Cutting Cords Using Crystals
First of all, you might be wondering what am I even talking about, cutting cords; what does this mean?
Well sometimes we feel like something is tugging or pulling on our energy, our soul or holding us back or blocking us in some way; and in the energetic healing world, this is often known as “cords being hooked into our energy field”…being hooked into our actual electromagnetic field. Sort of like being caught up in dark cobwebs. It’s often felt or seen as being dark, shadowy energy that is heavy and doesn’t belong.
Some people who work with energy; energy workers, light workers or crystal healers can see or visualize these cords hooked into our aura.
Cords may be due to all kinds of things…it’s usually due to some kind of traumatic event. Or perhaps we’ve allowed someone to overstep our boundaries, or maybe we have no boundaries.
Different people & beings may have all kinds of energetic cords hooked into us and those cords may be feeding off of our energy.
Good news is that there’s work you can do with energetic work, therapy and setting firm boundaries.
Here in this video and blog, I’m going to introduce some tips on how you … Read More