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Crystals to Help you Study Better, Faster + with Less Stress

Let’s talk about Crystals to help you Study!

So which crystals are the best for this purpose?

I have 2 go-to favorites when people ask me about crystals that help you to concentrate for studying & that I use for any kind of concentration activity, clarity activity or studying activity.

Specifically for studying I like Fluorite + Stilbite.


Rainbow Fluorite can have really beautiful colorations in it. Fluorite comes in green, blues, pinks, purples; all different colors! I actually have a separate video all about fluorite here.

flourite point green fluorite

Gorgeous indigo fluorite cubes. Sacred Geometry at its finest. On display at the #TucsonGemShow Gorgeous indigo fluorite cubes. Sacred Geometry at its finest. On display at the #TucsonGemShow

Fluorite does exhibit the sacred geometry of the octahedron formation really, really easily in it’s structure.


Not always, sometime they grow in masses, but sometimes they do go ahead & grow just like the photo above because they are part of the cubic crystal system.

So I really like fluorite because it really ushers in that … Read More

2020-01-27T23:58:48-05:0011 Comments

Is The Power Of Quartz A Scam?

Is the power of crystals & quartz energy a scam?

No way! How will I prove that to you?

By throwing some science at it, of course!

Quartz is amazing in so many ways.

quartz energy

It makes up some of our very favorite crystals to work with:

  • clear quartz
  • amethyst
  • citrine
  • smokey quartz
  • rose quartz
  • aventurine
  • jaspers
  • ….I could go on & on

What’s so special about it?

OK, really quick we’re going to dip into some physics here. But I’ll make it painless…I swear.


Oh, c’mon…it’s not that bad.

So a wee bit ago (in the year 1880) in a Paris lab, physicist brothers Jacques & Pierre Curie (husband to Marie) made a new discovery regarding quartz crystals.

Together they found that by wiring a quartz crystal to a recording meter & striking it, they could produce an electric signal. Whoa!
Then they found that squeezing it resulted in the same. Wait! A rock crystal was making electricity here?

Well, not really making it. Crystals cannot create or generate energy, despite that popular name given to quartz crystals of a certain rare shape & size: “Generators”. But, some crystals can serve as transducers.

So what the flip is a transducer???

A transducer is capable of transforming one … Read More

2020-11-19T22:59:01-05:0030 Comments

Omg! The Best Crystal Mining Adventure Ever!

So we’re back from crystal mining and I’m now sitting down to try to round up all the content I collected while out on our magical Crystal Dig RV Trip. It truly was a rolling sacred biz trip.

Since I already gave you all the highlights in my weekly Glitter Updates, I’ll try to stick to just the actual crystal-digging in Hot Springs, AR here in this post.


So this was the adventure of a lifetime. I’m so glad Frankie (my hubby) & I did it!


In this video I:

  • compare & contrast the main quartz mines we went to, how to find them
  • show some of the crystals we hand-mined
  • give you digging tips
  • talk about the supplies you’ll need
  • explain why this was such a profound experience for me

My #BucketList Crystal Mining Experience

Why Hot Springs, AR?

You always hear about Sedona, AZ, right?

Well, let me tell you what’s so special about Hot Springs, AR nestled in the Ouachita Mountains and why I was called there.


Arkansas is known for having the world’s … Read More

2020-12-21T12:43:28-05:0020 Comments

WARNING: If Toxic Crystals Are So Bad, Why Do Some Recommend Them?

If Toxic Crystals Are So Bad, Why Do Some Recommend Them?

Well, I really cannot say why some recommendations don’t give at least a fair warning, but I suppose that most who are recommending the crystals assume the danger is low. Sometimes it is…and sometimes it isn’t.

Here’s a really good question I was recently asked by a student:

If Cinnabar is a toxic crystal why do crystal healing books recommend it?

For that matter, why would anyone recommend working with ANY toxic crystals at all?

In this video, I answer that question

Cinnabar are the red crystals in the photo below. The proper mineral name for Cinnabar happens to be Mercury Sulfide.

Cinnabar on dolomite & quartzCinnabar has a Mohs hardness (that’s a term we use to determine how hard it is) of 2 to 2.5. That means it’s relatively soft, meaning it can easily be scratched & can flake off. So, mercury that can easily flake off…hmmm, something to keep in mind.

Now, you may know that mercury is a toxic element…and it’s been known to make people go crazy. That’s right, NUTBALLZ.

This is where the Mad_Hatter_and_the_Rabbit… Read More

2017-12-30T09:22:39-05:0089 Comments
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