Should Some Crystals NEVER Be Together?
Crystal blessings everybody! I am back to doing videos. I decided to just do a pared-down format like I had talked about in my newsletter. It’s just easier to crank them out this way and we’ll give it a go and see how it goes.
A little while back, I asked for some more crystal related questions so that we could have some content to answer in these videos. One of the ones that I pulled for today was really interesting. I sort of keep getting the same question of variation on this:
“Are there any crystals and stones that should not be put together or in the same room because they negate each other or it’s too much power in one room?”
There are a lot of ways that you can go with this.
Sometimes people think maybe there are combinations that should never go together because it’s somehow a bad combination.
I don’t feel there are any bad combinations of crystals out there that should just never be put together.
But then … the person asking added this…”because they negate each other.”
I do think that some crystals … Read More