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Want to know how it all began? How I started working with Crystals

Transcript of the video:

First, I want to tell you about a couple of things.

A lot of you ask me about crystal skulls.

We actually get pretty in-depth into that in my Advanced Crystal Master Course. A magazine that I subscribe to Rock & Gem, in its August 2014 issue, had a really good article on crystal skulls called Art or Artifacts.

2015-02-11 14.58.00

They tried to keep it relatively based in fact so that you can get a good overview as far as what’s what with the crystal skulls (giving you the facts) & then you can make up your mind from there. So, I thought that was a good article & I wanted to bring that up and tell you about that.

Then there’s the gem shows! The Tucson Gem Show is held every year in the end of January-February. There are some great online resources for the Tucson Gem and Mineral Fossil Showcase. They always have different things that are happening.

Sometimes the major places, the meeting spots move from spot to spot, but generally around all of Tucson; there are Gem Shows happening all over the place. And if … Read More

2020-10-06T20:41:53-04:0013 Comments

Can I share deep? Some stuff you didn’t know about me…

Tag, you’re it!

I got “tagged” by Flora Sage (one of my buddies from YouTube) for an Intuitive Tag/Challenge. This was something we used to do a lot of back in 2007-2011 on YouTube…there was a lot of these different tags that you would get tagged and it was just fun to do them and be a part of this fun of watching everybody else’s videos & then doing your own.

So it was really fun to revisit & do something like this that I hadn’t done in a while. But then I thought I should also post this here on my blog b/c many of you don’t follow me on YouTube & in this video I share a lot of fun personal stuffs that I would really love to share with YOU.

So, thank you Flora.  That was so kind of you to think of me for this and I’m excited to do it!


Here we go…

And here’s my transcript of this video with some added tidbits…

The Share:

1.  Share your first paranormal experience that comes to mind

The first thing that comes to my mind is … Read More

2020-01-28T00:45:36-05:0015 Comments

Shungite | Your Ultimate Guide + Healing Properties

Several years ago, Shungite came out on the new-age stone-lovers scene (around 2013-ish) and made quite a big splash.

I’m not sure why it suddenly became so popular. Still, it’s not usually listed in the older, more popular crystal property books, so people are often left wondering and asking me many questions about it.

Numerous web articles out there make lots of unfounded claims, so I felt the need to get this blog post out there finally.

shungite Raw Shungite Stone. By (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

What is this stone?

Estimated to be about 2 BILLION years old, shungite gets its name from its discovery deposit site near the Shun’ga village in Karelia, Russia, and some say it can be up to 98% pure carbon. That’s quite pure. 

Location of Shun'ga village, Karelia, Russia. Credit: Google Maps. Location of Shun’ga village, Karelia, Russia. Credit: Google Maps.

Most geologists now agree that the shungite deposit was created by layers upon layers of ancient organic remains, however … Read More

2024-02-28T12:18:52-05:00205 Comments

2015 Tucson Gem Show Round Up

If you’ve been following me for a bit you know that late January/early February is TUCSON TIME!!


This is when my Sweet Hub, Frankie & I make an annual trek to Tucson, Arizona to shop, learn & see what the trends are with the most exquisite crystals in the world. Then I like to come back & report & provide all sorts of crystal-content to you, GORGEOUS SPARKLY Crystal Hottie. 🙂


Unlike in years passed, I’m not selling any of these specimens. I may decide to do a summer time flash sale (of other specimens) if my schedule permits, but that’s up in the air. Stay tuned to my Glitter Update for any news on that.


I’ve been visiting the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show for many years now & documenting what I’ve been up to while out there on my blog. Here are a couple of my posts from my recent trips:

And I recently did a blog post with my Tucson Gem Show Shopping Tips for Crystal Hotties here.

I also shared … Read More

2021-11-17T18:33:14-05:005 Comments
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