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Recent Mercury Retro and Eclipse Aftershocks | Crystals that Can Help

mercury retrograde

Cosmic Energies at Play Once Again (yes, you Mercury Retrograde!)

We’re going to talk about recent Mercury retrograde and eclipse aftershocks and crystals that can help. I thought this was a good topic because I’ve been going through some aftershock activity myself. How about you?

So, have you been through the wringer recently? Feeling like you can maybe use an ally on your side for some mood-stabilizing to keep you even kilter?

Last eclipse season ended on Aug. 11. Yet it seems to be leaving these rippling shock waves in its wake. I and many other people are in a cleanup mode right now. Relationships changing, ending with people, not just people, entities, companies, lots of shakeup going on. Maybe things you totally didn’t expect or things that you had an inkling about.

Then Mercury went direct on August 18th, but we’re still in the post-retro shadow until September 2nd.

I used to not even pay attention to the retro shadow. Big mistake. Lesson learned!

Wrong! This is the first time that I really got a kick in the pants to say, “Uh-uh, no. You’re not … Read More

2021-09-23T13:56:57-04:0028 Comments

Crystal Meanings | Are they Reliable?

crystal meanings


Do you find that your usual crystal meanings and usual go-to correspondences are dependable?

For example, has your go-to rose quartz or amethyst been as reliable as of late? I’m not necessarily asking if they’re “weaker,” but are they not working for you in the way that you’ve come to rely on?

Or maybe it’s that they’re working but they’re just “different”.

I’m asking because in all the years I’ve been working with and researching crystals, this is the first time I’ve noticed such a huge shift and many others (students, graduates and so many in our Crystal Family) have brought this to my attention too. 

In a recent poll I did; 82% said this is the case for them. Whoa! That’s a lot.

Crystals are millions of years old, some are even billions of years old. That’s just a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of a crystal’s life cycle. Right? So, perhaps this shift in energy many of us are experiencing is just part of a natural cycle. It … Read More

2019-11-16T20:43:36-05:0056 Comments

Crystal Overwhelm? 5 Ways to Overcome It

crystal overwhelm


Let’s start this blog off with a question… Do you have too many crystals and feel like you don’t have enough time for them all? Maybe you still haven’t found the time or a good enough reason to learn how to work with your crystals effectively. This seems to be a common problem among a number of our crystal family members!

Maybe you’ve been acquiring more and more crystals as of late thinking a more significant collection is going to make it all fall into place. Then you find yourself suffering from information overload! When we feel things are just too overwhelming to handle, we often succumb to the pressures of everyday life and throw our problems on the back burner.

I feel very strongly that no matter how busy we are, we can make time to learn and create the experiences we need. There’s a reason you’re being called to crystals. All you need to do is put the proper steps in place to overcome crystal overwhelm. 

5 Ways to Overcome Crystal Overwhelm

#1 – Chose Your Crystals With … Read More

2020-02-28T00:58:17-05:007 Comments

The Best Crystals for ☿️ Mercury ☿️ Retrograde

Crystals For Mercury Retrograde

From the 25th of July to the 18th of August we’re in Mercury retrograde period. Meaning the planetary orbit of Mercury APPEARS to be going backward. Astrologically speaking, this is retrograde motion, and it’s known to affect us all energetically. Mercury is not the only planet that creates this illusion in the sky either. It is, however, one of the most popular planets to discuss when it comes to the subject retrograde motion.

Why is Mercury Retro a Thing?

Mercury is much closer to the Sun and has a smaller orbital cycle; resulting in about three Mercury retros a year, meaning it affects us more often than the other planets. So, in today’s blog, we’ll be looking at the best crystals for Mercury retrograde. Mercury is known to influence things like, communication, telecommunication, technology, travel, and generally anything that has to do with business. It clearly has a very mischievous influence over quite a lot of things.

However, you should also be careful not to put too much credence into all of this. Some people get so fearful … Read More

2021-01-27T05:53:44-05:006 Comments
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