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10 Must-Have Crystals

must-have crystals


Today I’m going to share my top 10 must-have crystals.

Whether you’re a beginner or you’re intermediate or advanced, just check-in and see if you have these in your collection.  Maybe you are missing one or two?  It’s not the end-all-be-all for everyone, this is my opinion, so I’d love to hear what your top 10 must-have crystals are; please share in the comments below this post.

10 Must-Have Crystals

These might not necessarily be the easiest crystals to get because I don’t always feel like the easiest crystals to get are going to be the most effective for what we’re trying to achieve in our must-have crystal collection. Maybe it’s time to evolve your collection or upgrade your collection a little bit. Most of them are relatively easy to find, but a slight departure from the usual beginner’s list.

By the way, I want to say these crystals that I’m going over, I’m not talking about little-tumbled stones. Tumbled stones are wonderful (and I show you vesuvianite in the video). Great to have, but when I’m talking about 10 must-have crystals, I’m talking about something a little bit chunkier, a little … Read More

2022-12-21T15:46:29-05:00118 Comments

Crystals for Anxiety and Stress

Today we’re going to talk about crystal for anxiety and stress. This is something I get asked about a lot and when I did a poll on my Facebook page just the other day, this was the topic that seemed to win out. I have done several other older blog posts on this, but I’ve got some updated info and some cool stuff we’re going to do.

Oftentimes, worry and stress about the future is what can lead to anxiety, but some of us  have an anxiety disorder. Maybe we don’t even know what we’re worrying or stressing about, it’s just this anxiety takes hold of us.  I feel like it’s a side effect of living in today’s society. How w we lead our lives today is not the best … it’s the latest, but it’s not the greatest, right?

I believe that ancient humans had it down, or evern today in the cultures that live without a lot of the technology.  We’re immersed in the technology.  We’re immersed in so much fakeness from what  we put on our bodies to how we wash, to what we … Read More

2018-06-05T11:55:46-04:007 Comments

How to Use a Pendulum


Something I’m often asked about is how to properly use a crystal pendulum.

Well, we’re in luck because that’s what today’s blog post is all about.

Once again, I have a super old (CLASSIC) YouTube video on how to use a pendulum which I think I did it back in 2009… pretty embarrassing. I’m not even going to link to it!  (If you want to see that sucker you’re gonna have to dig it out yourself). It’s almost ten years old. Is that even possible, a ten-year-old YouTube video? 

I’ve been wanting to update that pendulum video for some time… and add some other little anecdotes and bits of info into this new version because I feel kind of weird referring people back to the old videos when I used to do them with my head cut off!

See, I wasn’t recognizable in the video. All you saw were my hands because, at that time, I was a Science Department Head, taught science classes in the second largest school district in the US, and I really wasn’t allowed to talk about crystal healing openly at the time.

Now I am. … Read More

2022-12-21T15:41:19-05:0024 Comments

How to Make Crystal Infused Healing Water

How do you make your own crystal infused healing water?  It’s easier than you think! 

Now, I know there’s a lot of Instagram posts about this, and amazing gem water bottles, and all that kind of stuff, so I want to talk about crystal infused healing water and why it’s so amazing.  Plus you’ll learn how you can go about making it yourself.

There’s many different types of bottles, and different styles available on the market for making crystal water.  I’m not a sponsor of any of these bottles or anything like that… I just want to give you my real experience behind it. A lot of people are asking me about this so I want to share it here today.  Just click play on the video and let’s go!

I hope you enjoyed this video on Gem Water today!  Do you drink crystal infused healing water?  Don’t you love how easy it is to work with crystals in this way?  What’s your favorite combo?  I’d love to hear in the comments below.

Crystal Blessings,

… Read More

2022-12-21T15:30:15-05:0020 Comments
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