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How Carnelian is Bringing “Sexy” Back

In the crystal world, there’s no other crystal that embodies “sexy” better than carnelian: pure sexy energy!

Does this sound like you these days?

  • tired & drained? 
  • poor social skills?
  • deny yourself of pleasures?
  • lack of passion, enthusiasm, excitement?
  • lack of creativity?
  • fear of change?
  • frigidity and/or fear of sex?

Then this is the stone for you!

**Watch my vid here for several to-die-for juicy Carnelian specimens!***

Hey! Are you needing a boost of energy?

Need some Sacral Chakra Balancing? Oh, I’ve got just the thing for you today!

sacral chakra

Sacral Chakra is all about juicy creativity, creating life, creating art…creating anything at all. 

Putting anything into manifestation-creation mode is all about the Sacral Chakra; very watery, juicy, fertile energy.


And carnelian is our ideal stone to help enhance and/or balance our sacral chakra. It entrains us to the vibrations of physical & mental energy, creation energy!

In fact, if you’re needing energy or vitality of any sort, Carnelian really helps boost that.

It also amplifies our creativity energy; that “take-action energy”. Or if you are just physically tired, you could use a boost of Carnelian energy.

Carnelian is a somewhat translucent, yet vibrantly … Read More

2019-05-31T15:04:15-04:0020 Comments

Everyone Loves Blue Minerals. Right?

See...I'm on a blue mineral kick at the moment, b/c I got really excited when I found out what the 62nd Annual Tucson Gem and Mineral Show ® for 2016 Theme is. Can you guess? "Shades of Blue: Minerals of the World" I love Blue Minerals. ♥ I mean...can you think of any Blue Minerals you don't love? Today we're going to specifically dive into this blue ocean: Covellite Chalcopyrite Blue Quartz

2016-02-02T16:43:35-05:0017 Comments

Can You Overcharge your Crystals in the Sun?

If you’ve been working with crystals for any length of time you’ve probably heard about the recommendation to “charge” your crystals in the sun over & over again.

Can You Overcharge your Crystals in the Sun?

Submitted Question:

“I’ve heard that leaving crystals out in the sun can overcharge them & cause some kind of negative effect.  Hibiscus Moon how do you feel about that?  And how did you deal w/ that for your crystal in your garden fountain?”

charging crystals in the sun
This person was referring to this fountain in my garden. At the top of the fountain where the water rushes out I keep a large clear crystal quartz point.

That crystal is there all the time.

I intentionally  do that so that the water is picking up the vibrational frequencies from the clear quartz & pouring them into the fountain.

The birds (all wildlife actually!) absolutely love that fountain since I put that clear quartz in there.

And, I know it’s because the water is getting that specific vibrational frequency as it rushes by the crystal.

The negative ions there must be better than any other bird bath in the neighborhood! I … Read More

2016-06-01T11:16:03-04:0031 Comments

3 Crystals to Mega Boost Your Self-Esteem

Have issues with worthiness? Self-Worth? Self-esteem? Self love?

Well, I’ve got some crystals for you today!

Yes, I’ve got some crystals to help boost your feelings of worthiness, or boost your self-esteem, your self-worth. 

You know, a lot of us have issues with this.

Because…maybe we’ve been bullied.  Perhaps, there are people in our lives that talk negatively to us or criticize us for every little thing we do. 🙁

After a while you start to believe that stuffs.

Keep in mind, they’re being this way b/c you’re not just like them, because of their own feelings of low self-esteem & low self-worth.

These people make themselves feel better by coming at you, belittling you, talking down to you & making you feel that way.  That may be exactly where your feelings of low self-esteem, low self-worth come from.

Of course, there may be more extreme things that people have done to you or circumstances behind it: abusive relationships, both physical & emotional that do that to you as well. ((HUGS))

Crystals for Self Esteem & Worthiness

Let’s get back to feeling worthy & the crystals you can use to help reinforce those feelings.

Of course, in addition to your sparkly tools, you want … Read More

2016-02-02T16:47:26-05:0021 Comments
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