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Sugilite: Stone of Spiritual Protection


Sugilite: it’s a very popular stone on the scene right now,  so that’s what we’re gonna to talk about here today. ♥

First off, just some geology pronunciation stuff: I know most of you in our community are perhaps more used to this stone is more commonly pronounced as ‘soo-jeh-lyt.’

This is a mineral that’s actually named after the geologist who discovered it back in 1944, Dr. Sugi; hence the name, “Sugilite”.

But a lot of people see how it’s spelled and they mispronounced it as ‘soo-jeh-lyt’.

It’s actually pronounced, “soo-ghee-lyt”, with a hard-G. 

But that’s the least important bit about this stone in the grand scheme of things. 😉


Here’s a quick recap of the info included in the above video…

Sugilite Geo-Facts

  • It’s a manganese-based mineral — also containing lots of other elements as well
  • most often comes from the manganese mines in South Africa
  • its Mohs Hardness is between 6 and 6.5, so it’s relatively hard
  • usually grows in masses, a stone mass.  Very rarely does it form a crystal, but when it does, they call it a “sugilite gel” — where … Read More
2024-02-28T12:07:33-05:0020 Comments

Is There Science Behind the Gemstones You’re Attracted To?

crystal attraction

Is there a scientific reason for you’re crystal attraction? Why you’re attracted to certain specific Minerals and Gems?

Consider that!

Let’s get this out-of-the-way first: THE BORING DISCLAIMER – I think you already know that I’m not a doctor & am not giving medical advice. I feel crystals should be used as a complement to a sound holistic health plan & not as a replacement for regular medical and/or psychological care & consultation. Please check with a doctor first before applying any advice given here.

So, is there a reason? I think I may have found one.

In this Livestream, I go over my theory on this…

Crystal Attraction Theory

It’s interesting to think about this crystal attraction thing, right?

I’ve been interested in bio-hacking for as far back as I can remember.

This is something new I’ve come up with, that I’ve been playing with and I’m super excited to share it with YOU.  Now, remember, I’m just telling you what I’m doing and a different way of approaching minerals and gemstones. As I already stated, I’m not a doctor.   This is simply something I’ve … Read More

2020-05-03T18:47:33-04:0017 Comments

How to Cleanse Crystals | Simple Technique

Today, I want to talk about how to energetically cleanse your crystals.

Not, physically clean them…

Now, I have a different take on that whole subject of cleansing your crystals.

**In fact, I have an older video/blog post about this but I decided it was high time to update it and give you my most up-to-date (& more condensed) info on this subject because so many people ask about this!**

So, let’s dive in!

How to Cleanse (Re-tune) Crystals

First of all, the whole idea of “cleansing” your crystals is one that I never resonated with.

When I first started learning about crystals, of course, I hit the books and a lot of people would talk about cleansing their crystals. And then especially when we took things online, I also remember seeing (way back in 2005 or something like that), a big movement towards everybody talking about crystals and cleansing.

Then YouTube came along and I recall seeing a lot of people talking about the topic again… and I was part of that crowd too, don’t get me wrong!

But it never really sat right with me because … Read More

2020-01-28T00:24:34-05:0066 Comments

Gem Elixir Thin Mint Smoothie? Oh yes! RECIPE

So, you say you’re craving some mint chocolate chip ice cream or a whole freakin’ box of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies?

(ever sit down and eat an entire box of those? I remember doing that about twenty years ago… good times).

But now, maybe we’re a bit wiser and would rather not wreck our usually healthy eating habits and lower our vibration by diving into something like that. Well, I have a great alternative for you today that’s super-healthy and high vibe too!

Ready to have something yummy + sparkly?

You’re gonna love ♥ this Gem Elixir Thin Mint Smoothie Recipe from a recent Livestream I did…

It’s a super-healthy guilt-free treat that incorporates crystals + minerals…and tastes pretty close to a Girl Scout’s Thin Mint Cookie! But it’s healthy… did I already mention that?

Check it out…

Gem Elixir Smoothie Recipe

It’s chocolatey, it’s minty and it’s gemmy…. and oh so good for you.

    • Blender (I love the NutriBullet!)
    • Almond Milk, enough to blend smoothly – approx. 1/2-1 cup. I like the unsweetened unflavored kind. Keep yer chemicals to yerself, please. 
    • Gem Elixir Water (make my own… aka a … Read More
2020-10-16T02:13:29-04:003 Comments
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