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9 Easy Ways to Raise the Vibes in Your Home or Work Place

Raise Your Vibes _ FI

Ever walk into a space & have it just




Have it feel yuck & stuck?

I know I have. That feeling is a very real thing!

It’s the vibrational frequencies of the space interacting with your electromagnetic field.

We naturally crave an environment that feels energetically welcoming.

A home or work space that’s vibing with feel-good energy is one that you feel at home in, that you feel positive in, that inspires creativity & good conversation.

It’s a place you enjoy doing your favorite things in or allows you to relax, meditate, read…and on and on.

salt lamp candles raise vibes home

Since a good-feeling space is not a vibrational match to negative feeling frequencies, you’ll be less likely to have arguments, sadness or even uneasy feelings in a space that’s been energetically-tended-to.

The good news is there are some vibrational things you can do (some involving crystals) to help make your space more inviting and even create a … Read More

2016-08-01T12:54:59-04:0017 Comments

Top 4 Crystals to Work with Moon Energy

crystals moon energy

Let’s talk about crystals we can use to work with moon energy. Whether it be for the full moon, new moon or any phase of the moon.


I feel that when you’re working with different phases of the moon, it’s not so much about the specific crystals that you choose to work with, because there are several different ones, but more about your intention of working with that particular moon phase.

There are several crystals that have vibrational frequencies that align with the moon in general, no matter what phase the moon is in at that particular time. Which is great b/c it makes uncomplicated work of it.

Again, it doesn’t matter whether it’s full moon or new moon, what I feel is most important is that you be very clear on what your intentions are & that you align them with that particular phase of the moon.

Here’s a very general summary of those energies…

Full Moon Energy

  • It’s a time when you reap what you’ve sown.
  • It’s when you’re grateful for whatever lessons you’ve learned in last moon’s cycle, or for whatever intentions and seeds that … Read More
2021-10-11T16:59:05-04:0029 Comments

My Honey Calcite Crystal Mining Experience

Crystals in Florida?

Honey Calcite Mine

You know I went a long time thinking that there were no crystals to be found in my home state of Florida b/c its too geologically young & for most of its history it’s been mostly underwater as part of a shallow sea bed. It wasn’t until about 33.9 million to 23 million years ago that sea levels dropped and Florida finally emerged from the sea.

I know, I know. That sounds like a hella long time ago, but compared to most other places, that’s relatively recently.

But a few years ago I discovered that just ain’t so! There are indeed crystals to be found in Florida.

Florida has huge limestone deposits leftover from the Pliocene & Pleistocene Era of Florida’s past… back when it was still living under a large shallow ocean…& that era has left behind large 2 million year old fossilized clam shells encrusted with honey calcite in Ft. Drum, FL. 

During the early Pleistocene era, this was the location of the Atlantic shoreline.

On to Ft. Drum!

Honey Calcite

Calcite comes in many colors and a while ago … Read More

2020-10-16T02:05:35-04:009 Comments

How to tell the Difference between Black Onyx, Jet, Apache Tear, Black Tourmaline & Black Obsidian

A common question I get from my students in my Certified Crystal Practitioner Course is:

How to tell the difference between our many shiny black tumbled stones.

There are several common ones that all polish up pretty shiny, making it almost impossible to tell them apart; both physically and sometimes even energetically.

But there are slight differences and I’m going to tell you what to look for right here.

I’m going to focus on the 5 most common ones:

  • Jet
  • Obsidian
  • Apache Tear
  • Onyx
  • Black Tourmaline

As most black stones usually are, all 5 of these are considered to generally be energetically grounding, protective and usually resonating well with either the Earth Star Chakra or Root Chakra

Now let’s get into the subtle differences…

difference black obsidian onyx

Non-Mineral Stuffs

I’ve divided the stones into 2 sub-groups of “non-mineral” & “mineral.”

The non-minerals, although usually lumped in with the rest of the crystals, are not technically minerals because they don’t have one very important aspect that all minerals must have: a crystalline atomic matrix, a repeating geometric pattern among their atoms.


Jet is not a crystal/mineral…it lacks a crystalline … Read More

2022-12-22T14:23:26-05:00173 Comments
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