Sparkly Ideas for Using Crystals with Children
Hola! Crystal Blessings Everyone!
Today we are going to talk about…
& I’m so excited about this one, because I get asked about this a lot, and it’s one of my favorite subjects to talk about, it’s:
Crystals for Children
Sometimes I’m asked what crystals are good for kids to bring with them to school, to calm down their energy because sometimes, some children have a lot more energy than others.
I don’t feel like it’s a big problem (having been a former teacher myself). Some environments welcome that wild energy and some environments don’t. This “higher” energy may be more evident if your child is an indigo child. They have a different way of viewing &interacting in the world than how our traditional school system is really setup, right?
SIDENOTE: Here’s a great book that I recommend if you’d like to learn more about indigo children:
Some teachers out in the field nowadays have a solid understanding of the whole indigo child thing (we’re headed in the right direction at least)…and they’re on board & realize that there is more than one way to behave … Read More