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Easy Gem Elixir! + Magical Mermaid Crystal Tea

I decided to make this video b/c how I do gem elixirs has become HOT Crystal Topic as of late (lots questions coming in for this):

How to make a super-easy gem elixir to tote along with you…

Many of you have been asking me for more details on how I make my easy-peasy drinkable gem elixirs & the NEW water bottle I so enjoy using to do this.

Easy Gem Elixir!

I used to recommend other bottles & gadgets with more elaborate designs (some were drop-dead-plop-your-whole-paycheck-down-gorgeous) & definitely more beautiful to look at…but if you know me, I’m Ms. Practical.

So after using those other options for a while I let them keep falling away as, either I discovered something I didn’t like about them…OR I discovered more practical options that could better fit into my every day life. 😉

So as I explain in my above video, I simply choose a NON-TOXIC stone I want to work with (preferably one with a Mohs Hardness of 5 or more so it doesn’t slowly dissolve in the water) & plop it into … Read More

2022-01-04T06:46:22-05:0014 Comments

Why Rose Quartz, Blue Calcite & Blue Lace Agate are the New Black

Fashion. What color is the new black now?

One day you’re in the next day you’re out. Pffft!

I don’t have time for that shizzle… I just grab the next t-shirt up for rotation in my drawer, match some bottoms to it, pair up some crystal jewelry I’m vibing with for the day & I’m good to go!

BUT today…I’m going to dabble in the fashion world again while I present my annual Color-of-the-Year video, where I match-up a crystal to Pantone’s Color of the Year!

Blue Lace Agate

Previous Years

This year Pantone made it more exciting because they chose two colors.

Drum roll please…

The colors of the year for 2016 are Serenity and Rose Quartz!

Rose Quartz + Serenity

The purpose of the color of the year is to “set the tone” for the coming year. Pantone has stated that the color they choose,

“has always been an integral part of how a culture expresses the attitudes and emotions of the times.”

Well…that’s a bit rich for my taste…but … Read More

2020-01-27T22:59:16-05:0032 Comments

Why is there so much conflicting Crystal Info out there?

Why is there so much conflicting Crystal Info out there_

I am constantly being asked:

Why do you say 1 thing about a crystal while a book or another teacher may say something completely different?

Even the books sometimes conflict in the info they’re giving out.

crystal book recommendations

The fact is that, YES…many crystal books tell us totally different things about the properties of crystals.

So how the heck do we know which ones to go by?

Sifting & Filtering

Chick Pea, please be prepared to sift through tons of random or conflicting info (or even completely bunk internet info with no credibility).

Remember to always consider your source!…the Internet is like the Wild West and ANYONE can say ANYTHING they want without any policing. It’s up to you to not just swallow everything thrown at you hook, line & sinker just b/c someone said it.

You need to do your own research, your own due diligence & then run it through your own intuitive filter.

Does this info resonate for you? Yeah, even the shizzle I’m teaching you…do the same. I don’t care WHO it is that … Read More

2016-03-21T17:30:27-04:0015 Comments

Indulge in a Crystal Bath for Self-Mastery with Nuummite

Let’s talk about the amazing goodness of a Crystal Bath: the ultimate in energetically power packed sparkly relaxation!

Crystal Bath Nuummite

In this video I’m sharing my recipe for a Crystal Bath for Self Mastery & Claiming Personal Power

I haven’t done a video from my bath tub “sacred space” in quite a while.

I was just getting ready to do a bath for self-mastery & claiming my personal power so I thought I’d take a moment & share what I’m up to with you. I apologize for the quality here as I didn’t bust out the DSLR to do this…it was really quick and in the moment.

I’ve been going through a paradigm shift of how I am doing things while also making more of an effort to connect with my personal magic.

So I got to thinking what stones or other energies do I want layer in for this bath, for the intention & specific purpose of connecting with my own personal magic.


I decided to work with Nuummite stones.


Nuummite is a black sparkly iridescent stone & hails from … Read More

2016-03-15T11:23:15-04:0012 Comments
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