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Amp Up Your Voltage: Crystals to Support the Lymphatic System

crystals lymphatic system

As we move through our days, it’s easy to just mindlessly keep going, moving fast on autopilot. But we may want to start paying attention and slow down long enough to take time to read the signs. You know, the messages that we receive again and again to slow down… and lately I’ve received many signs to stop and give some TLC to my lymphatic system; in particular the need to encourage Lymphatic Drainage.

So, I did and this video/blog is the result. I found some things that worked for me that I want to share with you.

I got inspired by something I read about in a few different books at the same time (gotta love those synchro-mysticisms!) all around lymphatic drainage. I thought,

“This is a Sign!”

I’d had a recent uptick in allergies not related to seasonal blooms.  I knew it was from some not-so-great food I was eating that I know better not to eatI don’t eat super bad, but it wasn’t the healthiest either and it was affecting my allergies… as could have been predicted!

I know I’ve had these issues … Read More

2021-11-16T18:49:37-05:0025 Comments

How to Neutralize Negative Energy with Crystals

What can you do when you’re stuck in a situation that feels or you’re perceiving as negative, and you want to transmute that feeling- from an energetic standpoint? You know… because that negative-energy-downward-spiral can be pretty powerful! 

Do you desire to have some simple tools to combat its effects? 

negative energy crystals

We’re probably all familiar with this common advice:

“If you’re surrounded by negative people, it’s going to bring you down. Like attracts like. It’s going to pull you down to their level, where they’re at, so the best thing to do is just surround yourself with people who make you feel great.”

Easier said than done, right?

In today’s video I discuss this very topic:

In an ideal world, that would be wonderful; to be able to do that all the time… but sometimes, we’ve all been caught in situations where you’re just not able to realistically achieve that.

For most of us, you can’t just dictate and control everybody who’s around you.

There are certain things you’re in control of and certain things that you’re not. And sometimes, you just HAVE to be in that environment for a little while– hopefully not for too long… … Read More

2018-01-10T12:25:46-05:0012 Comments

“Do the Work” to Heal – What Does that Mean?

do the work

Do the Work

Today I want to talk about something that I teach about in my course… something I feel is very important for our Certified Crystal Healers and just generally for any energy worker to know & remember… and that is:

Anything at all that’s been left to fester or left unresolved within our energy field, will keep manifesting itself in our physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional life until we do the work to heal it.


do the work

So, anything left unresolved will keep manifesting itself until we do the work to heal it. There’s no skipping over that. There’s no getting around it. It’s just going to keep coming up.

Unresolved issues left in the energy field unresolved long enough; it just gets denser and denser until it shows up in your physical field as something that you CANNOT ignore.

It’s like what we all call the “spiritual two by four” smack right upside the head. There’s no escaping it.

“You’ve got to do the work.”

do the work

It’s something we procrastinate doing, we … Read More

2020-02-28T00:46:26-05:008 Comments

How to Make a Healthy Crystal Candle | DIY

Today I want to talk to you about my new idea for candles that I’ve been using lately… Healthy Crystal Candles, that is.

Here’s the deal guys …

I love candles.

I used to love ♥ Yankee candles and other highly scented ones like those. I was like a Yankee candle junkie.

And then I learned that they were bad for you in several ways but I still kept using them because I loved the scents so so much. I knew they were putting black soot in the air, I knew they had the lead wicks, chemicals and all.

It’s all shit, guys. You really don’t want to be breathing that stuff.

So I quit Yankee candles altogether about 7 years ago.

Those large candle companies and the enticing aromas; they know what chemical scents to put in there to stimulate parts of your brain that make you feel good… but it’s making your body feel bad.  I think inherently it might on the surface make you feel good, but really in the long-term, it’s messing with you energetically and mentally, not to mention physically.

People are wondering why so many have so … Read More

2017-11-27T15:04:36-05:0017 Comments
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