Why Your Crystals May Not Be Working
One thing I’d like to clarify before we dive into anything else is that we should not rely on crystals (ALL ON THEIR OWN) for a specific cure. People often come to me with a medical diagnosis they’ve received, and they want to know which crystal is good for healing/curing that particular medical issue. When it comes to a medical diagnosis, crystals are fantastic for supporting a sound holistic health plan overseen by a medical professional.
Also, when I say “holistic,” to most people, that means taking into account all the different aspects that come into play with healing. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Not just your body but your mind and your spirit as well, so you’re not just addressing the physical symptoms. I believe when it comes to healing this is how everyone should approach the process and that includes medical professionals.
Crystals are PART of a sound holistic health plan
Crystals allow us to tap into the vibrational frequencies or healing frequencies that we might be seeking more efficiently. Not to … Read More