to measure the favored way to direct energy:

  • EXTROVERT – prefer to focus your energy outwardly, to the outer world & to other people, you get an energy boost from being around others, energy gets … Read More
2014-12-24T14:05:14-05:0026 Comments

5 Steps for Setting Intentions & Manifestation with Crystals at New Moon

If you’ve followed me a bit, you know that I love looking to the Moon cycles to plan out certain events & biz moves.

I’ve talked about what I do with my crystals at the Full Moon before.

But…today I’d like to talk about the New Moon & some New Moon Crystals.

New Moon Energies


First of all…why work with lunar energies at all?

My undergraduate degree is in biological anthropology where I learned about many cultures, going back thousands of years, that have looked to the Moon to govern their daily activities for everything!…from the spiritual to the mundane. Even today, many cultures still hold to this sage practice. I realized long ago that when anything stands the test of time, it’s most likely b/c it works…it’s tried & it’s true.

The ancients realized that everything on our planet depends on & is affected by the natural rhythms of our Moon.


Learning how to tap into the ageless influence of the Moon cycles to not only support & strengthen yourself spiritually, emotionally, mentally & physically but to fortify your manifestations & dreams will … Read More

2020-01-27T23:21:01-05:0011 Comments

Cracking the Code…Cut Crystal vs. Natural Crystal: Which is better?

This is a question I often get:

Is a cut, man-made crystal point, drilled crystal bead or other shaped form, higher in energy or lower in energy than a natural wand, point or rough crystal?


Cut and polished crystal pieces Cut and polished crystal pieces

I do feel natural or rough is inherently more powerful due to a couple of reasons:

  1. The natural direction that the crystal molecules have grown affect the flow of the crystal energy so a natural point will always direct that energy direction (We delve more deeply into this in my Certified Crystal Healer Course. So once a crystal that had a natural point has been cut & polished, it’s harder to determine which direction that energy is actually flowing.
  2. Secondly, the very act of cutting, tumbling or polishing can somewhat dampen the energy of the stone.


But lots of times we need a certain shape to do certain work!

For instance, a point directs energy in a certain direction (even polished ones do this, just not as powerfully as a natural point or wand would). So, perhaps we need … Read More

2016-09-21T09:52:46-04:0016 Comments
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